Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Aug 29, 2024.

  1. People chose whether or not to spend money on the tickets, knowing fully that alt accounts, soon to be dead accounts, and everyone else had a chance if they hit even one time on a single kini. ATA doesn’t have to look into anything, that alt, if it is one, could very well become a full fledged account now 🤦🏻‍♀️ Let ppl live bro.
    Runissian, Espacio and Jacinda_Rose like this.
  2. Nah
    nah they definitely have to do something about it, this raffle was lacklustre. 4 winners when people are spending so much money on the game. Not to mention they’ve been slacking off and reusing contents. :)
    Kith, Ydun, FastForward and 4 others like this.
  3. Poor them to those who bought so many tickets💀😂😭
    Espacio and ChiquitaBanana like this.
  4. When we know we win something. I have 17 raffle nd got nothing
    Espacio likes this.
  5. bought 45 tickets never got a single box
    Espacio likes this.
  6. am i trippin or did the winner only have 1 raffle ticket? 💀
    renamed52415 and Espacio like this.
  7. Again, no one had to spend any money. I agree that they could switch up some prizes, but they’re still nearly entirely free (any noob can get that ec quick) and up to chance. Adults with adult money can spend it how we want though, if someone deemed this worth $2k despite it being random chance, so be it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  8. Congrats to all the winners! 💜🌺
    Espacio likes this.
  9. considering a person won and he only had 1 raffle ticket, doesn’t matter how many u buy. If you win it’s ur luck 🍀
    Jacinda_Rose likes this.
  10. Anymore I just might try buying only 1 ticket. I’ve witnessed SEVERAL raffles now on here where the grand prize #1 winners had only 1 ticket 😂
  11. I bought 15 and got literally nothing, I won't be buying anything again. What a joke.
    PinkChampagne and Lumi like this.
  12. This has to be a joke.....
    PinkChampagne and Lumi like this.
  13. 60 tickets for a box..
  14. thecurseddaemon24
  15. Lol. I’m not in the post but my 20 tickets got me “runner up #2 prizes” so sayeth my prize box. 😂😂 I guess “runner up #2” was places 5 through whatever number. Going from logic with “grand prize” being number one, and the listed “runner up” people being numbers 2, 3 and 4…
  16. All that just to get a otaku amp wtf
  17. My heart is BREAKING for you
    dreamy and Lumi like this.
  18. Did he ever make the custom avi? Seems inactive.
  19. Did this ever go through? Will we see the avi?