[GIVEAWAY] With Love, The Mods: A Crate-tacular Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Day, Sep 17, 2024.

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  1. Mods are pretty cool, and I used to enjoy this game a lot. My favourite thing is opening up boxes.
  2. Thank you so much for doing this! My favorite thing about PIMD is just being able to relax with this game and collecting cute things! It’s a really nice way to unwind and I think of this as my comfort game. The cute misc makes me soooo happy and I love seeing it in my own showcase and in other people’s showcase as well!
  3. I've been playing pimd for 5 years now and honestly the best thing about it would be the people you meet along the way. The friends you make that are from all these different places. There are people I've met on here who have gotten married in real life. It's honestly beautiful. I also really love collecting furniture it's what really caught my attention when I started out as a noob. I loved decorating rooms. I don't have one entire set cause I love mixing decor!
  4. I like pimd coz u meet some great people.
  5. Hello! It’s so cool that you guys are doing a giveaway like this :) hope yall have fun w/this xx

    PIMD helped me connect with new people that have quite easily, and quickly, become some of my closest friends. Ive been playing for approx. 4 years, and Im still in touch with the people I first met on this app (we met at the start of covid lol). We celebrated our joys and achievements together, and we cried together when things got tough.

    On paper, we don’t really fit as friends; we all have VERY different lifestyles, different cultures, different beliefs/religions, and the age gaps are huge. PIMD brought us together though, and Im grateful that it did, because when I relapsed into depression, I was only able to stand back up with their endless support (also they helped me quit smoking!).

    In these four years alone, a lifetime has passed for all of us; some of us got into uni, some graduated, some had kids, some changed careers. When I finally graduated dental school, my friends aggressively flooded my gift inbox with teeth misc, and harassed the pub people to congratulate me on my wall.

    I dont know where our lives will take us, or how long we’ll stay in touch for, but right now they’re my friends, and Ill always thank PIMD for giving me some of my best memories. PIMD connected me to alot of people, and Im thankful for each and every one.
  6. My favorite part of pimd is collecting cute misc! It's nostalgic of when we were younger and would collect stickers (from like bubble gum machines). Collecting cute things in my showcase brings the same satisfaction, without cluttering up things at home lol!
  7. i love collecting stuff and avis on pimd the most due to the art styles of pimd’s artists and how they come up with so many themes through out the year🥹🫶🏼
    it’s also quite fun when sometimes we can find miscs/avis that are similar or almost identical🌚🌝
  8. My favorite thing about PIMD is getting the chance/opportunity to meet all new kinds of people and make new friends with those people.
    I also love how everyone comes together as a community to create a club, host their own events, and/or participate in wars.
    All these together create a space where people can meet other people and then create a new long lasting friendship between others and that’s what I love. :)
  9. My favorite thing about pimd is the thrill in what hunt is going to come and probably the avatars if I like them also it’s kinda fun growing like upgrading your stats and all of that, and it’s filled with fun people from clubs!
  10. I would say I love collecting the cute misc and the trade feature is fun also changing dorm decor like rn mine is pink and gold 😣🥰 and also the stickers are quite cute I met and interacted with a lot of people here too !!
    BIair, flameSy and Jaws like this.
  11. A couple things that I enjoy about PIMD:
    1. The avatars
    I've been here for a very long time and I've seen how much the avatars have evolved and changed over a couple of years! The art style is great and I love seeing the creativity.

    2. The furniture
    I enjoy customizing my dorm with the furni in the game! I know it can be a bit hard sometimes to obtain due to the chance system but even then, the themes are usually on point!

    3. The clubs
    Finding a club is usually difficult since you have to look through all the clubs that don't fit you, but once you do, I enjoy every bit of it! You get to socialize with people and get to know them better and you can definitely ask for assistance with getting furni and whatnot! You're not truly alone ;)
    BIair, flameSy and Jaws like this.
  12. Hello! I’ve been a long time player who took breaks now and then, but I always end up coming back. PIMD is somewhat of a comfort game for me, and the main reason - the inclusivity of the game.

    Seeing people freely be who they are is rare for me living in a conservative country. I’ve come to appreciate the fact the PIMD gives everyone a platform to be who they are - both the good and the bad. Most people I meet here are rather accepting of you, as long as you’re not toxic, and it’s a breath of fresh air compared to the social struggles many of us might have irl.

    Also, the avatars. Kicking myself for all the male avatars I missed
    BIair, flameSy and Jaws like this.
  13. I honestly love how creative they have been with pimd over the years. All the versatility of the hunts and prizes and avis . I truly enjoy getting to meet new friends and enjoy a very well put together game. It honestly gives me stress relief when I get off work to go just unwind and relax from both my jobs! Thank you all for all you do!!
    BIair, flameSy and Jaws like this.
  14. Long post ahead:

    What I love about ATA especially PIMD is:
    1) Even when I feel like "quitting the game", somehow or rather I will see a cute misc that I want or some nice Avi.
    The first thing that I love like I mentioned about is the cute misc and nice sexy(soft spot for any animal/food misc and sexy/cute avis).
    The design for both misc and Avis are very good with the Avi on detail point.

    2)The friends I make here. Through the years that I have played in PIMD I have made lots of friends here. We chatted a lot, make fun of each others and also shared some personal stuff(No RP or anything lmao). The friendship I make here is just amazing and also a good way for me and others to make friends worldwide.

    3) The events. I love how innovative and creative ATA can be in making all the events theme, Avi, furnitures like black Friday, thanksgiving etc etc so much fun with all the special invites, cats, dog parties.

    4) Adding on to number 3, the furnitures just give me the nostalgia of a campus dorm feeling even though the furnitures are decorated in a way that it feels like home. That being said, the furnitures look amazing which each furniture being quite detailed in the drawing which I am amazed at some drawings be made.

    5)New features being added. I really love and appreciate ATA adding new features like the stickers which I love it so much(especially the kraken sticker) and raffle for us to participate and many more. Adding more such events really help us to be more willing to participate and also boost PIMD more.

    6) That are probably more but I really want to ATA for working hard in making PIMD and other games possible for us consumers to play and have fun

    Happy ATA day and wishing all the employees the best! *Hearts*:)
    BIair, flameSy and Jaws like this.
  15. Lmao sorry for spamming I just had to proofread and revise it 😂

    Last one tho.

    In the span of 5 years playing this game, it made a great contribution to my development as an individual and my preferences as a whole. I've met a lot of lovely and insightful people who shaped my perception of different topics and in life. I never thought in my entire life that my character and opinions would be molded by a game or the people in the game aside from NPCs. This game is surprisingly confusing and overwhelming at first, but eventually I learned the value of being who you are, being humble in many aspects, as well as respecting the diversities, personal boundaries, and different beliefs of others.

    Another beautiful thing that happened to me was talking to the moderators and developers like they're close people in me that I can rely on anytime. So now, I would like to give my deepest and sincere gratitude to everyone! ❤️

    Stay safe, continue thriving in life, and keep doing great works, because you have no idea how much you can make an impact in someone's life.
    BIair, flameSy and Jaws like this.
  16. Some of my favorite thing in PIMD was‚ I made friends and I learned a lot. I even adapt almost everything I‘ve learned here irl. I also love every cat arts in MISC which I collecting on my showcase. I love the feature of this game tbh‚ simple yet fun and exciting. Some stuff was indeed frustrating but overall, I love playing PIMD. :)
    BIair, flameSy and Day like this.
  17. My favourite thing about Pimd, would be the Nostalgic game play and the people/friends I have met on this game. I am quite the veteran now and the game still has the original feeling it did back then. As the years have passed, it has had many changes and upgrades. But to me it still gives me great vibes to login and check in on how things are going. During my time on this game, I have connected with so many amazing people and I really enjoy this part of the game.
    BIair, flameSy and Day like this.
  18. The main thing i love about PIMD is the friendships I have forged with quite a few people and been lucky enough to meet a few. They are friendships forged on this game and without it i never would have met them
  19. Oh there is multiple things I just makes this app keep me going back.
    The avis always suprise me, as an artist myself I just live how avis are put together and how creative y'all get making new avis.
    I also love how you can create your own dorm, putting it together piece by piece making it your own style.
    Let's not talk about cute misc those are my weaknesses

    Thank you for the contest, quizzes in pub with this everybody can have a chance to win prices I think it makes it more enjoyable!
    BIair, flameSy and Day like this.
  20. My favorite thing about Pimd is the creativity you have with your avatars, dorm, and showcase.
    BIair, flameSy and Day like this.
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