[GIVEAWAY] With Love, The Mods: A Crate-tacular Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Day, Sep 17, 2024.

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  1. I love the game because of customization. While yes I can’t customize my avi like other games, the fact I can collect so many Avis and use them at whim and be able to create my room is super fun. I also enjoy the fact I can upgrade my stats and room without the fear that my account will be reset or the server will die because the “goal” was complete. It allows me to take breaks when I need to handle personal issue and not worry that all my progress and potential money spent is going to waste.
  2. Honestly, I just really like PIMD due to the item collection thing. Many players have their own preferred items to collect (Mine's mostly combined bb items, painter item sets, spinner sets, and special limit party drops).
    It's always cool to see who is collecting which items on their starred!
  3. I love PIMD because I get to collect and finish sets of things, I love meeting people from all over the world and the community it’s created. I love it for all the friends I have met and become friends with IRL. Adore my PIMD family!
  4. Love a game that updates regularly with amazing and cute items. Enjoy playing with friends all around the world🥰❤️
  5. During the past 5 years I've had a bunch of mini breaks in where I thought I wouldn't be playing again, but I always ended up coming back. And the reason why I did so, it wasn't because of the game itself, but because of the friendships I've made along the way.
    I met so many amazing people in here that I would never have met if it wasn't through PIMD, and they are definitely making this journey enjoyable and unique 🩵
    BIair, Harley, flameSy and 2 others like this.
  6. Its been a LONG journey with ATA , while playing over 4 games 🧑‍🦯 i know PIMD is the favourite child of ATA, KoH is the middle child. And we do not talk about SC and WA the twins. I love how they keep the community involved with lots of fun contest ,events and efforts that @[ATA]Jordan takes during feedbacks session. Overall i just keep coming back to this games cuz i love how simple the mechanics are and how we can easily spend hours doing stuff.
  7. The mods of Pimd are my favorite part of the game. They bring an incredible balance of authority, friendliness, and fairness that helps make the entire experience more enjoyable for everyone. It’s not just their role in enforcing the rules that stands out, but their constant presence in the chat and their willingness to help whenever needed. They make the game feel like a real community by fostering a welcoming atmosphere. One of the reasons they are my favorite part of Pimd is how approachable and understanding they are. Whether a player has a question, a concern, or just needs help with gameplay, they are always quick to respond and offer support. They’re fair and impartial, making sure that everyone gets treated equally, which really helps in keeping the game fun. Their hard work behind the scenes is often overlooked, but for me, they are the unsung heroes of the game. Without them the game wouldn’t be the same! Thank you, mods, for everything you do!
    BIair, Psyche, Defenestration and 3 others like this.
  8. I've been playing for quite a while here. My favorite thing about PIMD is meeting a lot of people which became a part of my life rn. Connecting with people in different regions and sharing life events with them is soothing and lessens my problems in reality. Playing this game is addicting especially when the event and the avis are lit af! Thank you for bringing back some avis that we didn't get back then. You guys are working hard! Thank you so much for being a safe space not just for me but for everyone else. Cheers to the mods and the devs. More power PIMD!
  9. There are quite a few things I really like about the game and instead of typing up a list of things I’m just going to tell a quick little story about my experience playing this game over the past two years.

    now not to get confused, I have been playing this game since I was young, it’s just been on and off constantly. Two years ago however, I decided to come back and stick to it, even made myself an alt. I immediately put both my accounts into a random club and went about my day. Over the course of about five months, I had made many friends and was always in the club chat, sadly the club had to merge into another club due to older players leaving. Me and my accounts moved over to the new club, Lovers Home. In the first month things were great, until everyone who merged from the old club left and I became the only one remaining in this club of new people, nevertheless they accepted me with open arms and I made new friends and many great conversations and experiences. Around 5-6 months ago I had to leave due to the club falling inactive. I didn’t join a new club for around 3 weeks, until I came across Demons of the desired, unlike most clubs with similar names, this wasn’t an 18+ to club so I set myself there. and once again I was welcomed with open arms. Now I must admit, I don’t talk as much as I used to for fear of losing friends and a place to call my own but I always remain active. A few moments ago, someone joined the club and had a similar name to the owner of lovers home which got me to thinking about it, so of course I searched it up, low and behold, it doesn’t exist anymore and I was filled with this overwhelming feeling of sadness. That’s what made me write this post. One of the main reasons I like this game is because it’s not just about playing the game, it’s about the feelings and conversations with other people, the connections and friends you make along the way. It may just be a game but I’m proud to have shed a tear at a lost club, a former home and now, only a memory.

    this has gotten a bit long so I’ll sign off here, thanks for taking the time to read. Peace out ✌️
  10. My favorite thing about this game is i get to talk to my old friends, for some reason they always make me happy even when i'm not that active anymore. We had lots of memories together and i can't wait to make memories together with my friends
  11. My favorite thing about PIMD is that I've been in here for 7 years and each year there's a lot of improvement and new challenging tasks that makes me intrigued and me as a gullible person I always end up playing this game over and over again. All in all, I can say that PIMD is one of the best game that I ever played.
  12. PIMD is the hardest game to quit playing. I kept on going back to this game over and over no matter how hard I tried to quit. And this is because of I'm scared if I missed the chance to get amazing avatars, furnitures, miscs, and offers. That's how good this game is.

    The avatars? Stunning.
    The furnitures? Amazing.
    The miscs? Cute and better graphic.
    The offers? Tempting.
    The game itself? Have improved a lot and addicting 🖤

    I really enjoy playing PIMD and I do see myself still playing this game for many years more. Happy belated ATA Day everyone!
  13. My favorite thing about PIMD is the artistry. I love seeing the new art and concepts that can be found in the hunts, the misc, the avis, the dorms/ furni, and the stories as well. (Yes I’m one of those people that actually reads them) lol. It’s always fun to see what the artists and dev team comes up with. But the one thing that keeps me coming back to PIMD is the people I’ve met while playing the game! I’m quite sure if there wasn’t a social aspect of the game and people I’ve met along to way to help me better understand the game I wouldn’t still be playing.
  14. The thing I like most about PIMD is how cute the miscs are.To me it isnt a game where I need to be online 24/7 to upgrade, in fact, I can be online once an hour and I'm good. Its kinda lift the stress out of me who likes playing games but too lazy to grind. I left the game years ago but when I came back I think its better than in the past. I also liked that ATA asks the players opinion about things. Bonus point: LOVE it when the male avis slay. Thank you.
  15. My favorite thing about PIMD would definitely be the community even though there's grumps,trolls and other I think it's apart of the fun. The cute avis always have me in a chokehold though ngl haha
  16. PIMD is my Goto place whenever I feel lonely We can connect with people here without being afraid of being judged.I cn be Myself when m here.Apart from This things that I love about this game is The Furnitures to decorate my dorm with diffrnt themes.It feels like m decorating my place for Real. The trade we do for collecting stuff and getting profit from them helped me alot to improve my skills.
    There are many more things apart from this like avatars, Friends , Events etc. So yea this r things tht I like about PIMD
  17. This is such a cute giveaway! My favorite thing about PIMD is the social aspect! I have met some incredible, beautiful people thanks to ATA and PIMD I was able to. I moved from a city I lived all my life in to a very rural area with barely any people so being able to meet people through an app that’s fun as well is a plus. Also love to see the artwork and story lines and hard work put into each hunt! I have an obsession with 499s so that’s something I love too😂

    Ps i posted from my alt accidentally please delete😭
  18. Hai I'm -Nancy- first all I would like to thanks ATA FOR CREATING THIS Pimd
    ILOVE YOU ATA 👉👈🥹🫶🤘
    BIair, DumDumGiveMeGumGum and Auri like this.
  19. I like the interaction with people ☺️ got to talk to an ATA moderator and they were super nice and told me about this so tyyy @Day 🥰🫶🏼 I also like getting to complete parties and dorms. I like the different quests to complete although I wish it was easier to get EC 😔 over all a really good game though 🥰🫶🏼
  20. my personal favorite thing about the game is meeting people I'd probably never meet in my normal day to day life. been playing this game off and on since 2016. many moments and friends I'll never forget
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