[GIVEAWAY] With Love, The Mods: A Crate-tacular Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Day, Sep 17, 2024.

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    A Celebration with the Mods

    Hi everyone! As the end of ATA Day celebrations wind down, we wanted to help continue the opportunities to win. This year to celebrate the new additions to the mod crate, we thought it would be fun to give everyone an equal chance to snag a mod crate! (This may also be to help with the recent demand for more mod crates in the market...)

    AS A REMINDER…THIS IS NOT A CONTEST SO WE WILL NOT BE JUDGING YOUR COMMENTS, it is a giveaway with randomly selected winners.

    How to Enter

    • Tell us about your favorite thing about the game or any ATA game
    • No word count on this one! Just try to keep it something short of an essay.
    • You may post your entry on this thread or the #ACratetacularGiveaway channel in the PIMD Discord Server. If you are entering on discord you must add your ign to your entry

    1. Keep all entries appropriate and decent. If your story contains inappropriate or indecent content, it does not belong in this thread and will be removed.
    2. All entries must adhere to the ToU and FCoC.
    3. All entries must be submitted by the deadline, October 8th @12pm PST, and in this thread or the PIMD Discord with IGN on entry to count.
    4. Only one entry per person is allowed. This means you cannot enter on alts, other devices/emulators or post multiple times for more entries.
    5. All entries must be clearly visible and in a format that can be viewed by all. Please make sure your entry is in the correct format and is not stuck within the quoted thread or in a light colored font. If you have confusion with this, please ask.
    Note: If there is any confusion with the rules and regulations, please speak directly to @Day. Your entry in this event signifies your understanding and agreement to the rules as they currently stand.

    Prizes and Selecting Winners

    Through this event, we will be selecting 22 winners at random who will each receive a Mod Crate!

    How will this work?

    Once a player enters the giveaway, we'll add them to our wheel like this! Then, once the entry period is over, we will use the wheel to select 22 players at random, removing new winners from the wheel as we go.

    All spins will be screen-recorded for legitimacy and can be posted if questions of fairness arise.

    Deadline to Enter

    The final day to enter this event is a month from now, on OCTOBER 8th at 12:00 pm PST. Please view the spoiler below or contact one of the hosts if there is any confusion.

    • 9 am HST
    • 11 am AKST
    • 12 pm PST
    • 1 pm MST
    • 2 pm CST
    • 3 pm EST
    • 3 am SGT

    ...And a shoutout to our other team members as well!
    #1 Day, Sep 17, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2024
    Croatia, iScEmmy, -NANCY- and 42 others like this.
  2. Love this!!! My favourite thing about PIMD is all the incredible art from avis to misc to furniture, it blows my mind how quickly ATA’s artists pump out content and I’ve spent a lot of time studying avatars in order to improve my own drawing skills, I’ve adopted a cel-shading style and just generally all-around creatively inspired by PIMD! THANK YOU ATA AND MODS💞
    QUBY, sweetietweetie, Espacio and 8 others like this.
  3. My favourite thing about PIMD in particular is, surprisingly, the opportunity to connect with people from all walks of life.

    Ive spent the better half of the past 12 or so years playing pimd on and off, from various accounts ive quit or restarted or forgotten about, but i havent forgotten the people and the memories they allowed me to make - the memories they gave me from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

    I met somebody who i consider to be one of the best friends ive ever had on this game and even though weve drifted apart i will never not be grateful for the genuine unfiltered care and concern, the wisdom, the exceptional taste in music they had and mostly how they gave me a good frame of reference to determine what i feel a good person should be.

    Despite a lot of the drama on the app, its been a great place to connect across continents with some really great people.
    JustRae, QUBY, Lea and 11 others like this.
  4. My favourite thing about pimd is honestly being able to meet so many new and interesting people from all around the world.I love making friends and learning about other cultures etc so it's always fun to talk to someone new. I've learned a lot from others and hopefully I was able to teach someone out there something valuable too, even if it's a few odd words in Afrikaans.So that is my favourite thing about pimd. (hope this isn't too short)
    JustRae, Echos, flameSy and 7 others like this.
  5. My favorite things about PIMD are the mostly the people I surround myself with - be it the lovely folks in my HC, the core ppotd testing clubs reps, or random strangers loosing sleep together in a war for crates. And of course all the Avis and cute items because you gotta collect em all (more animal items pls).
  6. I have been on PIMD for the last 11 years!

    I have learned so much, grown my stats and received numerous amounts of help and gifts along the way. I may not have done the game the right way the first time but I certainly am trying now!

    I absolutely love being a COLLECTOR of items in game!
    - Misc is my #1 collection item.
    - EC items/gifts also have a special place in my collection
    - Avatars! Are always going to be my favorite! But I’m SUPER picky about the one that I choose.
    Shards will always be such a touch thing for me! I again, am VERY PICKY about my avatars. I also like to have 90/90 or 95/95 but most of the time there isn’t a shard avatar to my liking with those stats!
    - I used to collect boxes! Now I sell them instead.

    I love all of the friends that can be made! You never know who you could run into, it could be your best friend! Soulmate! Or even your next ride or die!
    - I absolutely love being able to share my knowledge and experiences in game with others.
    - I also do believe that a little bit of love goes a long way ! 💕

    None the less I’d like to continue growing! 🙂‍↔️💕 I really enjoy PIMD and probably enjoy the ITEMS the most! I enjoy the AVATARS with my pickiness attached 🤭.

    *Thank you MODS for all that you have done, keeping PIMD clean, safe and a happy place for all people to come together!*
    *Thank you ATA for keeping us members together and bringing our new content and having the new hunts always. Even though some of us may not like the items, or what not we all appreciate it!*
  7. My favourite thing is definitely just the satisfaction of getting cute misc and avis. I see it as more of a collecting game than a social one as I never really interact unless selling. I just like having a cute little “sticker” collection on my phone despite all the creepiness in pub chat LOL.
  8. I've been playing pimd for almost 6 years now, I could never give up the game, love the art style of everything, love all the friends I've made.. my favorite thing about PIMD is that there is no other game like it 💜
  9. My favourite thing about PIMD (aside from all the amazing people I've met over the years!) is the furniture. I love designing themed rooms for the xc tasks and also seeing what everyone else designs. I'm now a furniture hoarder 😂 and I'm not ashamed.
  10. Honestly, what I love most about Party in My Dorm is the way it pulls people together. It’s crazy how a game can turn into a place where you meet real friends from all over the world; people you talk to every day, laugh with, and lean on when life gets tough. It’s not just about the parties or collecting items it’s about those random late-night conversations, the inside jokes that only your club gets, and the thrill of working together toward a common goal. This game is like a little escape where you can just be yourself, no judgment, just vibes. Every update, event, and new piece of furniture feels like a chance to express yourself more, and the community always keeps it interesting. It’s amazing how this game turns strangers into friends, and friends into something more like family. For me as a player for 10 years, PIMD is more than a game—it’s a whole vibe that keeps me coming back every day.
  11. My favorite thing about PIMD is meeting people from around the world. I’ve actually met some people here that are like my best friends. I even love some of the avis that come out and the hunts. The game is a great place to meet some of the coolest friends you’ll meet but they’re like how many miles away. It’s great to see different cultures and religions getting together here even if there’s too much drama.
  12. As an art student 👩🏻‍🎨 I really appreciate how much PIMD inspires me. The detail they put into each character is ✨️amazing✨️ — they all have their own vibe and personality some even has a storyline 📖, and it just makes them feel so real. And the rooms? Honestly, they’re *chef’s kiss* 💋. The way they balance colors, textures, and furniture is just so well done, and it feels like a mix of fantasy and reality. PIMD really shows how art can bring a space to life, and it always gets my creativity 🎨 flowing when I play 🎮.
  13. My favorite thing about PIMD and other ATA games is the community! I love my home club, I’m the best of friends with the other VPs and the Pres and it’s so fun to get to chat with them every day. I also love getting to interact with new people (for the most part lol) and making new friends. I really appreciate the mods putting together fun games and contests for us as well, it gives another chance to make new friends and get to know each other beyond just names on a screen. 🩷 Besides the people and community, I also love the cutie girly avatars and the cat misc. Please don’t hold back on the cutie girly items, thanks ATA. 🫶
  14. Hello I'm jai,
    I've been playing pimd for a long time "On n off", 10 years. Losing account many time but still coming back can't resist to play it. I really love ❤ the Avis and changes every month. I got new friends and find true friends. In ten years I see 👀 the big changes and how pimd try their best to meet the players satisfaction.
  15. Running a POTD club may not have as many people going in and out, but the people we do meet always the most interesting things to say.😂🌚

    But that’s what I enjoy the most about the game.🫶
  16. thank you for this cute opportunity!

    my favorite thing about pimd is the fact that you can tell ata tries their best with being inclusive with their avatars and the vast variety of misc and furniture options you’re able to collect in game. outside of game features, i think that it’s always nice seeing the mods and devs interact with other players and hosting events like this to get the community to be more interactive! most importantly, i’ve met a fair share of friends and people from around the world whom i have many stories with from the past 4-5 years that i’ve been playing this game, so im ever-grateful for those memories 🩵
    CapedClown, Harley, flameSy and 4 others like this.
  17. Hi,i been playing pimd for 9 years .My favorite things are collecting cute miscs , crate items , nice dorms, i also love those cute / hunt avis., unfortunately things happened when u trusted certain people now I have to re-collect/gain all my hard work with miscs/ everything again but i enjoy the game and lately Ata been doing a great job /mods.
  18. My favorite thing about PIMD is finding new and old friends!
  19. So this one might be long but there's much to love here, For me its Staring at those beautiful avi, gushing about a cute cat stat, waiting to see what the next hunt is. Yap in cc about what you like and don't like. Finding a whole new family in your club, meeting new people, starring your favorite stats, Surprising your friend with an avi or furniture, spamming walls with cute notes, being cheesy with your rs.. even feeding your pets everyday and celebrating its birthdays. Every little thing in this game is exciting, addictive in a good way. Theres always something new to see, to get, while also being authentic to how it was when I started, its inclusive in ways I've never even imagined. I grew up here in the last 2 years. I remember when one of the devs walled me and it made my day if not the whole week, and I met the sweetest people to ever exist. And.. even though there are a few minor drawbacks you know you're gonna love it here if you know how to play it right. This is the only game I swear I'll come back to everytime.
    I'm so excited to see what's more to come coz I know there's a long way to go for this place and me. I have some core memories here and I'm so thankful for that. Ily all🩷
  20. I have two main things about this game that keep me coming back:

    as someone who suffers with severe anxiety, I a lot of the time rely on things that keep my brain busy. But also not requiring a lot of thought. Collecting silly little items and decorating my dorm really hit that spot for me. I don’t spend money either, nor feel like I have to (though sometimes mollys DOES call to me bahaha). It’s just nice to have that little bit of joy without it taking up a lot of my time.

    Secondly: the social aspect. As we all know, there are nasty people everywhere, on any social media. And while they do exist here, I’ve made some genuine friends from this game. People who I go to, chat to, enjoy my days with! I’m much better at staying away from the toxic here and once you have that down, it’s a place where you meet some of the loveliest people. I’m really thankful for that because I wouldn’t have my good friends otherwise.

    Honourable mention to the diversity on PIMD. They make a real effort with inclusivity (and have for a long time as I’ve been around for a while!) and that’s really nice to see.

    Love you all and thanks for having a fun game and keeping it running this long! 🖤
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