[GIVEAWAY] National Friendship Day 2024

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Day, Aug 4, 2024.

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  1. My Best Friends name is Savannah. We have been friends for 20 years, since the first day of Kindergarten! I don’t think I could survive my lifetime without her in it! She has been my rock through everything that has happened in my life whether it was good or bad! She’s the kindest, sweetest, most thoughtful person you could ever meet and I wish I could clone her for people because I feel bad keeping her to myself and wish more people got to experience her friendship. She’s my person and I would give her the world because she is just the most genuine human! I couldn’t be happier that she decided to pick me to play with that day in the kindergarten classroom, because it turned out to be the most life altering experience since I gained a lifelong best friend!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
    xDevilx, flameSy, Atlas and 1 other person like this.
  2. It was hard to think of just ONE friend, but I think I know who I wanted to highlight in this. She's on vacation right now so she probably won't see this, but thank you @Anna8218 for being such a lovely PIMD friend!

    Our friendship started with just trades, but having done so many trades with her maybe even for the whole past year and more, she's just genuinely such a nice and pleasant person to be around. She just carries such a positive vibe and happy energy with her! Recently, we were both quite sick, and it just warmed my heart when she asked if I was getting better. A simple gesture, but sweet nonetheless!

    I just wish that there's more people like her in the world, we need more people like her 💖
    xDevilx, flameSy and Atlas like this.
  3. I met my friend in our College entrance exam, we share the same name so we were sat in the same room, she sat behind me. Even though we were fighting against each other for a slot in college, we helped each other in our exam and funnily enough we signed up for the same major and ended up in the same class.
    We became close and despite living in different countries now, we always meet up when she came back to our home country, video call each other every now and then especially on our birthdays.
    I treasure us so much & really hope this friendship of ours last for our lifetime❤️‍🔥
    xDevilx, flameSy and Atlas like this.
  4. I met my best friend when we were 10. At first we didn't work too well but everything changed when we ended up in the same school with 15. She sat all alone so I decided to sit with her since we knew each other. Ever since then we had been not able to separate. In my darkest times she was there for me and made me smile. We made the most dorky stuff together. Midnight walks in the forest at halloween, playing on a playground as adults, going to the cinema and watching several movies after the other. Now that we work we barely have time to meet up which aches my heart but she will always be my better half. She knows me better then anyone else does, understands me better then anyone else. I know I can always count on her and she can count on me💕💐
    Atlas, Day and flameSy like this.
  5. This isn’t something I share with the whole world, but I guess i’ll put it out there for PIMD.
    When I was about 14, I lived in Texas and played COD on ps4 with a guy named Jesse. We dated long distance as kids but eventually grew apart and went our separate ways.

    Years later, I moved to Florida and started working as a server. One day we had someone new coming in to train as a server, the moment he walked through that door, my heart melted. I knew immediately who it was: Jesse.
    We became really close friends hanging out everyday. I fell in love with my best friend.

    He had passed away months after we met due to an overdose, but he will forever live on in my heart. ♥️
    xDevilx, Zero, MarshMell0w and 4 others like this.
  6. Emma and I have been best friends since kindergarten. She had this infectious laugh and an uncanny ability to make any situation feel lighter. We were inseparable throughout school, sharing countless adventures and secrets. Even as we grew older and our lives took different paths, our bond remained unbreakable. One autumn evening, I was feeling particularly overwhelmed with life. Emma, sensing my struggle, showed up at my doorstep with a plate of my favorite homemade cookies and a stack of old movies we used to watch together. She quietly set up a cozy space in my living room, complete with blankets and pillows. As we watched those familiar films and shared memories from our childhood, I felt a wave of comfort and warmth. Emma’s thoughtful gesture reminded me that no matter how tough things got, I always have her by my side 💖
    xDevilx, flameSy, Atlas and 1 other person like this.
  7. I lost my best friend many years ago due to their battle with cancer. But I will share some memories I’ve had growing up with them. Summer days where the weather was nice, not humid, dry or hot. We would play pirate in the creek, go fishing and walk the dreadful 3 miles into town. We would climb trees and relax just to get away from the adults or forget how to get down when my mother came to get me. Some days we would share a dollar ice cream cone from mcdonalds and hit up the Arcade with the few quarters we had in our pockets. Skipping pebbles to shells in the lake when we washed off our feet from the sand at the beach. Friday nights was always take out at the Chinese restaurant up the street. Where you begged your parents to join us all the time. When the fair was in town we would stay up late just to ride every ride atleast 10 times or more. Days where it rained we would jump into puddles and try to splash eachother by kicking the water at eachother. There was no need for an umbrella, just fun.
    By the time we reached middle school. You were hardly at school, and in and out of the hospital. That day, I couldn’t even say goodbye till it was to late. (Writing this in tears)
    A Best friend comes in all shapes and sizes. Fun loving memories that stays in your heart and in your memories.
    MissMochi, xDevilx, j0rdan and 3 others like this.
  8. My best friend is my sisters. I dont have one, its impossible.
    Everything we have been tru, homeless and broke, to where we are today, its a blessing! 🙏🏻
    If I wouldnt have them when it was dark, then I am not sure if I would still be here.
    And I love my twin sister for supporting my dream, that I would like to help other people in need now. And me and my bestie is using our past to help other people, make phonecalls, fix clothes, food, medicin, somewhere to shower.
    I love all my wonderful people that I meat everyday and they make me smile.
    flameSy and Atlas like this.
  9. My boyfriend is my best friend and, I believe, my soulmate. Our story is kind of funny. We went to the same high school, rode the same bus, and had huge crushes on each other, but we only talked a handful of times. People said we looked like brother and sister. Back then, we were both pretty shy. I was the goth/punk/metal yet really smart type, and he was the homeless looking nerd type. 🤣 About four years after we'd graduated (and a year and a half ago), he added me on Facebook and messaged me through messenger. We hit it off instantly, and we confessed our feelings for each other within a few days. I was regrettably "engaged" at the time, but he helped me see how shitty my ex was. We found it so funny that we had hid our feelings for so long, but we now believe we were meant to be. I only wish we had gotten together in high school.
    Atlas and flameSy like this.
  10. My good friend is actually my RS @Evasion.
    Funny thing is that we got together on September 4, 2019. We have been friends since then and become part of each other life. She’s the best RS I have ever had and she will stay my Rs for many years to come since we are that close to one another plus I ain’t ever letting her go whatsoever. A funny story I recall is when we used to go to random people walls and start to fight there about dumb things and then get over it and leave the random person wall filled with our random ass conversation.
    Atlas, Evasion and flameSy like this.
  11. My best friend is actually my rs Messy Soul and we have known each other since 2/2022. We met online playing xbox and quickly became really close even though they live in Michigan and I lived in Texas. We spent so much time playing red dead redemption, really not even playing we just both wanted to talk to each other. One thing lead to another and I moved my entire life to Michigan to be with my best friend and partner. I have no idea where id be without them, they changed my life for the better.
    Atlas, flameSy and Day like this.
  12. I’d like to give a big shoutout to my best friend on game @SoniaValkyrie who has supported me all the way through my cancer diagnosis and made me smile when times have been hard. She’s also helped me collect a lot of pb stats so I could combine to rainbow stats. I truly do love her and would be lost without her ❤️
    flameSy and Atlas like this.
  13. One of my best friend's name is Reese. We were just acquaintances for a couple of years before we became close, good friends. I can say without exaggeration that 98% of the time we spend together is full of constant joking and laughter. We could be watching paint dry and have more fun in each others company than people spending the day at Six Flags. Get you a friend like my brotha Reese.
    flameSy and Atlas like this.
  14. Well here goes nothing.. not that I have many friends but maybe it's just because I choose not to.. I met a wonderful friend on this game and we have had many long conversations together. I'm not sure what this game would be like without her as she has helped me learn and grow so much. Emma if I could choose to meet one person from this game it would be you. I love our late night conversations and the friendship we have formed. 🥹🫶🏼 Ty to Pimd for making that relationship able to grow 🫶🏼 and ty for this opportunity 💖 I love these little things you do
    Zero, flameSy and Day like this.
  15. One of the greatest friends I met here on pimd was surprisingly through my catfish rs 😂💀

    We ended up having more in common than I thought; sharing relationship tips, watching movies, helping each other through our ups and downs, hosting flashes, and eventually, co-owning a cc club together.

    She doesn’t play this game now because both of us try to not be addicted to PIMD or allow it to control our real lives. But, I still think of her more often than I would admit, and the glorious days we had already left behind.

    She helped me through a lot of nasty male phases, and was there for me through thick and thin. I doubt she will ever read this, but if she ever does at some point in the future (if I am no longer around)..

    🔥 Albs, thank you a lot. I miss you. And whatever life you’re living right now in the States, make sure you live it to the fullest and make us proud. I’ll always be here to support you like always 🥹🦋
    Catastrophe, Ayrshi, Atlas and 2 others like this.
  16. I meet my best bud during elementary grader, he is fun we tend to do lot of fun things at his place & school, then we learned our parents is close friend also they meet at ballroom dance completion, his sister had crush on me

    Then suddenly i moved on another city n later another country, last year i attend to his lil bro wedding, we still best bud to this day, we help each other alot

    I sincerity hope for his wish to came true, he really want to have a son / daughter, i never ask whats the problem bcs i dont want to offend him
    Atlas, flameSy and Day like this.
  17. My IRL bestfriend Kait is the best friend I could ask for honestly. I met her 2 years ago in a club on my birthday, and a month later she let me move into her house in a city 3 hours away from me after I had a bad break up. She’s been there through everything with me and we act like we’re married😂she was my biggest supporter during my pregnancy and all of the drama that came with my baby daddy (I don’t recommend having one🤣) and I love her to bits🩷 she’s the best aunt to my baby and forever my sister and soulmate
    Atlas, flameSy and Day like this.
  18. My best friend in real life I met in the 6th grade. I had moved 2 hours away from my home town and on the first day of school I sat by myself on the school bus. The next day she seen me sitting alone and asked if she could sit there, mind you two introverts sitting next to each other was a little awkward at first😂 but after that for some reason we just clicked, I ended up staying at her house every weekend. We stayed friends throughout high school and now as adults we’re inseparable. We’re growing older and recently she got married I’m so proud of her, and of course her kids are like my nephews because no one can tell us we’re not sisters at this point. But I honestly couldn’t ask for a better friend.
    Atlas, flameSy and Day like this.
  19. I met someone truly special I met earlier this year, My treasure. Because his name means treasure.

    We started off as friends, and honestly, I never expected anything beyond that. From the moment we met, there was this instant connection, but it felt so natural and easy, just like catching up with an old friend. We bonded over shared interests, laughter, and those late-night conversations & gaming together, that made the world feel smaller and warmer.

    But as the weeks turned into months, something wonderful and unexpected began to unfold. Our conversations deepened, and those little moments of connection grew into something profoundly beautiful. I found myself thinking about him all the time, and I began to realize how much they meant to me. It was like discovering a new color in the world, one that made everything else shine brighter.

    I remember the first time I truly understood what was happening I was sitting there, listening to him talk about something he was passionate about, and it suddenly hit me how much I cherished his presence in my life. It wasn't just his laughter or their kindness; it was how he saw the world, how he understood me in ways I hadn’t known I needed. Every day with him felt like a gift, and before I knew it, my feelings had grown into something far more than just friendship.

    Now, here we are, and it’s like we’ve always been meant to find each other. We’ve become soulmates, not just because of the deep emotional connection but because of how effortlessly we fit together. he makes me feel like I’m home, like I’ve found a piece of myself I didn’t even know was missing. Every moment with him feels magical, from the mundane to the extraordinary. Our journey together has been nothing short of incredible, and I’m constantly in awe of how our relationship has blossomed from a simple friendship into this beautiful, deep bond.

    It’s amazing how life works out sometimes. What started as a chance meeting has turned into something so much more meaningful. I can’t wait to see where this adventure takes us next, but for now, I’m just incredibly grateful for the love and happiness they bring into my life.
    Atlas, flameSy and Day like this.
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