Help Needed

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AceOfSpades, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. Tbh, I actually do consider sorts of pvp harassment

    Singling a person out for whatever reason, stalking them and getting them kicked from clubs, hitting them to stunt their growth and even for stats is harassment even if it's under the basis of pvp. I don't think this should be accepted within the community (unless the person is a predator or something)

    It's considered "socially acceptable" but any other situation in rl or even social media you'd prolly call the cops or even report them

    I don't really support this type of pvp as I consider it unhealthy. I don't even think it is a fine way to go about it tbh

    As a community and even the support team we should be encouraging "mutual pvp"

    You know people who actually wanna do player vs player , hit each other, do sfw between their clubs, banter and all that

    Not player vs player who wants nothing to do with you. Which is why I'm a big supporter of introducing an opting out of pvp feature.

    So pvp can stay between those that love pvp and ata could actually do something healthy to encourage pvp between them while the others can grow and chill

    Because the way pvp nowadays is supported is actually pretty weird and leads to more toxicity than actual positivity.
    StellaLuthor likes this.
  2. It’s a pvp game, not an etiquette class.
    Victoria likes this.
  3. "When to send a help ticket
    - Ceasefires cannot include items with extra credit value (eg. furniture, name changes, breaking rs). If these are being asked for in a public channel (such as walls), feel free to report it to a moderator or directly to the developers using a help ticket. More info can be found here.
    - Any verbal harassment in public channels (walls, campus/pub, statuses, etc) can be reported to a moderator or using a help ticket.
    For more information on what is not allowed on PIMD, visit this thread."

    Found this on a thread from 2021
    Day likes this.
  4. Sorry! Didn’t see your reply till now.

    Technically there isn’t a set rule in the ToU saying you have to set a CF.

    But if a player being farmed asks for a CF and the farmer refuses to give one, the devs can step in. (Only to get a CF set, no other action will be taken as far as bans/silences)
  5. Thank you, Day!
    Day likes this.
  6. He targets noobs for easy cf. Him and a handful others do it just ignore him he's weak. His main is ray
    flameSy likes this.
  7. I feel that the pvp is blown out of proportion and usually over something stupid tbh. Vs something that matters. But again it's a pvp game yk? So if you don't like that aspect keep clean and don't make anyone mad.
    Azrael_Zahgurim and flameSy like this.
  8. Yea there doesnt need to be a reason for it
    But ehhhh

    pvp on here isnt even that fun -

    There's million of pvp game out there where you'll have a blast with yo squad

    But one thing that i see more on pimd than any other game is that other games people try to do mutual pvp or encourage it more

    Than the type of pvp that is encouraged here
  9. Oh really, interesting….
  10. Obviously you can refuse CF due to farming being apart of the game.

    It’s news knowing that the devs can get involved, which stills makes PvP frowned upon ☹️
  11. Sorry if I was unclear. Any player can refuse to pay CF, that is true.

    Devs only typically step in for cases that are like this:

    Player A is farming player B for months straight.

    Player B asks player A to give them CF terms.

    Player A ignores them and continues to hit.

    They will only ask Player A to give CF terms in this situation. It's not punishing them or saying they cannot farm the player.
    Croatia likes this.
  12. That wasn’t for you, you were very clear!
    I read “So we can refuse CF” 🙁 Obviously

    How would they get involved? The “Victim” would email the APES? Or ask for you and you email them? Still find it very interesting that they can get involved. 😅
  13. Yeah the player being farmed would have to send in a Help Ticket about it or ask a mod directly.

    But cases where this happens is pretty uncommon tbh.
    Croatia likes this.
  14. Emailing got removed years ago. Its all thru help tickets now

  15. As someone who tends to avoid pvp in games. I've been playing games with pvp enabled on and off since my late teens and have been "targeted" for no reason as well as manufactured reasons as well as others jumping into altercations they have no idea what's going on. I've lost a LOT of time/effort over the years but I CHOOSE to play games with pvp enabled.. and yes several mmos and phone games had been heavily targeted long term some I caused directly some still no clue why.

    A huge majority of the time of the "excessively long" farming and such there's usually a reason. Not always a reason worth chasing someone for monthes etc over but there's likely a reason. Here I've seen several players chased around even through multiple accounts when asking the "aggressor" usually some form of scamming/theft. I.e. "buying a cat/kini/dogs/invites for bentos or such" or targeting people who don't understand/ know how to use the trade system. If your idea of opt in/out entirely of pvp got implemented there would be a huge amount of issues of this.. I don't hit up cat/dog clubs or such but know many have in house sellers.. and others sell cats/dogs/invites for misc.. take ALL of those actively paying into the game do you think Ata would keep getting the same money ? I highly doubt it.
  16. As annoying as this probably is for most people, I took a peak at Ra’s wall and it did make me chuckle a bit.

    8/10 would read again.

    I don’t agree with any form of harassment, but if you download a game with a PvP function, then you should expect at some point to run into it.

    Doesn’t mean it’s not annoying, but it’s a mechanic for a reason. I have been playing A Thinking Ape games for 14 years now, this game I played from 2013-2019 actively, and just came back. PvP used to be an actual core mechanic in the game to even GROW. Imagine that.

    My suggestion is to either outgrow/outpace the incoming from players like this, or, and this is even more efficient, hit back. Get a group and keep the player pinned and zero’d for weeks. They’ll stop hitting you eventually.

    Also, players like this get a kick out of things like this. They want a reaction. If you really don’t want to PvP, you can play dead I suppose.
    flameSy likes this.