UPDATE Silencing Policy Updates 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. Maybe update your silence policy again or have your mods know the policy cause clearly a lot don't! The inconsistency of silences is just bad like very bad. Also mods can silence their friends, we see a lot of bias stuff going on and it's ridiculous
    BrattyKitty and Gir like this.
  2. Send a ticket if you think a silence was incorrect. You can always send screenshots to a mod to report things too.
    Is likes this.
  4. I have and previously been told if one mod opinion on the the post finds it wrong or whatever it stands even if players and other mods didn't see anything wrong with it. Why show mods screenshots when they see the posts and are too busy posting their ec club banners instead of silencing people. So try again on your response
  5. Then you got told wrong. If mods arnt doing their job proply or are abusing their powers their actions can 100% be sorted
  6. This isn’t necessarily true. We can refute what other mods have silenced for, but we can’t see help tickets so we ultimately don’t have the choice on the end result.

    Mods are just normal people so it’s possible that they misread things and make incorrect silences at times. Please reach out if silences are incorrect, it is worth talking to us about if you’re truly silenced for an unjust reason.
  7. Mods don't always see the posts. That assumes there's someone in pub 24/7. If you see something rule breaking you can report it, especially if you think a mod isn't getting it intentionally. Also mods don't see help ticket appeals so I'm not sure what the first part of your message is referring to? The help team handles appeals and determine if a silence was valid or not. Mods are not involved in that process and don't have a say in things getting overturned/upheld. I don't know who provided the information you're mentioning, but I don't understand it.
    Delight likes this.
  8. I was silenced for informing fellow players that there is a player on this game who has been proven to be a “PDF”. He’s even admitted it. But yet, it’s okay for him to play this game and harass players. Lol what has this game come to. If we can’t warn others in a public forum, I guess there’s no actual way that players are going to stay safe. I just got my 10 year badge the other day and let me just say, it’s been a long ride… downhill. ATA, you never fail to amaze me. Gone are the days where you cared about anything more than appearance and money.
  9. PDF? What are you talking about 🧐
  10. That's better fr
  11. Mods class it as defamation coz cant know everyone and everything they have ever said
  12. Pedofile. A piece of shit that needs removed from earth
  13. Yeah and it's so disgusting i hope whenever anyone see someone post on pub these stupid phrases as ( come to daddy little girls/ looking for young girls to have fun) to report it immediately so we won't see them again
  14. They just keep making more accs
    -NA2- likes this.
  15. Unfortunately you got a point
  16. Looking for RS ❤️
    Should be with good stats and must be active and talkative 😊
    I'll askout 😊❣️🎁
  17. 💯
    Is likes this.
  18. Ahem.🗿
    How about posting it in this thread?
  19. I don't understand this whole silencing stuff I say "No futas or femboys, girls only who wanna rp add me bring roles or I can down for anythin" or something like that and I get silenced but I see people posting other things that is more racial or bashing to people and they don't get silenced what bull is that
    Is likes this.
  20. Coz people use futa as a slur now so its silencable
    Is likes this.