CURRENT EVENT 🦾 The Perfect Machines 🦾

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jul 4, 2024.

  1. My current theory which I also tested on alts seeing what you mentioned:

    If you receive the 50 PVP action task and speedrun it to get the box, the task won't retrigger even if you have another antenna in your inventory until 2 hours later.

    (e.g.: 1PM 50 PVP actions task with antenna in inventory. 1:30PM I got the activated transponder, access card, then box. 2PM: another antenna as misc party drop afters. 3PM, another 50 PVP action task triggers with 2 hrs to complete.)

    If you DON'T have the antenna in your inventory after you've completed your last task run, you won't re-trigger the task even if 2 hours have passed from the previous run. So it looks like you might need to get the antenna FIRST.

    (e.g.: 1PM 50 PVP actions task with antenna in inventory. 1:30PM: has activated transponder, access card, then box. 5PM: finally new antenna drop. Simultaneously a new 50 PVP action task triggers with 2 hrs to complete.)
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  2. Ok so... You don't need an item for t500. They have rewards as an incentive.
    There are different arenas for pvp, referred to as buckets.
    While those in the top bucket have an advantage over others, those in lower bucket should, in theory, do just as well granted they have the dns.

    Hunts in general haven't been "balanced" for like 8 years. That's just the main storyline.
    Leaderboards have never been balanced. What a ludicrous concept.

    The only thing I will grant you is that, due to party drops being higher for larger players, larger targets will generally have more surveillance cameras from parties meaning that their farmers will steal considerably more per hit.

    If drop rates of cameras and all hunt rewards were consistent from 14cs to 350mcs, this would probably be improved.

    But of course larger players are also doing more premium parties on average than smaller players so there will still be that bias. And that isn't th correcting.
  3. looks ATA warrior i’m not gonna go back & forth with you because they obviously hand you checks or something the way you have their back…if you can’t understand what I said then cool but please don’t try to down play what I said as if it’s not a problem. i’m a college student I simply can’t afford to spend money to try for T100 or T10. NOR have the time to grind like the bigger players, that’s why I suggested having different leagues for different range of players. The stat item for T1500-T10 gave people a bit more of a reason to try this hunt but since I seen it wasn’t one….why try? yeah we get other rewards but again people aren’t on their phones 25/8 to try to complete the PVP tasks. Now Kefo be safe.
  4. Us f2p players do not look at leaderboard or take it seriously. We don't yearn for things we can never have.

    To suggest that I am supporting a.t.a is ridiculous.
    I am suggesting that you are the a.t.a simp because you want to touch that leaderboard.
    You are upping their product.

    I'm saying boycott it! Forget about it. You want leaderboard to be balanced? How about we balance core features of the game before "balancing" the wankery they use as whale-bait?

    I don't think leaderboard can be touched for under like $500. Idk. I have never been in a community where such things are even discussed. Me and my homies just repudiate them.
  5. The leaderboard is not meant to be fair. It is a super unfair element of the game, inherently.

    It doesn't need BALANCING. People don't need the opportunity to be on it.

    But you know what?
    It shouldn't have any exclusive rewards.
    It shouldn't be game-breaking to get on there.
    Those who reach the leaderboard shouldn't be allowed things that others can't have...

    Because the leaderboard itself is unfair.

    ^ that is a good opinion.

    The leaderboard is not a "necessary" incentive for people to play the game. The rewards from the leaderboard are not necessary. There needn't be a unique item rewarded to those who place in the top-1500. In fact, those players who are able to place on those leaderboards would ask for that.

    You sound like one.
    Asking for more stuff and a widening of the gap.
    LeeJarrett and Ayse like this.
  6. 6 boxes collected 6 cloud of dust 🥳🤣 ok maybe until 10 and I will give up 🥹
  7. i literally finished my last pvp quest a day ago & all i got is a dead transponder in my inventory and no new pvp quest. love to see it 🥵
  8. @Kefo, can you share your perspective on this as well then? since you’re a f2p and also a player who has been around longer than most of us
    ignSUCKS likes this.
  9. Avatars are simple.
    You need one with high strength.
    One with high intelligence. (and these days, there is an increasing number of very high stat avatars that are balanced and fulfill both of these roles)
    One to use to catfish as a woman.
    And one to catfish as a man.

    That's 4, sometimes 3 avatars that you need.
  10. You’re amazing. All I have to say. 😂
  11. I'm just jealous of you getting the pvp quest multiple times a day lol. Can confirm every time so far that I had received the Antenna Component before every time so far. I've had the pvp quest twice on my alt and once on my main(both accs at same time today, but seen at 37min and 15min respectively before timeout).
  12. Couldn't edit so bolded addition for clarification
  13. Wow, maybe being in EC club really has something to do with it in that case. Cause that's really just weird 🥴🥴 I was able to get and complete that quest maybe 5-7 times in my waking hours.
  14. LOL on you just now admitting it. 😂

    Thankfully my alt actually got the pvp quest for a second time yesterday (past midnight for me now). Came online to a countdown of 1hr 33min. So my 10pm-12am was the pvp quest run time. It seems my pvp quests have been ending at even times, but idk how much further I want to look into it. Each addition to my invisible dust collection drains the spirit OOF
  15. Just got the pvp quest here right after obtaining the antenna five minutes after the o'clock which triggered the pvp quest immediately. I think you're right about those two-hour windows for sure! @Tatoru
  16. The timer is always 2 hours.
    I think there is a 1-hour cooldown.
    Additionally the 50-hit story won't appear until you have an Antenna Component in your showcase.
    As far as I can tell, the Antenna Component only drops from parties.
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  17. I've gotten T100 twice. Honestly, I'm not sure if I even wanted to get T100 for those hunts, but it was pretty easy because I had 500 DNS and 100🍱 AND they were rather unpopular hunts. It's possible without spending money, but I don't think it's really worth it. People won't buy the stat item because it'll be overpriced, I forget way too often that I have the avis, and the other goodies were used up/sold off within a month of the hunt ending. 🤣 People just do T100 and T10 to show off that they have money or they really want the avis.
  18. How did those 100🍱 help you?
    Sorry, but buying premium features for bentos doesn't really count as f2p.

    It doesn't count as balance.

    Fudging the numbers but let's say that's 30 hypnocats or about $150 +
    500 dns which is uhhh $500?

    I see your point here.

    You can retain your f2p account status when buying sessions for bentos but the achievement doesn't really retain its "accessible" status, in my opinion.
  19. Anyone else having an issue with the cams? Been getting hit all day and no one has been able to get any. Is there a stat limit or something?
  20. Perhaps it's because they aren't winning the battles?
    Or because they don't use fight or dance?
    Otherwise, there may be a stat limit.