CURRENT EVENT 🦾 The Perfect Machines 🦾

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jul 4, 2024.

  1. You’re forgiven 🌝🩵🤝
  2. I didn’t get this quest again today and don’t know why. 😭 I found out about the 50 pvp quest yesterday around this time 12 minutes before it would have ended(used eavesdrop to accomplish with an unload), went through the rest in between, and opened the blue box after changeover today.

  3. I used eavesdrop to kickstart this 50 PVP hits quest too! This works for any lower level players ideally, and like you said don't even need any DNs if you already have closen to a full bar. Much easier and energy-efficient than 50 successful dance-offs.

    A pattern I've just noticed is that a first 50 PVP actions task might last 1 hr, then have a 1hr break, then the next same task will last 2 hrs. I don't know if this is the same for everyone, but you should be able to see this task at least once every 2-3 hour I think? You can check events history to confirm those that you've failed because you didn't do anything.
  4. Clearer guide:

    How to get PROJECT RoBo Box and of course, 1.5mcs (Limit 5 Item) Robo Raccoon.
    1) First task: Ensure that you have the story task from Lynx 'Do 50 PVP Actions' activated. With this task activated, you do 50 PVP actions and get a 'Remote Component'.
    Most effective way to do this: Successful eavesdrops. If you get all successful eavesdrops, you can finish this in one full unload. This doesn't harm anyone (does not take any cash, cams, or energy from the other person) unless you count in the annoyance of 50 notifications.

    2) As you complete parties, you'll also get misc party drop 'Antenna Component'. After which, you'll get...

    3) Next event notification: 2 of your items combine together and create 1 Activated Mysterious Transponder.' This item hints at joining 'professional parties' for something to happen, which means EC parties and PPOTDs.

    4) Next event notification: '4 of your items combine together and create 2 items: 1 Dead Transponder, 1 Access Keycard.' (I don't even know which 4 items this is).

    5) After restarting the app, you can claim the free PROJECT RoBo Box at Molly's Corner in Shop. You can only have one at a time. These boxes can also be traded. You can open these boxes for $1000. Each failure increases your chance to get Robo Raccoon in your next attempt.

    You can repeat this task when the next story task for 'Do 50 PVP Actions', which runs every other hour or so.

    Feel free to reply or add on info if anything else here is not accurate 🙆🏻‍♀️
    Arrivederci and Lumi like this.
  5. That's a paddlin'!
  6. Agreed on 50 eavesdrops being efficient! I'm a str build, so if I didn't find small enough targets to ed, it would have been even worse than dance offs for me, fights lol.

    Update: I got to win another Antenna Component from a kini(shortly after my reply) which kicked off the pvp quest. My previous one was from the last invite party in my old hc, so I wonder whether Antenna Components only drop from ppotd and ec parties like the Access Keycard.

    Good call you gave me to check events history to verify possibly missing the pvp quest! The only failure I spot there is the 3k side drop from previous hunt atm. The two instances of the pvp quest in my event history are showing completed(this includes the one I did just a bit ago). I haven't done many ec parties this hunt, so that may have been why my pvp quests had a longer gap in between considering at least the Access Keycard needed to drop from a ppotd or ec party. The second time I got the pvp quest, I had discovered it 37 minutes before its end. I suspect that it may have been an hour in duration, but I'm not sure there.
  7. Just wanted to note that I was actually able to get the antenna anyways even without EC/PPOTD 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️, it appeared as a random party drop in a normal POTD
    Everliora, MayaTheHopeful and Kefo like this.
  8. Another update for me: Apparently I typed my previous reply for so long that afterwards I saw I won the Access Keycard 20 minutes prior. Kinda cool to have won the Antenna Component and Access Keycard in back-to-back kinis.

    It seemed to me that obtaining the Antenna Component triggered my pvp quest the second time around. However, that would mean I should have missed it the first time with the last invite party. There were a few hours in between the invite and the pvp quest then... 🤔

    The only certainty I would add is having people know the Access Keycard is what's used to obtain the blue box, but it's pretty plainly stated once people see the blue box in Molly's Deals as you already directed. Great job compiling it all! As the hunt goes on and more people find out about the Robo Raccoon stats, they will engage more with your guide. Good luck winning it! If anyone deserves it, it's you.
  9. Thanks for your input too!

    I THINK ( not 100% certain ) that the PVP hunt just triggers on its own every 2-3 hours, a bit like collectathon and other events like it, regardless of whether or not you are doing EC parties. I guess that's the one uncertainty right now 😂

    Good luck to you too!
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  10. Robots have what? Lmao wtf
  11. srry for complaining & nagging on forum lately but….where is the stat item that gives people the incentive to TRY for T500. So now you either have to try for T100 (which idk even know how to get T100 without spending a lot of money & time) OR try in the PVP event. Which some people aren’t even that interested in, love the hunt, the furni & avis. Just wanted me stat item for T1500-T500 😭
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  12. THEN on the PVP event leaderboard it’s mainly 100mcs or more on the top so it seems like the event is catered for them….just wish the event had different leagues for different range of players. Not everyone understands the concept of PVP, nor plays enough to be as BIG as majority of the players. Ight I’m done bitchin 🫡
  13. Lmao.
    62cents likes this.
  14. what I say wrong?
    flameSy likes this.
  15. You said nothing wrong.
    It’s the, quote on quote “Ight, I’m done bitchin” was what’s funny.
    But other than that, I completely agree with you.
  16. i figured it was that 😭 just don’t want people to think otherwise yk lol
    flameSy likes this.
  17. Yes, I know lol 😹
    ignSUCKS likes this.
  18. This thing is a mess. My alt got the pvp quest half an hour ago with 1hr 21min on the countdown(so 2 hour duration?) having obtained the Antenna Component from a potd 9 hours ago. No pvp quests in between according to event history.

    Here, I actually just had the pvp quest pop up 15 seconds before its start(1 hour duration) and right on the dot of the hour too. I saw I had obtained the Antenna Component from the previous potd, scrolled around PIMD and the pvp quest popped up. Me no like the inconsistency in duration...I want two hours every time LOL
    62cents and flameSy like this.
  19. I like the female avis and dorm is good. Male avis are very meh, would have been the perfect hunt for a Terminator style avi.
  20. Just get off the game until next hunt or just stay in parties. Nobody is forcing you to participate in the PvP aspect or the hunt overall. You can "opt out" by just getting off.
    bby, Kefo, bloodhoney and 2 others like this.