Recommendations for ATA to Include in the Game.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Basically_just_bored_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. There is a reason why we cannot have tradable avis:
    Muschi likes this.
  2. I would suggest asking questions in this thread
    Additionally, be sure to check the categories in forums! The thread you want to make might already have an existing thread with whatever you need
    Muschi likes this.
  3. I honestly haven't gone back through this thread to read the other 30 pages of comments, but I would like to add my feedback/suggestion.

    It would be awesome if we could get the speed up boxes we had during Christmas again. They help so much in reducing how many speed up bags we have since we could exchange them by the dozens.
    Archiekins likes this.
  4. I think that was a test to see how they work and and the community's feedback would be. We might be seeing more in the future.
    Archiekins likes this.
  5. I'm just thinking that at one point the 1mcs was in the 1500 tier and now it's not and I feel like it's not fair especially for those that flash only get basically nothing for a week worth of flashing especially when you not buying just to get a decor box that will probably give you something you already have. Not sure when it got taken out but maybe put it back legit the only reason I was flashing.
  6. • a search bar for the gifts section
    • a toggle to allow pvp (unless sfw which you could report and disable it until it’s over)
    • making cats/dogs tradeable (or only just have the cat/dog tradable cookies) to prevent constant hopping
    • search bar in dorm so you can make or search dorms by set instead of going through every single furniture
    • a wishlist tab so others can view it (or give it to you) on a special occasion or or just to be nice + it can be used to know what all you are ever going to try to get
    • making the club chats chat longer instead of just 100 characters
  7. 1. Centralised Repository - A centralised repository of all dorms, items, avatars, furniture etc. which can be searched by any player in game. This will reduce the confusion around older avatars and furniture.

    2. Looking For/For Sale Tabs - Tabs on each player’s profile (like “starred”) which includes what the player is (i) looking for; and what they have (ii) for trade. As a player, it would be great to search the centralised repository for an item, to then be shown all players who have that item for trade.

    3. Auctions - An auction feature to sell an item to the highest bidder, with or without a reserve, for bentos. The item and bentos would then be transferred automatically. Auctions could last 5 mins - 48 hours, for example.

    4. New Chat Channel - A new chat channel with all the usual ‘campus’ rules, except buying and selling adverts are not permitted. This would allow for genuine conversation.
  8. #4 pretty much seems to be pub tbh. I never post my buying/selling in there, because I don’t see a point. The only banners I really notice are rp clubs. I think this is an unspoken rule among players.
  9. I have said this before
    Buwbuw likes this.
  10. Definitely agree with this
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  11. I would like to see:

    A search bar when looking for items for eg: gifting a hitter for a party you have to trawl through thousands of stuff just to get to chibis. But not just for this reason just a search bar in general.

    Tradable Avatars: That way you can chose to have the preferred sex of avi you want.

    A battle button like when your hitting parties for PVP so you don’t have to keep coming out and going back in you can just UL continuously.

    Some new themes, it’s starting to get a bit repetitive each hunt, have a poll where players get to decide the hunt they want (out of 2 ideas each hunt for eg: The Franks vs Vikings, Vampires vs Werwolves).

    Any Furni that a player has should be included in their overall combined stats which currently it’s not.
  12. There should be an option to open multiple boxes at once that way when we have boxes in bulk we want to open we can open them all at once instead of one and a time and it takes forever
    iSnoopy likes this.
  13. I think that all sensored bad words should be changed to random words kinda like how it's done on April 1st with common words
    Seriously and Buwbuw like this.
  14. Stop making hunts with no side quests, not everyone can afford to flash or open pimd-key boxes which means not everyone can get the avis they want, or the the very least put ALL the avi boxes earlier in the stars like before 125k
  15. Please make a ban button for clubs so when we ask for help we don’t get blocked people joining. And make the blocks actually blocked they shouldn’t be able to hit us if they’re blocked
  16. I'm Sure these have been suggested before but

    #1 allow us to open multiple boxes/speedup bags at a time so many players have 1000 plus speedup bags because they don't wanna sit there an open them but an auto cliker is probably something you can get banned for

    #2 make it so when you hire a player the screen refreshes to show the price like on IOS ever since the update for the hire button on Android the hiring is easy but you have to back out to check price again where IOS dose that by default and If I recall correctly android used to be the same aswell the change was graphically appealing but ruins Qol.

    #3 The tutor list on Android is a scroll list that makes it impossible to scroll when service is bad or on a bad wireless network when the IOS version has pages you can tab between allowing for less stress on the network resulting in faster loading times and less errors

    #4 There should be a last online timer under club members names in the club members list visible to players in the club who have the ability to start a party to be more aware if potd is possible or if they should start an easier party
  17. Can we have developers and pimd team bring back old percentage stat items like : Jetpack[10%/10%] ,frank the tank[10%/10%], captain sparkles plushie[5%/5%],miniature dragon[3%/3%], Bisou bunny[4%/4%], Tan in a can[1%/1%] . The difference they make in pvp is crazy huge and almost unfair 😳. It takes over 20 × 999 recycles to increase level from 14 to 15 and you get only 1%/1% increase but these % items are crazy. We can upgrade furniture and pets any time but we can't get these now. I don't have ultra rare pet yet but as long as there's a possibility to get it I don't mind I'm willing to gamble on just opening boxes. But knowing we can't get these items is almost depressing . A 130mcs player with 20bcs lands hits on 230mcs with 40bcs all because the 130mcs has all these items. They make greater diff than furniture 😢 😭.. bring these back. Old players will not be happy but even older players don't have all of them, they are missing 1 of 2 items . Only very few have all. I'm even willing to pay 2000ec each seeing the effect they have on pvp. Even 2000ec is so cheap compared to what we have to go through upgrading a 999 rn 😢 😭.
  18. Also to make is 100% clear I do not wish for ata to introduce new percentage items like they did with bisou bunny because people who have all %age items are going to get the new ones as well so we are back to the same problem . We want old items back
  20. Being able to organize your furniture by hunt., so if your collecting a room you know what you need to complete or you can keep the room together after a few years you dont know what goes with what lol
    -_-Enchantress-_- likes this.