💞Name Change Competition💞

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Hel, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. Hey There!
    I'm Hel, and this is my 2nd name-change competition I've hosted!

    What is a name change competition? Well... I Suck at creating my own usernames tbh... And wanting to rename my alt...so I enlist the help of the community for a chance to win some cool prizes!

    ☆ One Free Submission Per Person
    ☆ Want To Submit Another? 1 chibi Sent to Hel with The Extra New Submission.
    ☆ There is no changing answer once submitted (besides if typo).
    ☆ The IGN Must Be Currently Available at Time of Submission (we know we can't prevent people from stealing it after the fact!
    ☆ Submissions can be made either on this forum, gifting or private messaging Hel.

    But... What Do I Get For Submitting? A Chance for Prizes, DUH!

    First Place : 5 Bentos, 2 Dog Cookies, AND Spring Swing 999

    Second Place : 3 Bentos, 1 Cat Cookie, AND Super Arachne Plush 499

    Third Place : 1 Bento, 2 Completed Spinner Sets, AND Zodiak Desk

    All submissions must be in by February 29th at 3pm EST.
    All Submissions will Be Chosen by our Panel Of Judges*:


    *subject to change or add to if need be*
  2. Holy snap, I can get all that for just a name change suggestion? I give them all the time! Definitely going to Watch this thread so I can remember to do a submission. Good luck and I hope you gain suitable ign from this Name Change Competition, Hel!
    Hel likes this.
  3. Can we get some additional info on what your interests are so we can work on something that aligns with that. Do you like anime, cars, a certain genre of music, horror movies, etc.
  4. Yes, ofc!

    I love playing Final Fantasy XIV (Usually as a Dragoon or Paladin)
    Very nerdy : Harry Potter, Star Wars, Comic Books
    Love to bake and cook
    Love comedies and just making fun at life hah
    Hannah24118 and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  5. Oop forgot to add a big fan of The Witcher hehe
    Hannah24118 and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  6. Hi, I've read the post and a few of the comments and I thought the ign: NerdyButCute would be a good name
    Hel likes this.
  7. Try
    -iMooneBaby- and Hel like this.
  8. Ambrosial

    When I think of baking, I think of cookies and bread. I love the smell of fresh baked bread. Cookies always remind me of when my mom would make them. And there’s a saying out there about how smells make memories.
    Victoria and Hel like this.
  9. Idk if you're into all Final Fantasy games, but based on one of my favorite characters from IX:

    Hel likes this.
  10. Ign: calistaXIV
    Hel likes this.
  11. IGN Ideas:

  12. Please either choose one Submission or send chibi for each extra submission
  13. Ign suggestion:

    Hel likes this.
  14. 4 days left and so many good ideas that have been submitted! So far, we have about 40+ submissions entered!
  15. Hellucinate
    -iMooneBaby-, MayaTheHopeful and Hel like this.
  16. Off the top of my head bc of cooking and comedy interests...

    Hel likes this.
  17. Awkward Peach
    Hel likes this.
  18. Ign idea: Hela
    Bc thor ragnarok and youre already hel 😭🫶 And who doesn’t want to be a goddess 😌
    MayaTheHopeful and Hel like this.
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.