Monotony: developers, why?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Heliopolis, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. This game is dreadfully boring. In all fairness, this is more of a socialising app than a game - having friends and acquaintances is why we stay and play, but this game is dreadfully monotonous.

    Events roll around like clockwork on a fortnightly basis with the same type of rewards and the same tiers of rewards (there have been some recent events that switch up the flow but they're far and few between) gifts are always the same, who even reads the stories that come out with each hunt to follow the "plot"? The annihilation of PvP dragging down interaction between players to the cellar and digging a hole for it to die in.

    Devs, this game is in desparate need of some spontaneity. There's no reason you can't add different rewards to the hunt list (like pet speed up boxes as an additional reward for hunt tiers, or lite boxes, etc) or having the cash gifts come with different prices and different stats, at different times (they're not regiftable, it won't mess with stat selling prices) or switching out the old, outdated party series with newer ones. Timer box times could have longer or shorter times.New temporary XC tasks could roll in and out. There's so much potential and all of it is squandered.

    Honestly this is a mild vent post but after having played this game on and off for about 10 years now and seeing barely anything change, it's just rather disappointing that everything remains the same for the sake of appealing to a player base that hates you to begin with.

    Hopefully something can change.
    Reee, lustylegend, Curvy and 7 others like this.
  2. I want ATA to come up with some events that utilize system wars.
  3. Can we even do wars anymore? I swear the feature is gone from clubs.
    Alan likes this.
  4. Don’t blame the devs, blame the players.
    TheSagittarian likes this.
  5. Players get mad at anything ata does which seems to be why they stick to the same formula. If everyone hates you just do whatever.
    Curvy, MayaTheHopeful and Muschi like this.
  6. You can only declare war if the club isn’t doing a party. But it’s still there.
    Heliopolis and Muschi like this.
  7. Like Witchy said above, you won't see the war option in most clubs because most clubs are engaged in a party. If you can catch a club that doesn't have a party initiated, you should be able to see the option still there.
    Heliopolis likes this.
  8. The devs have a single business model/gameplay loop they want for pimd and everything they do is to service/improve it.

    Release incredibly long hunt with very cute and exciting items, furniture, and avatars so people spend money earning them.
    Release shards that make cute avatars so people pay to open those boxes.
    Release boxes containing avatars and furniture so people buy Pimd-keys.

    In short, sell feminine things to dress accounts up with. It really is just a dress-up game, now. With tradable avis and all.

    Rinse and repeat, fortnightly.

    There is nothing else that they care about. Nothing else makes them as much money.
    And I don't think they will ever heed our wishes regarding balance and the experience.
    Tiramisu, Muschi, Curvy and 1 other person like this.
  9. What is this about a singles chat?
  10. Make week long hunts randomly, not just during big promo like Black Friday.
    Add 4 hour hunt timer boxes, or 12 hour, with varying drops.
    Add timer speed ups as rewards randomly. (I.e. a 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, etc speed up for capsule, pet or box in addition to your regular hunt accumulation rewards in the XC for random hunts. Basically switch up the rewards given ever so slightly. People care about stats and avis, everything else can be changed accordingly)
    Add a daily login bonus for individual players and for club accumulation which will encourage players to either be more active or clubs to drop inactives for more active players.
    (What I really want) replace outdated parties like hipsters (which have been irrelevant for a decade now) with something related to the current social climate. I would legit rather have a streamer party series or something corny.

    There are so many small things they could do to be spontaneous without actually changing much of the overall gameplay that could make things feel less routine. Right now all most players do is determine whether the next 2 weeks of gameplay are worth doing based on whether the avatars are cute. If not, just return in 2 weeks and be semi active. Spontaneity is the breath of the soul. This game is usually anything but fun.
    Boa_Monroe likes this.
  11. Are there really people out there that still need timer box speedups? I have 3542 unopened speedup reward boxes. How can anyone complain that ATA doesn’t give free speedups?
    Victoria, Seriously and Muschi like this.
  12. I open all of mine and I think it's quite a fair amount. I can't imagine needing more.
    Seriously and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  13. I don't mean to be rude but did you read anything at all before you posted?

    I'm not complaining about not getting more free speed ups. I'm venting that we get the same drops over and over and that there is a dreadful monotony to the game as well as to each hunt that is so predictable that it has become boring, and that switching up rewards for the hunt can be one way (among many other suggestions I mentioned, had you bothered to read before assuming I'm complaining) of making things feel a little more interesting.

    Hopefully this clears that up.
  14. This is why we can’t have nice things.
  15. I tried, I really did. This is me trying.
  16. It’s actually not hard to be a nice person. Or even a decent one. I can’t take you seriously if you’re throwing attitude out with your arguments.
  17. The implication that I'm a bad or indecent person because I was mildly passive aggressive in one message with someone making assumptions about what I'm talking about whilst seemingly not having read any of what I had to say is quite a leap. You're inclined to feel however you want to, your judgement of my character makes little to no impact in my day to day life. However I created this thread to vent about changes the game needs and would have loved to see input that didn't involve skimming the notes and making assumptions about what I wanted, hence my quote unquote attitude.
    Kefo likes this.
  18. My only advice, as someone who's been around for a long, long, longggg time, is just lower your expectations.

    This game isn't great, it's going to as you said, boring and predictable.

    The only reason I'm still around is because I like it. I mean, I don't love it, it's just decent to me. I get on, push some buttons, get off. Simple.

    Sometimes I interact with other people because I want some interaction or because I want to have fun. But all in all, pimd is Pimd, good or bad.

    If pimd isn't your cup of tea, ATA offers other games such as Witches Arcana, Kingdoms at War, Single City, etc. etc.

    I'm not saying you should quit and play other games, I'm only saying maybe try something else if you haven't already and see how they are.

    Oh no. Grandpa is rambling.
  19. Yeah no I completely agree with everything that was said. And pimd is pimd, I wouldn't want an overhaul of the current game because that's an unreasonable request. I just feel minor changes to existing features could make it more interesting. Randomly sprinkling in week long hunts not just during promos but to have variety, or something completely new, a month long hunt with 4 separate week long hunts connecting the overall collected drops. For instance, use pride as a month long hunt with a colour of the week hunt for each new week (using each of the primary colours, then the final one being a festival of colours) just as a throwaway example. A hunt revolving around clubs where we get rewards in a club for parties completed (you would need a system to accept doing them in one specific club so as to allow people to hop but also not allow them to receive rewards from multiple clubs) or the same for PvP with actions completed, etc.
    Muschi likes this.
  20. I remember when there was no “hunts” there was a couple of scavenger hunts, and then the first hunt came along, can’t remember which one, anyway there’d be big long gaps for the next hunt, guess what? People complained because they wer waiting to long for the next hunt to start, now we have b2b hunts, ata added hypnocats, who’s paying for them? Players… players ask for deals, ata add them etc etc … blame the players
    V_Witchy_101 and Muschi like this.