NEW CONTENT Live Fabulously Remastered!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Jan 24, 2024.

  1. My condolences to any of the people that worked their butts off to get t10 constantly to collect gold crowns for the 98/98 Avis, just for this to happen 🥹
    I would’ve understood maybe adding additional avis to the lb crown shop (we are well overdue for new content), but to make a higher stat avi available through just regular shards that are a WAY EASIER to obtain? It’s not a secret that the people who do t10 spend a lot, not only in money but with their time and effort. Its really sad to see their efforts get a middle finger 🥹
    Lumi, Macey, Perdita and 29 others like this.
  2. So. I can covert flower crowns into the bills… BUT, I can’t turn my bills into the flower ones?

    L company.

    What?? Do you seriously expect me to just go buy more to earn these new avis instead of letting me convert my old currency??

    Go fuck yourselves ATA, you guys never even gave me my free gift for winning a comment giveaway on your IG.

    You guys are truly amazing.
    HaBaek, DrThot, misspeach and 12 others like this.
  3. Additionally, I agree with other posters that VIP+ versions of avatars should have an additional recolor or some other visual effect that differentiates it other than a stat difference.
  4. Crown of bills should be transferable to flower crowns 1:1. It’s not as if the requirements on the tiers are any different, so why the 10 flower crown for 1 bill crown? You don’t even get 1 flower crown for getting in t50, same as bill crown LB. So what’s with this disparity?
    Kinda disappointed with this.
    HaBaek, Macey, FastForward and 17 others like this.
  5. Yo ATA devs, can you share the drugs you've been taking because they've clearly messed with your brain chemistry, an extra 1,500 shards just for an extra 5/5 boost is beyond ridiculous and they don't even look different. As if you don't make enough from your cash grabs already and you obviously don't care about your player base
    HaBaek, Annabiotics, Perdita and 14 others like this.
  6. Why not use NEW avi instead of the same one from shards? Disappointing.
    HaBaek, FastForward, Orin and 10 others like this.
  7. Should’ve been better avi choices, almost had me there
    HaBaek, _HeIium_, marly_marls and 2 others like this.
  8. I was hoping for new daily XC avatars.
    HaBaek, Orin, Kakashi and 15 others like this.
  9. hmmm.. 🤔
    nice i guess.
  10. Here's my feedback for y'all: 👎🏼
    HaBaek likes this.
  11. So in other words, in an attempt to squeeze out more money, ata pissed off their top 1% of player database, and tried to put a bandaid over the wound with the return of the lounge (temporarily till uproar dies down). I get that its a business but usually more money comes from better content, better gameplay, newer mechanics, etc…

    The uneven ratio on the crowns is a mean move specially when requirements didn’t change and players already invested money into the bill crowns. You’ve essentially punished paying players with this move; taught them to always hold on and wait for the possibility of something bigger/better (They might end up leaving game still waiting for a better opportunity).

    Changing from crown bills to flower crowns was completely unnecessary and no one asked for them, but ig it was an excuse to bump up the already high price tags.

    Bigger issues and glitches in game still remain unsolved.
  12. VIP lounge 👍
    Everything else 👎
    HaBaek, Dreamsie, Miso and 9 others like this.
  13. Depending on the feedback there should be more of these in the future though, don't be salty about it.
    Muschi likes this.
  14. Yes 🙌🏼 to bringing back VIP lounge. Do us all a favor and keep it here please.
    Justin, Amarilove and -RVNG- like this.
  15. I’m so confused 🫠
  16. Y’all need to change the daily xc avatars. Those things are older than your grandma and no one uses them.
  17. Let's do some math to see just how enraged by this we should be!

    75 crown of bills for a 65%/65% avi
    -- Average 1.15 crowns per avi %
    175 crown of bills for a 90%/90% avi
    -- Average 1.94 crowns per avi %

    390 Flower crowns for a 70%/70% avi
    -- Average 5.57 crowns per avi %

    899 Flower crowns for a 100%/100% avi
    -- Average 8.99 crowns per avi %
    + requirement of reg. Version
    = 1289 crowns required
    = Average of 12.89 crowns per avi %

    In order to get the Let it Snowdrop VIP avi with 100%/100% stats you would need to place:
    #1 in live fabulously xc 51.56 times
    #2 in live fabulously xc 85.93 times
    #3 in live fabulously xc 128.9 times
    #4-#10 in live fabulously xc 257.8 times

    Considering the current live fabulously event that would mean dropping ~1k in IRL money each time. So you would need to spend some people's 1-5years salary in order to win this avi, depending on where you place. 💀

    Honestly ATA, you just just make avis upgradable so we can put money into avatars we already love and drop these current Flower crown avis to the price & stats of the crown of bills avis.
    spooky, BarbieBunnie, HaBaek and 23 others like this.
  18. The math was beautiful, 10/10
    HaBaek, Witchee and Amarilove like this.
  19. So basically only people who can afford crowns 👑 etc get these Avi's .....wish you could make Avi upgradable and maybe trade worthy ( certain ones )
    HaBaek likes this.
  20. The prices are way too high for a dn like are u crazy this is why ppl sell things on the backend