EVENT 🕯️Cuddling by Candlelight 🕯️

Discussion in 'Events' started by pimd, Jan 7, 2024.

  1. The fact that some mods are working hard does not take away from the fact that eurasia pub still remains a disgusting place, and that the offending players still remain unsilenced to this day
    diorhrts likes this.
  2. I pointed that out a long time ago and they kept switching it up until they decided to keep it this way. It was quite irritating seeing the inconsistencies and it didn't seem fair at all.
  3. I agreed with your post in my first sentence and I’m sorry if it came across as condescending because that was not my intention. I don’t believe anyone should receive abuse based on their religion, where they are from, orientation etc and I am sorry it is happening to you and other players. As I said you’re free to send ss to any mods and we can silence them from those.
    edit: sorry just saw the first part. They can be either sent through the pimd discord server or you can upload them to an image website and pm the mods the link similar to how we used to do with help tickets
  4. Its alright bb x thank you for your reply
    Dolcezza, Muschi and Leigh like this.
  5. if anyone is selling or trading lmk!!! wall me 🩵
  6. Hi Everyone,

    There was a typo made on the Community Challenge: Snug Moments goal, it should read 800,000,000 Snug Moments not 80,000,000. Apologies for the confusion! Community Score update to follow shortly!
    Muschi, Witchee and bie_trice like this.
  7. any chance they'll bring back the lite boxes for dns?
  8. Current Community Score right now is 72,437,624. HOLY SMOKES y'all had a strong first day. At this rate, the community is going to crush this goal easily 😍 Keep partying!
    #128 [ATA]Beans, Jan 24, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2024
  9. Great to know! Is there a reason however that the VIP paid for drop boost does not apply to side stories and only main story drops?
    Dolcezza, Quantum and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  10. Are we skipping over the part where the side drops have been upped to 800M instead of the 80M y’all agreed on prior to the hunt starting?

    That’s honestly pretty low, even for the devs. We definitely earned it.
    Dolcezza, Victoria, _HeIium_ and 6 others like this.
  11. Edit: I don’t care if it was a “typo”. Tbh I think y’all saw we reached 72M and decided it wasn’t a challenge enough. Kinda ucky. You’d think it would have been peer edited before it was announced SINCE the hunt announcement was late already.
  12. That honestly is some crap.
    Provoker likes this.
  13. I agree with those calling bull. I understand there’s a lot that goes into every hunt and errors happen, but you’re telling me EVERY team member JUST realized there was an entire 0 missing from that number? Bullshit. I will never, ever believe that. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck - it’s a damn duck.

    This is ridiculous.
    bie_trice, Dolcezza, Corgi and 4 others like this.
  14. You realize 800M is quite a fair number right? If we average 72M each day as a community like we did in the first 24h then we're looking at a whopping 1Billion drops by the end of the hunt. And we know the weekends have more player activity and events scheduled so it'll probably land higher than that.

    Even if we assume ATA intentionally moved the goal post after seeing the numbers the community put out, and are instead demanding a higher but realistically obtainable drop count: what's the worst to come of it? They congratulate us later on and we still get the rewards at the end of the hunt?

    Honestly considering how buggy this whole thing has been so far a typo from the Devs isn't a far fetched story. This is a very balanced update and I think we have bigger things to be upset about this hunt 💀


    While we're airing grievances, ATA what the heck is happening that your fourm posts for new hunt/monthly content not updating as the content drops? Do you not have a hidden queue you can line posts up in so we're not all refreshing the page for 30mins trying to see it?
  15. To each there own. I love the art on the avatars it's hella unique. + Most got mixed furniture
  16. U just now realizing that??????
  17. I beg to differ
  18. TBH I don't think y'all like art. The avatars are beautiful ❤️❤️❤️.well drawn And believe me people I hate everything about AtA. Lmao 🤣🤣🤣 who ever did this grate job 💗💗💗💗💗🙌
    Muschi likes this.
  19. Boo
  20. Ikr there gorgeous 🥰