LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🎁Style Swap - Tradable Avatars🤝

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. Anyone wanna trade my male mysterious fit box to a female one? Wall me pls ty
  2. What are their stats?
  3. The Ultra Rare ones pictured are 80/80. The remainder are 65/65.
  4. Trading Mod Goth(M) for Dark Chic(F) wm
  5. Selling mysterious & grunge male Ava’s. WMO
  6. Chile This ignorant thinking..first of all none of what you wrote made any sense whatsoever.. talking about ppl getting farmed over tradable avis is goofy
  7. Trading male mod goth for female avi
  8. Hii! Swapping Mysterious Fit Male Avi for a Female Avi please! Yes, I lost the EC gamble 🙄🤧🤣 Wall/Add me if interested. Thanks in advance!✨
  9. Swapping male grunge for female ❤️
  10. Relaunch and lower the damn price🌚
    Gir, Lusty, spooky and 4 others like this.
  11. buying if anyone is still selling wm 🥲
    Nesst likes this.
  12. can y’all bring this back T-T
  13. wall me if selling any of the female boxes, and bring a price too because i’m not going to waste time on a price check :)
  14. Price Check and any male avi as well!
  15. Buying any of the female boxes 🙆🏼‍♀️