CURRENT EVENT ❄️ The Snow Must Go On ❄️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. always putting the decent avis in the box 🫤 this why I’ve barely been active the last 6 hunts. can we PLEASE get a full effort and like-able hunt?
  2. something i also complain about every month. that doesn’t make this pigeon any less lame 😔
  3. We still got a hunt between this and Valentine's so I'm sure it'll come! If they really wanted to fit in Feb 10, they can make LNY a one week hunt tbh.
    lustylegend and Muschi like this.
  4. I got the skating avi ❄️
  5. Stats so are alright which is most important but wtf are these avis
  6. I stan whoever added the dayman and hsm gifs in a single forum post lmfao the duality of man😭
  7. It's quite nice; especially the snowflake elements on designs of the avatars and the interior decor ...

    I fancy the ice-skating femme the most (the dark-haired version, particularly), since I'm into ice- and figure-skating myself.

    The light-haired version of the feminine ice queen, with her lucent avian (a corvid, I believe?), is delightful; while, the masculine avatar with the polar bear looks superb, as well!

    Albeit, here are a couple of the caveats I have:

    1) About avatars, in general and of those released recently...
    There, seemingly, is a current trend, where the first-tier avatars are no longer as nice as they ought to have been (indeed, as they once were, in the much older hunts). They're not as nice as they could have been. Whilst I do understand that the ones for the Leaderboard rewards are intended to be the fanciest, I believe the first avatars to drop from the Event Stories could still be improved upon.

    Not everyone is able to push through with reaching the higher tiers of Event Stories. Nevertheless, it would still be a good motivator to receive first-tier avatars which are more akin to the aesthetics of the higher-tiered ones.

    Better yet, develop a code which shall enable players to change the skintone of the avatars they receive, to match that of their own and actual preference.

    2) Current Lite Box Drops...
    Likewise, it would be most appreciated if the logarithm for the Lite Box drops could be improved upon. In the past, we had the opportunity to get wonderful surprise drops, in the form of Ultra Rare furniture and/or avatars.
    Nowadays, though, the most that come out is just the Wallpaper. Worse, getting multiple drops of the same Floor, or other low-tier furnishings.
  8. Is anyone else not getting this cute pro drop!? 🥺 club completes and not 1 person from the party got one
    Irrelevant likes this.
  9. I don't think they are released yet! I checked multiple clubs who finished PPOTD but didn't find anyone who got the Seal.
  10. let them cook !!
  11. 3rd/4th side story for the one, I’ve staff is most likely the leaderboard avatar.
  12. 7) a way to pin direct messages so that they always stay on top
    8) a way to pin your fave avis so that they always stay on top
    9) a reject all button for gifts like the accept all button
  13. Yes this happened to me too. I don’t think the pro stat is dropping at all
    Lite likes this.
  14. Baby seal not droping
    Lite likes this.
  15. Give t1500 a stats reward bonus too :mad:
    web likes this.
  16. So nearly impossible to get unless you spend money
  17. Typically the 3rd side story avi you can get without having to spend anything.
    Simply hit POTD as often as you can, it helps to be in a good club and have decent stats.
    The 4th side story (VIP side story avi) definitely requires going to a flash or ec club.
    But a 1-2bento flash is typically enough to suffice.
    And bentos can be obtained easily for “free” by selling your stat items and what not.
    sinnamanbun and -Mrs_Mis- like this.
  18. There’s a glitch with pro potd Baby seal isn’t dropping for anyone
    sinnamanbun likes this.
  19. The issue with the PPOTD seal drop has been resolved 💕
    Lite, Amarilove and GoddessHailey like this.
  20. Yea so happy.

    I’m a bit sad the limit for PPOTD is only 3

    But maybe the majority was against having to max to 5 so that’s why it got cut down.

    Does anyone have a preference in the limit set for PPOTD stat item drop?