CURRENT EVENT 🎭 The Midnight Masquerade 🎭

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. The Avis are preferable🙃
  2. It's well done. Just not my personal style. But nothing bad to say about it. That's great
  3. I'm going to be very blunt, this hunt is terrible. There are about 3 to 4 different feels and themes in this one hunt alone and it feels like you couldn't just stick with one or pick one. You've got the Cinderella's ball vibes, masquerade, New Years and because of the color scheme it's giving Bridgerton. It's mixed confusingly through the entirety of the hunt. The avatars, the furniture, the main hunt tier item rewards.

    The New Years furniture parts where you see the fireworks, I love that those are gorgeous I enjoy it everytime you put out pretty firework furniture. The rest begins to lose me and fall apart. You gave us masquerade furniture and Bridgerton vibes but then turned around and gave us Cinderella's ball boxes and avatars with the glass slipper. Then when you look at the main storyline misc items it's like you couldn't decide which theme to put in there so you did Cinderella vibes for the first 2 items, then masquerade then New Years. Not to mention the Cinderella carriage box itself, which great idea generally because it's interesting and different, doesn't fit the color scheme even of the hunt. The dorm is giving dark greens, blacks, golds and silvers and you really said for the box yeah let's do eggshell and gold.

    It's a lot of themes in one that don't feel like they mesh well. Too much is going on and I kind of wish you guys would have stuck to 1 or 2 themes, usually when there's multiple it gets too confusing and doesn't mesh. I also think there was a major missed opportunity with your theme being masquerade and not doing Phantom Of The Opera kind of vibes. That would have been more on theme and target.

    This hunt is a mess. I hope in the future you stick to 1 to 2 themes and LISTEN TO YOUR PLAYER BASE!
    xXSunshineXx, web, SrTobi and 18 others like this.
  4. Why tf is it called a masquerade when only 2 of them have masks……
  5. All the men look pretty basic except the one next to the woman with the golden dress. I'm assuming those are the 3k avis?
  6. Oooh!! Elegant style WITHOUT being overly lewd! I love it!! :)
    marly_marls likes this.
  7. What is this vintage pos. Are we celebrating new years or Marie Antoinette’s death? Are we in 2023, or the Victorian era. I’m not sure. Furniture looks something from London . Do we associate that style with new years?? What is happening
  8. Absolutely love 🥰🤍 #NailedIt
  9. looove it!!
  10. You wouldn't be invites are for the Christmas hunt so you wouldn't get drops for this hunt
  11. Different & cute....
  12. It happend to everyone, sadly.
  13. Invite parties always dropped in the new hunt, like every other ec party.
    GoddessHailey and Muschi like this.
  14. They've always dropped new drops every other hunt I've done them for.
  15. The devs are currently looking in to it

    edit: they are working on getting what is owed to those who didn’t receive their drops
    #56 Leigh, Dec 26, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2023
  16. Love the avis 💝
  17. Ngl I thought the theme was supposed to be a general masquerade ball. I liked the avis, but felt ripped off seeing the box avis with masks and expecting all avis to have masks...and the rest not having masks. Little accessories like that help me stayed engaged with PIMD after 5 yeah. I crave novelty, but the furn looks like any other Victorian era/British/historical sophistication furn set. I admire the desk and fireplace though. Wish Cinderella was its own full hunt.
  18. Finally more black and gold to add to my room.
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  19. You guys keep putting SpongeBob gifs but yet no SpongeBob themed hunt🧐 I’d be down for that.