LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 📦Speed Up Exchange Boxes!📦

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Beans, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]
    Speed Up Exchange Boxes are here for a limited-time!

    Are you getting tired of seeing those unopened Speed Up Reward Boxes clogging up your showcase?
    Do you wish that you had a way to limit the number of common speed ups you're getting?

    Look no further PIMD fam! You should check out these new boxes!

    All the details about these new Speed Up Exchange Boxes can be found below in the FAQ section.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are Speed Up Reward Boxes?
    Normal Speed Up Reward Boxes are a type of reward box that players can obtain in-game. These boxes give players a chance to obtain a combination of speed ups of different rarities (common, rare, super rare, and ultra rare speed-ups).

    How do I obtain the normal Speed Up Reward Boxes though?
    Normal Speed Up Reward Boxes can be obtained as a possible reward from progressing through event Side Stories.

    How are Speed Up Exchange Boxes any different than normal Speed Up Reward Boxes?

    Speed Up Exchange Boxes are upgraded versions of the normal Speed Up Reward Boxes! This means that players are able to get a better assortment of HIGHER RARITY speed ups without those pesky old common ones interfering! Each tier, contains a bigger and better allotment of rarer speed ups!

    Bronze will only contain speeds ups that are Rare and higher!
    Silver will only contain speeds ups that are Super Rare and higher!
    Gold will only contain speeds up that are either a mix of either Super Rare + Ultra or Ultra Only!

    Where can I get my hands on these upgraded Speed Up Exchange Boxes?
    Players will be able to exchange their normal boxes for a maximum of ONE box of each type which will be available in Molly's section of the in-game store.

    How much are these Speed Up Exchange Boxes?
    The current exchange rates:

    🥉Bronze Speed Up Exchange Box🥉= 4 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    🥈Silver Speed Up Exchange Box🥈= 20 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    🥇Gold Speed Up Exchange Box🥇= 62 Speed Up Reward Boxes

    How long do I have to take advantage of the Speed Up Box exchange?
    This offer will be available in Molly's section from December 19th @ Noon PST until January 4th @ Noon PST!

    Each player can exchange their normal speed up reward boxes for a maximum of ONE Bronze, ONE Silver, and ONE Gold Speed Up Exchange Box. After you successfully exchange for one of these boxes, the offer will disappear from Molly's section in the store.

    On behalf of the team here at 🦍ATA🦍, we wish all of you happy holidays☃️🥳!
    Surround yourselves with friends, family, lots of love, and lots of laughs over the holidays!
    (Please remember to do so responsibly though😎)

    We got some spicy things cooking up in the kitchen and we are looking forward to the things to come in 2024!

    Lots of love,
    #1 [ATA]Beans, Dec 19, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
  2. Wow! Finally!
  3. This is interesting
    AngelaLauren likes this.
  4. Would’ve been nice if it could’ve been one exchange per day but thanks for doing something players have been asking about for a while. Hope to see it again in the future
  5. i asked for this & i'm definitely happy this was made into consideration!!
    YoursBia, MysteryHuman, -BB and 6 others like this.

  6. This is a great idea. Especially since active player build up so much in a day. Would be nice not to have to open 62 boxes 🤭🫰🏽
  7. let us buy as many as we can 😾
  8. i have 20.8k speedup boxes please let me buy more than just 1 box 😭😭😭
  9. YES! Although I wish we could buy more than one box of each, barely made a dent in my stash 🚶‍♂️+ can we do that ((open 10)) button thing that exists in all other ATA games? Ty though I absolutely loved this! 🥹
  10. Why instead of putting speed ups in boxes, you just award them to us directly as you did in the beginning? When you have 3000 b9xes to open, 62 is nothing and you can only buy one of each box🙄
  11. Definitely not worth it if you're looking to get timer box speed ups. In the silver box, there's only one timer box speed up out of 8 possible items, and in the gold box, there aren't any timer box speed ups. The bronze might be worth it, but at first glance it's hard to tell.
    sinnamanbun, Lite, Muschi and 3 others like this.
  12. I was excited for a bit
  13. It's something. I guess.
  14. Only 1 of each?? I assumed it was per day at first, because with the amount some have collected, only 1 seems... Pointless. I guess they'll look pretty in my showcase. 🖤
  15. Appreciate the one pet level 🫡 appreciate finally seeing this implemented but just one exchange isn’t that helpful to most..
    sinnamanbun likes this.
  16. A open 10 or more button would still be nice, don’t care much for higher rarity when there’s hundreds or thousands of boxes to open in the first place…
    sinnamanbun and Alectrona like this.
  17. So where are today's boxes?😏
  18. Id say its a trial to see how people take it then go from there
  19. Yeah um
    I need more of these boxes
    Not coz they’re awesome (they’re actually not that great)
    But coz I want them for my showcase 😎