STORY PASS Getting Lit This Hanukkah! 🕎

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Dec 2, 2023.

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  1. They're....chocolate coins? You can see the wrappers. It's gelt, given as presents during Hanukkah. Please take a breath and research the holiday. ❄️ (claimed)
    Fawn378, Joy, Juanicorn and 34 others like this.
  2. … h u h
  3. Way to automatically assume without taking a closer look. Was the stereotype your first thought when you first saw the avi?
  4. Happy Hanukkah!
  5. Money is a very common Hanukkah gift.
    xXSunshineXx and _Thyme_ like this.
  6. This is adorable. Happy Hanukkah! 🫶🏻
  7. They're chocolates 🌚
  8. As a Jewish person myself I love any type of representation and with hot Avis too, yes please🙇‍♀️
    Fetch, Bat, xXSunshineXx and 7 others like this.
  9. For anyone thinks it’s antisemitic for the man to have money… it’s gelt, which is chocolate and is definitely a Hanukkah thing
  10. The avatars and animals are so nice! Great job on more cultural content, woot!
    zilin, Muschi and Lumi like this.
    this time don’t make the avis look white 😠
    Like let them actually be Asian 🙄 there’s billions of us & tons of ethnicities within “Asian” to choose from
    Last years Chinese New Year “hunt” was such a joke
    It was Eurocentric avatars for sale in Molly’s for $20 lmfao
    Everything during last Chinese new year costed actual money
    -May-, Hooters, KitsuneDream and 11 others like this.
  12. Not when I'm ec broke aft BF 🥲
    ig it's time for offerwall since I want the cat stat
    Lumi likes this.
  13. Are you serious or is it sarcasm? Because both actual money and chocolate coins are common gifts during Hanukkah, especially for kids.
    Agent_Cici likes this.
  14. Dreidel rewards are Not giftable nor tradeable😑😪
  15. 🥲Idk how to feel about this
  16. Hii, thank you for the Hanukkah story pass. Really likes the❤ avis and animal stats. cloud it be possible for a Chinese new year hunt? Please do a Chinese new year hunt. Thank you⛄
    Day, Lumi and Atlas like this.
  17. ATA Yall should do more cultural contents due to players being around the world. Being hands on w our culture is very much appreciated💜🤲🏽. (Hanukkah, chinese new year, and more) yall would have a lot of us in our knees lmfao begging. Avis are very cute too btw👋🏽
    Atlas likes this.
  18. Even if they weren't chocolate coins, pointing out that a Jewish person has money is not antisemitic behaviour. A lazy stereotype in this case, sure. But comparing that to actual antisemitic behaviour (which implies hatred or some type of hostile negative behaviour) really lessens the impact of actual antisemitism.

    We pick our battles. This is not the hill to die on.
    Agent_Cici, Muschi and AdultFilmStar like this.
  19. Are you okay? What's wrong with that? Hope you get well soon and stop being a liberal.
    Agent_Cici likes this.
  20. I'm still waiting to see an Orthodox hunt or anything but we all know why it won't happen 🌝same reason as they don't make Muslim hunts
    r0ry and marly_marls like this.
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