Neil and friends dorm and avatar matching contest December 2023

Discussion in 'Contests' started by iNeilTheSpeedyTurtle, Nov 29, 2023.

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  1. Hello everyone, its that time again, welcome back to neil and friends dorm and avatar matching contest!
    I hope everyone is ready to match all the dorms and avatars!

    If you aren't hurry up because the contest is starting!

    How to enter:
    All we're looking for is:
    • For you to crop your avatar into your room.
    • Upload a picture of your room with avatar in it to imgur.
    • After getting your picture link from imgr please post to this thread in the comment section including a list of the sets used to complete your submission.

    In the spoiler below is a step by step break down of how to get the proper link from imgur and upload into the comment section of this post courtesy of Delight.

    ❅ Download IMGUR.

    ❅ Upload the image(s) and post it.

    ❅ Once posted, hold down on the image until a new small window pops up.

    ❅ Press on "Copy Post Link", make sure it ends in .jpg

    ❅ On this thread reply, click the image/landscape button

    ❅ Insert the link, click “insert”, and you’re done!

    If you did these steps correctly, the image will show up in your forum post before you submit it to be uploaded.

    If you see “IMG” instead or just the link, you’ve done it incorrectly.

    if you’re still confused, do not hesitate to reach out to contest judge or a mod for help.

    1. No complete dorm sets
    2. Must have your ign somewhere in the photo
    3. I can not be blocked as I will be gifting the winners.
    4. Must have avatar cropped into your dorm
    5. Pet is optional but I'd love to see if anyone can match room/avatar to their pet
    6. Must have at least 5 different furniture sets in your room
    7. Have a list of what sets were used in your submission
    8. 1 entry per person
    9. You may use store furni as long as they are owned by you(or if you borrow that furni from a friend)
    10. Have fun!

    Now for the prizes.....
    1st • 3 mod crates & 999
    2nd • 2 mod crate & 499
    3rd • 1 mod crate & desk
    4th • 15 bentos
    5th • 10 bentos

    additionally the judges will be selecting a favorite and each of the judges favorites will win a Mod crate

    the Devs have agreed to pick a favorite of their own and those winners will win a PIMD crate!!

    The judges this time will be


    Entries start today Nov 29th
    Submissions end on December 13th
    Winners will be announced December 20th

    An additional example of what an entry should look like made by Auri!

    If you have any questions feel free to ask any of the judges or myself
    I look forward to seeing all the entries
    #1 iNeilTheSpeedyTurtle, Nov 29, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2023
    Geminem, SweetAsYonii, Arkin and 24 others like this.
  2. No support
    Muschi likes this.
  3. As it should be I'd have been disappointed if you gave support to anything
    Noblesse and Maria_DC like this.
  4. What do you use to crop your images / the image of your avatar?
    Euphoria likes this.
  5. Crazy how it’s already been a year since your last one! This contest is so fun and I genuinely have a blast putting rooms together 💜💜🤣
  6. [​IMG]
  7. [​IMG]
    Getting the link to work was a nightmare. I'm glad I could get this done now before 13 days of procrastination pass and its too late
  8. [​IMG]
    My very first entry for a dorm contest!
    Goodluck to everyone 🥹🖤
    Kefo, LeeRoyBrown, Arkin and 34 others like this.
  9. Not interested
  10. Bumping to keep it towards the top 🩴💥
    Mysophobic likes this.
  11. LeeRoyBrown, MIHO, iANGEL_ and 9 others like this.
    Nothing better than a cozy dorm to retreat to after a long day 🫶🏼
    Spot my pet -Luci- on the rainy 999! Complete with collar and all 💖
  13. [​IMG]
  14. [​IMG] Good luck y’all 🖤
    LeeRoyBrown, Arkin, Scully and 16 others like this.
  15. As always, thanks for hosting and good luck to all the contestants 💗
    Gonna snatch future dorm ideas from some of y'all for sure 😆

    LeeRoyBrown, Victoria, Hales and 2 others like this.
  16. Clearly I’m struggling to upload and also labeled my 999 wrong 💀🤏🏽

    Nothing better than a cozy dorm to retreat to after a long day 🫶🏼
    Spot my pet -Luci- on the rainy 999! Complete with collar and all 💖
    (A repost because I mislabeled my 999 on accident and I’m hoping the image uploads properly this time.)
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