Hey there, I have a question

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by iJules_the_loveable_Cat, Nov 25, 2023.

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  1. How much do people usually sell thier clubs?

    I'm going to sell my club, soon
  2. Depends on how many parties are unlocked. How many admin spaces there are. How many gold passes there are. What club pins you got (some cost ec to buy).

    To many variables to anser that question
    Lite and Muschi like this.
  3. I have
    Vice president: 0/1
    Executive: 2/4
    BounceEnforcer: 0/14
    Party Jockey: 4/20
    Club Rep: 0/14

    Majority of the regular parties are unlocked.
    La_Vrai likes this.
  4. I'd say maybe 1🍱 then.
  5. When you gonna give players who don't be hardcore on all the time and opportunity to win PIMD crates? I have been on 9 years this account 10my oldest and never won one yet, how do we get a real chance to win a crate?
  6. The only person stopping you from joining the competitions is you
    Muschi, Lite and Reee like this.
  7. Perhaps the next game they make will have cross game rewards. I know I got 10 pimdcrates from playing Single City after it got released.
  8. Give them away for free my friend. We don't want capitalism flourishing now do we?
    imaryjane likes this.
  9. Supply and demand creates price points.
    If everyone had pimdcrates then no one would want them lol
    I have my qualms against capitalism but that’s for another day.
    Regardless we all love exclusivity & rare things 🫰
  10. I won a pimd crate doing trivia (random guess answer) and a mod crate doing trivia (random guess answer) with my horse ass WiFi. There's also competitions in forums. Also 10 bentos isn't really much in the grand scheme of things if you want one really bad.
    Muschi likes this.
  11. I checked the club you're in rn. Seems to be no gold passes. Few slots unlocked. You haven't finished skyhigh party so you haven't unlocked dog yet either. 1b, maybe 2. Finish skyhigh party so dog is unlocked and you can maybe sell for 4 or 5 🍱
    Muschi likes this.
  12. Zkmvtknckkckjofbnuuh
  13. Mmm yes, I agree
    Muschi likes this.
  14. OP was talking about clubs. I was talking about clubs. So, bye.
  15. Inb4 lock
  16. Ditto
    Li likes this.
  17. Sorry I misread 😂
    So much attitude, gosh 🌚
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