Recommendations for ATA to Include in the Game.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Basically_just_bored_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Thats not gonna happen. Ata have been making them harder to get for free. They used to be in all boxes. But even been taken out of that now
  2. I know that lol it’s just a wish
  3. I have being telling for long time, maybe on this thread ATA will read and more players will agree… of course ATA would need update servers but is possible-

    1st - let’s us choose the Avis ( female, male, or LGTBQ)
    2nd- Avis should be our creation ( like “the sims” - I create my own avi the way I think represents me) On hunts would come new clothing and special accessories - so Ata can make their money.
    3rd - Tradable old( meaning if ata supposedly goes w my idea number 2)Avis per Avis only ( nor bentos , nor MCs ) so not loosing money there Ata
    4th - ecs ppotd parties - harder and more cash, drops out ( PPOTDS SPECIAL DROPS always)
    5th - search bar on gifts
    6th - fix pls the dark mode chat
    7th - pls for God’s sake take out from boxes yeet, limo and cp cause when gets purple and one of them comes out it’s frustrating as hell
  4. Please add a open 1x/5x/10x/open all option for opening boxes and the same for spinner 🫶 bc it's takes agonizingly long opening 100+ boxes and spinning 300+ times individually 😭
  5. Just filled out the survey for future hunts like what we would prefer, I just want to say that for the Christmas hunt I think they should include other Holidays around that time of year. Not everyone celebrates Christmas, I myself was not raised Christian and it would be nice to see more representation of other religions/holidays as well. Instead of just Christmas why can’t it be a general holiday hunt
    KraftDinner and MysticRaven like this.
  6. Here's an idea. A complete rework of walls.

    Instead of blocking players individually, you can just "turn off" your wall to prevent players from writing on it.

    Additionally, you can whitelist certain players to enable them to write on your wall. To do that, instead of manually typing the users name to whitelist, there's a button on the profile so you don't have to keep typing.

    My only problem is if mods will be able to bypass the whitelist. I don't know how that would work.
    Kefo likes this.
  7. Would be great if there was a possibility to change male avatars in female ones. I always get male avis out of boxes :(
    IoveIy likes this.
  8. A search bar for gifting.
    I have a lot of furniture and stats,when I want to gift someone I have to scroll through a whole lot of stuff to get to what I want,a search bar would make finding what I want to gift easier.

  9. Will friends be automatically add as whitelist or like those also will need to be enable ? and will those who are block automatically (filtering the campus chat messages) are block from writing on your wall?

    My only concern is people activate the turn off button to prevent people from writing on their wall. And those people (player A) ask a question or ask to be wall for if it’s a deal or if a player (player B) has the item. Then, Player A expects to receive an answer but since no one is writing on their wall due to the turn off button . Player A gets frustrated “and no one cares” to answer Player A.

    Same thing whenever I see status : DND and that player wrote a question (not a rhetorical question) or ask for “wall me banners” on campus chat and keep spamming because no one answer them.

    Edit: I do get a positive interest to the idea. Just wondering how far should we go as we “rework” public wall
  10. They did mention that they were going to add it to gifting when they added the search bar for trading, but that was several years ago at this point. 😥
    iLelaTheAngelOfDeath likes this.
  11. Friends automatically being whitelisted sounds like a good idea.

    As for the accidental event of turning off your wall, there should be like a visible switch somewhere on the wall. Like, you'd have to swipe to turn it on and off. Tapping directly on the switch would also work. Probably. That's at least my thought process.
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  12. How about the apes keep their promises !! That would be a great idea wouldn’t it
    Let’s face facts :
    Promised us a new improved cat party
    Still waiting
    Said they was looking at a new tier for our dorms
    Still waiting

    other then those
    About time we had new bentos to rival the old ones
    Cat bento : collect cats 🐈 from cat parties
    Each cat would be 6kcs instead of the current 5kcs ( cat bento )
    Dog bento : as above except collect dogs
    ( dog bento )

    Replace crackers the gold fish with a new item
    ( lenie the rabbit 🐇)
    Replace plush munion
    ( plush clown 🤡)

    bring out a new furniture set on the wheel
    Bring back extra rare drops ( ugly squash )
  13. Ive requested this earlier too. Devs shld rly consider this, it’s tedious whn the boxes pile. Also whn the boxes/speeds up open can it just show all of the stuff instead of tapping each time to see the stuff.
  14. Requesting this too!!! Sincerely someone with 600 boxes to open
  15. Rookie numbers 🥸
  16. I wish there was a pin option on the wall for clarifying prices and most importantly useful for clubs as well
  17. I would like to see more throwback avis. Like on ata day, throwback shards. Its nice to get the avi you want and that it is not based on luck. I would love to get the pine cone avi and i heard a lot of people about that avi🌲🎅🏻
  18. Here are some suggestions I have on the overall experience:

    The Daily XC needs a revamp: for someone that stays in their home club, completing the daily xc isn't possible without hopping.
    My suggestion: add 10 points for doing jobs (1-2 points per action, 10 points max) this will also incentivise people to do jobs which are basically a useless feature at this point with very little payoff aside from a few dns. Jobs also need to be revamped with more added or different payouts such as pimdbanks (which is a good incentive for newbies) or low tier stat items. There are definitely some other ways the daily xc can be tweaked.

    Rate my dorm: return it to how it was. Alternately, remove the feature for liking friends dorms entirely. With the way points are set up now, the only people that get ahead with it are those who ask their friends to rate it or those with multiple alts, and this only incentives them to add their alts empty starter furniture dorms to the list. It was better how it was previously.

    Club activity rewards: I think having club daily/weekly activity rewards can be a great way to incentivise people to stay and grow with their club. Come online once a day to receive a reward, complete a certain number of party actions to receive a reward. You can also add an additional XC for club performance based on number of actions or parties (potd) completed for the day.

    These ideas are just rough guidelines and can be tweaked to perform better.
    IoveIy likes this.
  19. Can we please for the love of God take away the 10 second delay on voting for the rate my dorm?! It's so tedious skipping all the accounts that obviously are an alt and just put a couple pieces of starter to give themselves assists.
    Canela likes this.
  20. 1) ATA can introduce with Ata marketplace where player ( all seller) can display their items and set their desirable price (chibi, bento, mcs) , so other player (buyers) can search the item name and buy their items within a both (buyer and seller) not need to stay online at a time.

    2) Opening box and spinning should be multiple,its time consuming to open and spin the spinners one by one. we want to open and spin the spinners by one click