LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Ghosts of Halloween's Past! 👻

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 19, 2023.

  1. I mean yeah seeing that the cutie box avi is gonna be available for everyone to purchase after I spent an amount I don’t even want to repeat (ended up in top top15 on lb 😭😭) to get it is kinda ode but i don’t think it’s that serious to be so upset about it 😭😭
  2. Please tell me I didn't miss Macrabe Medic 🥲
    LoveBunny, Lumi and ShortnSweet like this.
  3. you didn’t bb!
    Lumi and Muschi like this.
  4. Please make box avis easier to obtain or don’t bring them back for “flashbacks” during holidays.

    It really isn’t fair to those who’ve opened countless boxes, spending 100 dollars plus just for a chance at an avi they want. Why do that when there’s a chance they’ll come back for 100 EC???? Doesn’t make any sense. Make them easier to pull or don’t bring them back, simple as that.
  5. Day idk what predictions still going strong 🎉
    SweetDarkAngel, Amarilove and Lumi like this.
  6. Every day? Awwwww, I missed a lot of they change everyday but this is a great idea forever! Hoping to see a few avis I never had the chance to get I.E. Harley Quinn plz, lolz!
  7. if not of*
    DracoMalfoy likes this.
  8. I really hope they do this with the V-day avis 🤭
    Hooters and SweetDarkAngel like this.
  9. I just love how they are putting the medic and kitsune last because they know those are two of the most sought after avatars from this drop. I login everyday waiting to see them pop up online. I’m tired of waiting, it’s the only reason why I’m interested. 😫
  10. Just dropping this here but, could we do a rerun of all avis that were in avi bags?
    Like, there are some who are super pretty but the avi bags aren’t tradable so even if you wanted to spend the ec to open one you can’t
  11. sad about the medic, opened 200 boxes to get it a few months back and now they're in the shop? I mean it's good but I wasted a ton of ecs :/
    sinnamanbun likes this.
  12. With the Kitsune Avis having been annouced in the original post to be what's in store for October 31st, all 11 predictions have officially been correct 🥳🥳🥳

    I'm still salty that box avis have been made purchasable for ec, even if I went and got a few myself, but I hope this helped people plan how to spend their ec ♡
    V4NE, Muschi, SweetDarkAngel and 5 others like this.
  13. Guess who's back. Back again. Whench is back tell a friend. It's to late now to answer. But best believe yall see me around 🖤🖤🖤. Ps yall can't stop me lmao
  14. I don't know what day it is. But this event is still a huge disappointment to me booo boo lame event
  15. Thank you ATA for the opportunity to purchase these avis, I loved a lot of the choices you gave us. Thank you @Witchee for showing the predicted avis that were released.

    🖤🦇 ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʜᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴇɴ! 🦇🖤
    Carolina, Lumi, Muschi and 2 others like this.
  16. You can view a calendar to find out what day it is. Most phones typically have a calendar app!
    Witchee likes this.
  17. Thank you Muschi and Witchee for helping us gather info on avatars and prices! You’ve been a massive help. 💋
    Witchee, Amarilove and Lumi like this.