How did you come up with your PIMD username?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Hurricaine, May 21, 2023.

  1. My username just popped into my head randomly when I was trying to create an Opera Mini I just decided to use it for PIMD
  2. Wwwd ui I Chi. K ela r. No bywwwtt
    flameSy and Yonko like this.
  3. I lost at truth or dare.
    flameSy, Yonko and miriririri like this.
  4. Well I like Rats and im Trash so yeah
  5. I was always an Option, sadnu
    flameSy, Styx and Yonko like this.
  6. I’m one of the 7 deadly sins… idk if it was Pride or Greed who gave it to me…
    flameSy and Yonko like this.
  7. From an old movie. It was a good Movie not what I expected!!
    flameSy, Styx, Yonko and 1 other person like this.
  8. My current favourite character 🥰✨ She's my obsession right now
    flameSy and Yonko like this.
  9. I'm a fun of Rema .... Lucky enough no had used it so .....
    flameSy and Yonko like this.
  10. I like to play Smite so I named myself after the goddess of strife herself ✨
    flameSy, Styx and Yonko like this.
  11. Lite…boxes :)
    flameSy, Styx and Yonko like this.
  12. Was drinking a lot of boba at the time.
    flameSy, Offthewall, Yonko and 2 others like this.
  13. It's from a line in the Hannibal series that goes "whenever feasible, one should always eat the rude"
  14. so i used to get paid to write stories with coding for this app. miri's a play on words of my name.. yeop yap
    flameSy, Yonko and Seriously like this.
  15. My favorite meal of the day! (And most important) :)
  16. 🧜🏼‍♀️
    flameSy, Styx and Yonko like this.
  17. I was slacking off so I gave myself the name Slacker 🫠
    flameSy, Styx and Aei like this.
  18. a e i o u - vowels + my name starts with A
    flameSy and Yonko like this.
  19. I was talking to my best friend about waifus in anime and autocorrect kept correcting waifu to wafer so now she calls me her wafer cakes