Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Sep 28, 2023.

  1. Gather around da fire

    Get some marshmallows

    And hear me out

    Long long ago in a galaxy far away

    There was an ape, now this ape decided to introduce

    The relationship feature into de game

    Followed by giftable ec

    However due to the evil siths that used this power for evil to beat de system

    Ata removed that shiet

    But I say bring that shiet back

    Who's wit meeeee
    MeanBrat likes this.
  2. Bumping for da ded homies
  3. Hmmm. They should bring it back but also nerf ecs.
  4. Bring it back but you need to reach a certain stat/account age condition and then after the transfer the account that loses the ec gets perm deleted.

    Ex: 2mcs + account must be 6months old etc before it can send ec

    No more 100th alt buying the good ec deals and flooding campus about it and then the account goes dead until a pvp hunt comes along where it can do all the work whilst the main acc just parties all day and abuse the system that way too
    MayaTheHopeful and Muschi like this.
  5. Theres ways to get soooooo much ec for free now that this isnt even needed anymore. You are just lazy and want everything for nothing in return
    Muschi likes this.
  6. And/or have a certain requirement for how long you've been in the RS too -- like a year
    renamed46099 likes this.
  7. I would support these two proposals.
    Muschi likes this.
  8. When this start happening there will be an increase of sugar mama/sugar daddys wanted