Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. I see y'all reading this, ATA... PLEASEEE bring this one back too! 😭 (I'm begging u)
    Tiva, Seriously, nixi3 and 5 others like this.
  2. We’re all broke here.
    Dolcezza, Puma, Gossamer and 4 others like this.
  3. If Ata can bring back couple of Avis, (I don't have picture) but it's a Girl jumping out of a Huge Birthday Cake and the other is a Lady wearing Blue and black striped outfit with a hookah (tried looking for images but can't find those particular ones.)
  4. This cake avi? [​IMG]
  5. Ata please include pizza kinis on 2x or 5x next time please
    Circus-Peanut and Zelda like this.
  6. The Hookah one is from their Alice in Wonderland hunt.
    Li likes this.
  7. Is this list the only contests that count towards the 25 needed? Or any of the ones labeled "Daily Contest" as well? For example, the daily: to do list, home, city, roomies.
    Gossamer likes this.
  8. Or is it possible I'm still in the tutorial 😂
  9. that's the point of the forum to leave your complaints lmao
  10. I'm broke??? U gonna show off now lol
  11. Bro I get it u don't like my comment u don't have to read it
  12. Lmao I was saying the same thing. Where's the love
  13. Poor excuse. There are games u just login and you get the currency/ec. Don't come here trying to justify ATA putting holes in people pockets
    Dipper likes this.
  14. People don’t have to spend money. People do not have to put holes in their pockets. If someone’s struggling with some form of spending addiction here, then they need help - that isn’t ATAs fault, it can happen anywhere.

    You can 100% get the currency from simply logging in, you just misunderstand what that means for this game. Typically, a game is simply a money and crystal/etc based situation, but this is drop based for progression in hunts.. they give free drops constantly, even in just a handful of lite boxes. They reward you even if you just hit two parties 1 time with lite boxes from each every CO. You also get piggies from collection, even if you just use lite boxes at the right - so there’s your money with barely any time. The list goes on, I don’t care to explain more, spin the wheel, login rewards, yada yada.

    Either way, it isn’t an excuse. I spent $1 and got 400 EC through a RevU offer - that’s an insane, virtually no cost deal for what’s typically $40 in game. There have been MANY of those ranging $1-$5 for hundreds and hundreds of EC and guess what? ATA doesn’t get all that money straight in their lap if you’re anti-ATA 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Gossamer, _HeIium_, 62cents and 2 others like this.
  15. Yes that's it!!! Bring that one back. I wasn't here for Thanks
    Li likes this.
  16. The cake one was a Leader board avatar and if they brought those back, I think people would riot
    Gossamer and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  17. Share with the class, which ones? 👀
  18. I agree Ata bring the vday avis back 🥺 plz
    Rainie, Adorabelle and CuppaTea like this.
  19. Make it available for ecs is what I meant.
  20. Zelda is right in the sense that people would riot if they brought back *any* lb avis and made them available to purchase. It defeats the purpose of the money spent/scarcity of the avi.
    Grrchu, MayaTheHopeful and Kith like this.