Bring Back Chinese Zodiac Avatars😔

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Luminaris, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. Dear ATA,

    You’ve got many fans of the Chinese Zodiac Avatars with no way of getting them. Please bring them back 😮‍💨🤌

    ps. If not all, at least the rat ones 🌚
    Migo, Nashe, Haley and 3 others like this.
  2. support. the rat zodiac male pls🧎🏽‍♀️
    Luminaris likes this.
  3. Support that and tiger
    Sinner and Luminaris like this.
  4. I’m a fan of the old avatars from many years ago, they ain’t coming back either so
    Li and Lumi like this.
  5. Crazy idea, maybe they’ll release all the avatars in 10 years when they shut down the game. But I’d spend my hard earned money for some avis from 2017!
    Anonymous and Li like this.
  6. I'd spend some cold hard cash for some really old avis from 2014-2015 😩 maybe it's just the nostalgia