UPDATE New Hunt Tests Incoming! 👀

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 8, 2023.

  1. They made it so you can only hold 4 at a time so yes something is stopping people from just collecting and not opening.
  2. Just realized stat amounts were changed - seriously?!

    I understand wanting to better the game and try new mechanics, but putting in entirely new items AND removing systems will completely skew in game economy. Something like a 125kcs being 1c now doesn’t equal out correctly with a new 100kcs item, and etc etc. This is ridiculous.

    First you try to take side stories, replacing them with a boring, copy and paste drop item and then even the stat items that typically follow the pattern through every story, side and main, are being LESSENED? This is bull.
  3. Hate the concept through and through. The old system is better where we get everything from main and side Stories.

    In short it's this hunt concept is bad for ftp players because they won't be finishing it. And the avis they want might be even harder to get. Also some player might get different gender avis. This leads to another dissatisfaction.

    In my opinion ata is just trying to find new ways to milk players. That's all.
  4. No you still collect them, the common/rare and super rare and ultra rare would be separated
  5. Super duper agree on this. Have been playing for years but the art quality just keeps getting worse and worse. Newer items, ava, and furniture do not blend well with previous items. It’s hard to mix and match a dorm because they look so terrible together.

    Like, just look at the Pro party drop? It seems like it just keeps going downhill…

    And it’s also sad there’s so many changes people did not even ask for, yet somehow people also get less rewards for some change they don’t want in the first place. who asked for lesser misc from stories???
  6. I have been inactive for like a month or so, therefore my feedback isnt exactly inclusive atm. With that being said, it feels like youre trying to change what was already a perfect system (main story and side stories to keep things interesting/dynamic throughout 2 weeks), when the focus should be on fixing basic bugs that are killing the game for most.

    Grouping all rewards into these tiers feels like youre trying to re-arrange a perfectly fine block pyramid for example, into well.. a block pyramid, just more complicated and messy.

    The tracking drops might help club admins yes, but those are a minority on the platform; for most its showcase clutter.

    Side stories arent just about having a separate segment for rewards, it gives the lb folk something new to absolutely decimate within .5 seconds of release (something new to finish while theyre grinding away). Even from a business stand point, having great 3rd side story avis for example essentially forces most of the platform to grind to reach that point, rather than having it randomly pop out of a box. These stories also give your pimd characters more depth/dimension with these fun little stories that either expand on the main story, or take a fun little detour. Having more characters isnt the solution, expanding on the story lines of existing ones is.

    If I get more feedback Ill post here, but for now the abolishment of side stories is redundant at best and makes the game more stagnant at worst.
  7. Oh!! And for the love of God please change the art style of both the avis and furni. They look very goofy/cartoony and I dont think thats anyone's esthetic. It also makes it hard to blend diff furni pieces from diff sets for a player to create their own personalized dorm.
    DivineSecrets likes this.
  8. Just saw the main story rewards after reading the comments on this post. I regret coming back :"). Making rewards harder to obtain doesnt make your players want more; it makes them feel like playing is pointless. At this rate F2P players are not exactly better off than fully inactive players. People like to play games for that false sense of achievement, its how you keep em on the hook.
    Scr3ampuff, Lumi and Quantum like this.
  9. + for the love of God please fix the aspect ratio for android players. Recently switched from apple to android, the layout is abysmal and most buttons are off screen. I dont know how android players tolerate playing for more than 5 minutes with all the buttons so far from each other. If I want to move my finger from the party icon to the spinner icon I would need a visa.
    Liluth, PeachScone and ShebShe like this.
  10. I didn’t notice that. I hope they fix it.
  11. I got a male avi in the first avi box,for sure i got the next male avi again..side story gave us a chance to get the other gender..or u can put a question there before the start if we want what gender..
  12. My main problem is the avi boxes tbh since now it's based on luck then there's no guarantee that I'll be getting the avis I want unless I make sure I claim all the boxes which is at like 125k drops? Wth. I know my luck lol the avi I want might be the LAST one I win from these boxes since I already opened 2 and only got the males ffs
    So either put an option for us to choose whether we want the F/M or make the boxes more obtainable for F2P players! Not everyone can afford to reach 90-125k drops every hunt.

    Also the misc distribution is really bad too, whether it's because there are a new items like (100kcs, etc. ) which is gonna mess up the market for a while. Or because you now need more drops to get them. like we used to get 3mcs at 35k but now it's like 50k?💀
  13. Honestly i don't understand why did you decide we need to have avatar boxes at the first place, making this all about luck is one of the worst decisions ever.
    Lumi and SweetAngel like this.
  14. About the tiers and blending main hunt and side strories i have one thing to say:
    Never touch the winning combination
    That is smth all the players are used to and appreciate, try to make the stories more interesting instead of making things so boring
    marly_marls, -Gia and Lumi like this.
  15. I agree — please stop making changes no one asked for. You are making ones that worsen the game — :,) making it less appealing and your playerbase is already sinking.
    marly_marls likes this.
  16. Tbh I think the changes are just an attempt by ATA to milk players more and make more profit. They knew the players would hate them (I mean who actually likes receiving less rewards?). They just framed it as an attempt to provide a better gameplay experience, also calling it temporary, to lessen the backlash and avoid blackout protests.

    Try comparing the interface right now to what it was approx. a year or two ago, think old dev team; back then f2p players could progress, albeit slowly, milking for profits was a bit more discreet, and paying merely helped you progress at super sonic speeds. More importantly ****everyone was happy****.

    The interface right now is full of shops in different fonts, between every two buttons is a third one that asks you to fork over money. Paying no longer puts you in a tier over the rest, allowing you to progress at super sonic speeds; all the offers essentially ask for a good chunk of money for a spit of rewards in return (yes even if youre not F2P the offers are bad and not worth it).

    I said it before and Ill say it again: F2P players are essentially not better off than fully inactive players at this point. Paying players need F2P players to play with (also to feel superior over & to feel like their payments have been justified/ think comparison).

    I understand at the end ATA doesnt care about player satisfaction, they are a business and profits are #1 priority. Though they are implementing these changes at the worst time; the platform is already diminishing because even if changes werent applied, the new content just isnt good and it doesnt match anyones esthetic. Now add the changes and the game no longer becomes worth it. Changes as big as the ones ATA is currently trying to implement require them to deliver content so good, all players should feel like theyre missing out if they dont play, even with the worse conditions.
  17. Yeah I don’t see this game lasting very long, I wish they could hand it over to a developer that WANTS to produce good content for everyone and make it actually worth plaything. I’m here till the ship sinks, I suppose or maybe I’ll hop off before it full sinks.
    marly_marls likes this.
  18. Okay so I've been all over this thread expressing my displeasure about this hunt, however the 3 day XC event is absoloutly wonderful.

    Some cute stats for a club to strive towards together is great, and I appreciate that there's a kini reward included in the 3rd tier. This is a lovely way to bring everyone together and active, and as more people reach that 3rd teir the kinis are great for helping even more clubbies complete the XC event. I hope we see more like these I'm the future.

    My only complaint is the amount of parties needed during invites makes it discouraging to run the 22 invite party purely for time management. If this were a promo weekend it wouldn't be optimal to strive for both cash and the XC event. I hope we also see these types of XC events outside of invite hunts in the future ♡
    Reee, _HeIium_, Liluth and 7 others like this.
  19. tbh, the only interesting thing abt this new set up was just weekend task. But even that was not enough to keep me on lb.
    everything else sucks. i agree with @GoodlGirl.
    I cant even get close to my tier on previous hunts. what is this! free gifts on molly feel like bribe for the rewards we are not able to collect anymore which is useless. and stats are even worst!
    Quantum, Witchee and marly_marls like this.
  20. I like the new weekend 25 party thing allows people to get more stats but I don't like the idea of no side hunt it's also harder for people to get all the avis having them all in the main hunt I like to collect the 2 main avis and then the 2 vip versions from side drops but having it all in the main hunt I'm unable and I'm sure many others like to do the same