EVENT Magic in the Pages! ๐Ÿช„

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 6, 2023.

  1. it's so pretty. wish there was pet skins too.๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป
    xBabyBunnyx, Kukki and Scr3ampuff like this.
  2. Is there a specific pet or multiple pets you would like to see a pet skin available?
    Nav and Scr3ampuff like this.
  3. HAAAAAATE the avi boxes! Youโ€™re telling me Iโ€™ve gotta work my butt off to get a chance at the one avi I like AND I may not even GET her? Why bother!
    Kukki, sinnamanbun, -Mrs_Mis- and 4 others like this.
  4. These boxes are barely even giving anything lol not even shards at this points. Itโ€™s ridiculous.
  5. Called that out on the Dog Walking hunt too. I hate the randomness, especially since I'm also getting fewer avatars. The part that truly irks me is that I'm getting fewer avatars for more effort, even if there's a chance they'll be ones I usually can't get.
  6. โœจ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’–โœจ

    This hunt has absolutely ENCHANTED me!!!

    xBabyBunnyx and Kukki like this.
  7. Came back to complain again about the avi boxes. If youโ€™re gonna throw them all in an avi box at least separate the Avis into m/f/nb so we can have a better chance at getting the avi we want
    Rue, Providence, sinnamanbun and 8 others like this.
  8. but letโ€™s be real the avis are RARELY worth grinding forโ€ฆ.
    sinnamanbun likes this.
  9. What was the point of repeating the story? After the third step, every story bit repeats itself before you get the next one. That's even worse than having the same dialog for every step after the main story is finished. Just leave steps blank, it's gotta be less work
    -P_M-Juss_Swagg likes this.
  10. yk itโ€™s a bad hunt when ppl arenโ€™t buying or selling the furni ๐Ÿฅน
    sinnamanbun and marly_marls like this.
  11. So, I saved my hunt reviewing until the Weekend event came so I'd have everything covered.. Let's start with that, the weekend event. I actually think it was an amazing idea, there were people *in* my club chat saying the Kini from the weekend event rewards is what's motivating them to be online even. That is an immense plus, motivation to play, be on, and put effort in. I love that there's more of a rewards system, and I appreciate that you can gain more main drop items from it as well. That being said, the main items and things that can be collected free in Molly's deals are also extremely helpful and rewarding which is perfect. I love that, if you want to continue to do things like this, I encourage it. The fact you've put out the activity tracker has been an immense help, it didn't take long for my admin and I to figure out the maximum they'll drop per party (7) and roughly how much players can get each party. Also glad to see you don't get more or less from different types of parties, I think it's different and I don't mind that at all. My admin and I made an informed calculation on a minimum even, so that was an excellent add. Now that the side story problem with activity isn't in the way, I do like the bunch of main storyline tiers and the extra ways to reach those tiers other than the usuals. There is still a problem with the numbers merging together visually, perhaps do a continuation of the bar underneath or shift the bar once you've hit a certain amount so they won't merge together. I love the change of pace, I like that this format is actually working now. I enjoy that you listened to the player base to improve it. It is motivating, I would love to see more motivation / a continuation of that. Onto the hunt details itself... The avatars aren't too bad, I think the blonde elf for sure is based off the Fairy queen from Tinkerbell, and I see the little Tinkerbell like fairy on the bottom shelf of the hunt furniture. I don't mind the avatars, I think some of them are very androgynous and it gives me absolute euphoria to see and makes me want to have some of those avatars. Specifically the white haired masc avatar. I only like 3 of the avatars at all, but of course everyone will have their own opinions and likes / styles they prefer. I think the dorm furniture is very... Loud. There's a lot happening in the visual eye, it's a change of pace for sure. I'm not entirely certain how to feel on the dorm as it's a lot for the eye to take in, but I do love the vibe it was going for. I love the autumn color pallette vibes and the crystals. The furniture is giving Elven Library and it's not bad at all. I did however, notice finally what it was that has been bothering me with the furniture. That was because of how deeply I did not like the 10b hunt gift. I almost didn't collect it as I didn't like the design of it at all, and noticed there's been more cartoony and thickly outlined items and furniture. The pro item is giving the same issue, again. I really don't like it personally it's not my cup of tea the way they're being designed like that. As usual of course, I appreciate and love the invites. I think invites are a pretty good shaker upper and promotes activity and volunteered drops. The hunt box is literally enchanting I love it. Beautifully made, well done! The way the new avatar boxes are, I actually don't mind at all. There's more opportunity for the avatars, more to strive for as I know many love to collect avatars and items. I'm sure many will try to get all within the box. I love the opportunity to get more. The story, I like that it's the characters reading from the fantasy book and not just you throwing the characters into a fantasy world.. I know from past surveys you were looking to see what the player base wanted realistically / fantasy wise as well. I like that you combined the two and realistically introduced the fantasy aspect. Only issue I have with the story line is that most of the time there's at least one or two of the main tiers where you go to read the story, the next part of it and it will cut off entirely and not show you what was said. This has been an issue long term though, I assume it's an issue based off devices but I hope to see somewhat a solution.
    Rue, Psyche, Kukki and 3 others like this.
  12. The seeing about activity has been a massive problem, especially in POTD clubs. For some time there's been many people who simply don't hit parties but will for some reason log on anyway and then immediately get off to avoid being dropped. There was an immense amount of comments on the previous Dog Hunt's forum about it. As a prez of a POTD club I agreed it was a problem and we needed the item if they took away side drops. Main drops are easily gotten from boxes and doesn't show if they're actually helping parties. If your club members aren't hitting parties, you're gonna fail them. The only way to catch those who slip under the cracks like that is an Activity tracker like this.
    Kukki likes this.
  13. I donโ€™t think the issue is with the avatar boxes per se, but rather the absurd difficulty of getting them all. Thereโ€™s a 50k drop gap between the last two boxes, so if you donโ€™t get the avatar you want by the penultimate box, youโ€™re screwed unless you cough up an obscene amount of money for flashes. In the past, you only needed the equivalent of around 50k drops to get all the story avatars, and jacking it up to 125k is just disgusting.
  14. Anyone else lose a bunch of cash after changeover today? It was either the new gifts or the 14 day ec molly deal.....I lost about 6T
  15. That I can agree with, the getting to the point to get those avatars is much harder. I did notice this feedback after I posted which I certainly agree with needs adjusting, 125k is definitely still too high
    sinnamanbun, Muschi, Lumi and 3 others like this.
  16. I remember when getting avis back before they did b2bhunts they always did 50k drops for vip avis so this is just taking it back for some.of us old players where you worked your butt off for the avis you wanted
  17. Bring back the side quests it makes the main quest more attainable especially to get all the avis. ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค
  18. Absolutely hate these avi boxes. Iโ€™ve gotten majority male avis. If you are going to do it this way, at least have m/f/b because this ainโ€™t it๐Ÿ˜
    BlackMagick, Litmus and nixi3 like this.
  19. All that hype for nothing. We basically get less stuff. And what's with all the lame stats weird cs. Don't spoil this for me yall already Don't show the male avis love the stats are the only thing keeping me here. And yall are cheap af so many gifts incoming fake advertisements yall gift 300 ๐Ÿ‘€ LMAO you can keep that lol frfr. And the last thing yall need to show free to play players so love your app Is basically a cash grap. This game is just YOURS AS IT IS TO US...bulllll. bro I should have just started playing magic awakened. NOW THAT'S A GAME THAT CARES ABOUT THEY PLAYER'S. Not ATA . Yall just wanna take. Idk who needs to hear this PIMD IS A CASH GRABER

  20. i don't mind when ATA would just rotate and surprise us with skins for random three pets they chose. this Elven hunt is so pretty so i'm sure i'd enjoy skins they came up with because i typically like all fae related content.

    plus this is a money maker for those who don't bother with offer wall and who don't do t100. they may spend money to get the skin they like best from the shop by droppin $$$ (guilty๐Ÿคญ)

    as far as seeing specific pets, well i hope ATA hasn't yeeted pets and this pet style tradition forever because i'm still waiting for a raccoon, fox and either a tarantula or baby jumping spider as new pets!!

    Pokemon hunt could have seen new pets and cute skins!!

    a Hatchmon Trainer skin for the raccoon hehe๐ŸŒš

    9-tails, Vulpix or Fennekin skins if we'd had a fox pet

    and maybe Joltik skin if we had a spider pet

    i hope the t100 can continue to be given pet style boxes and ATA doesn't give up on this aspect to PIMD.

    there's already a limit to what we can and can't do on this app especially on our profile so it's always lovely to have an additional option to decorate our pets and make our accounts/profiles more unique.
    i don't mind when ATA would just rotate and surprise us with skins for random three pets they chose. this Elven hunt is so pretty so i'm sure i'd enjoy skins they came up with because i typically like all fae related content.

    i hope the t100 can continue to be given pet style boxes and ATA doesn't give up on this aspect to PIMD.

    plus this is a money maker for those who don't bother with offer wall and who don't do t100. they may spend money to get the skin they like best from the shop by droppin $$$ (guilty๐Ÿคญ)

    as far as seeing specific pets, well i hope ATA hasn't yeeted pets and this pet style tradition forever because i'm still waiting for a raccoon, fox and either a tarantula or baby jumping spider as new pets!!

    Pokemon hunt could have seen new pets and cute skins!!

    a Hatchmon Trainer skin for the raccoon hehe๐Ÿ–ค

    9-tails, Vulpix or Fennekin inspired skins if we'd had a fox pet

    and maybe Joltik skin if we had a spider pet๐Ÿ˜

    there's already a limit to what we can and can't do on this app especially on our profile so it's always lovely to have an additional option to decorate our pets and make our accounts/profiles more unique.
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.