I'm banned please help me getting it undone

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -Erwin-, Sep 11, 2023.

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  1. I got banned please help me to get it undone
    They interpretated a word the wrong way
  2. Posting in the forums won’t help, the best way to appeal is by sending a ticket through the chat in the help section of the app. You can find that by clicking the cog icon at the top left when on the main pimd app
    Muschi likes this.
  3. If you were banned tou wouldnt be posting here
  4. Issa second account πŸ‘€
    xX-CorpseRose-Xx likes this.
  5. Its always the alts people moan on coz they to much of a pussy to cause shit on their main
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