CURRENT EVENT 🤖 The Cyber Resistance 🤖

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Aug 24, 2023.

  1. Ya'll gah stop playing wid mi budday,Ion no man.Gimme de darn female ava dag😭
    SenpaiArtz likes this.

  2. I Like to know too 😣 it’s getting worse even through the day full regen hit on people with over 200 canister getting then 1 by 1 now 🤦‍♀️ I am giving up 😂
  3. Here's another hunt review. Avatars, I actually like them, I feel they're well designed and I absolutely always love the nightlife avatars. Something about them are so alluring and captivating. I also really enjoy when you put avatars out with interesting weapons and items in their hands. It feels different. The furniture I also like, it's hardcore giving Cyberpunk vibes and I'm here for it. Though, again, everything feels round for some reason. We have a lot of tech hunts, so some are probably sick of it, but me personally it's one of the few themes you don't design too badly. I LOVE the optional PvP participation this time around!!! I love you can get the containers from parties AND PvP so you can chose how to participate! I know the community has asked for a similar feature and I'm so glad you've implemented something like it for this! I also totally noticed in the PvP tiers you can actually get the hunt wall, I love you're incorporating more ways to collect the furniture. Additionally, have to say, the look of the wall itself is the best part. It's so beautiful. The box is different so I like it! The story, wow is that Dean on a power trip! It's juicy, it's some good conflict and the misc and collections make sense. I like the story. Still wish I could finish the tiers to read all of it, hoping you make a way to without finishing tiers as it is hard. It feels like a waste of energy for the writers since most people can't continue past a certain point. Maybe it's because I'm a bit of a nerd over the tech and cyber vibes, but I have no qualms this time with a reoccurring theme. Though, I will say a lot of people are probably sick of it and new themes are still wanted.
    -May-, sinnamanbun, Lumi and 3 others like this.
  4. Why is there a different 499 in the room than in the hunt??
    Nav likes this.
  5. Does anybody else have problems with above desks going behind bookcases??
    Gossamer and Diona like this.
  6. Selling "Honey Castle" and "Cyber City" 999 WMO
  7. Anyone know how to get that cat 499?
    Nav likes this.
  8. I want to know too. Kept checking Molly’s and still haven’t seen it. Hunt is almost over 🥺
    Nav and Lumi like this.
  9. I thought the cyber cat was going to be a leaderboard 499 because the main lb took a while to release but there's nothing there except avis and the 999 🥺
  10. if you look at the original post, they actually removed that photo. I think someone messed up on the design lmao.
  11. Where is the cat 499 from this hunt? I thought it would be another Molly’s Exclusive but I still don’t see it yet.

    And to just add insult to injury, you did it during an invite event when you take away the EC tiers. Please help me understand. I'm begging y'all to be 2% more mindful of your community. A bunch of people (myself included) asked about the 499 during the hunt and y'all were radio silent, then you drop it as an afterthought when the next hunt is fully underway???

    Please. Please explain. Please stop ignoring your community who is trying understand, who just want answers.

    As someone who runs a business with over 300 direct reports, I can tell you the thing that people value most is transparency. You are actively destroying the trust and care of your players by doing things like this.