CURRENT EVENT 🐕Dog Days of Summer🐩

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Caster, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. I like dogs but I'm not a fun of this hunt🥲
  2. Well… sides are out all hunt now??? Or is that just a glitch?
  3. Yes to the theme, no to the removal of side stories.

    I like having something additional opposed to a linear progression of only one story
    OhDeer, EmpressEva, Hayes and 32 others like this.
  4. Sadly I don’t love it 😔
  5. All the Avis having a mid off like y’all can’t be serious…
    bone, OhDeer, Hayes and 8 others like this.
  6. Cat hunt next? 😻 🐾
    Lumi, KLYZii and TINI like this.
  7. Months of mid & recycled hunts. Here we go again, I guess! Guess ya can’t please anyone… not even the majority sometimes. :')
    Psycho, Rachel2425, Road and 7 others like this.
  8. Fan*
    The_Invisible_Undies likes this.
  9. So, are we getting roughly the same rewards getting to, say, 35k main drops as we would in a normal hunt with a side story finishing first and second side stories?
    Sebtastic likes this.
  10. We were due for a dog hunt
    DivineSecrets likes this.
  13. they're not
  14. Better than the 4th of July hunt and gothic beach blah so I can’t complain
  15. so cuteee(❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
  16. No side stories that's stupid not everyone even completes the 190k drops your litterlly making it so people have to spend money and this isn't a free game anymore
  17. Oh.. 😭
  18. what happened to side stories bruh….