LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🦋Butterfly Kiss Shard Box🦋

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Beans, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder not every woman's definition of a hunk is tattoos and muscles and actually for the last couple of years the male avis have become more boyish looking like some might say teenager looking not manly
  2. Terrible, lazy, zero creativity. The orange female avi is a copy from Valentine’s hunt female on the swing. The male avis look gay, trans or constipated. Why are you sexualizing your avis? What’s up with all the stripping? You have players who are 13-17 and you are treating this game like it’s a p*rn game.
  3. Exactly. And furthermore, you just don’t go into other people’s demographic and tell them what opinions they should or should not have. If it’s not your group then don’t try and patrol it. There are masculine men, feminine men, and those in between on here that can speak for themselves.

  4. This is a 17+ game so that’s concerning that you know they have players that young And haven’t reported them 💁‍♀️
    StrongDreamer likes this.
  5. Maybe it's a copy of the swing girl because people liked her??? I personally loved the swing girl from valentine's and the fact they did it again and prettier I really loved and clearly people love her too so...
    StrongDreamer and Reee like this.
  6. Ultimately, ATA is going to make decisions on actual sales data, not on forum whining.

    As far as I can tell, even with the relative lack of originality, this looks like the most successful shard avatar release ever. The orange butterflies are going for 30:🍱 right now, which is the highest value that I’ve ever seen for avatar shards.

    I’m not personally a fan of the avatars, but it’s what the playerbase wants and is willing to shell out lots of money for. The game is meant for adults, after all.
    StrongDreamer and Gatubela like this.
  7. I'd say I'm doing wonderful. Mainly because I'm not constantly in forums being triggered by other people's opinions. I jest while you go full Karen mode. Hope your therapist can sort this out for you. ✌️[/QUOTE]
    You’re literally responding to me when I had never even talked to you because you got upset about me saying tattoos and muscles are a stereotypical cool and tough thing, but go off!! 🤣
  8. You’re literally responding to me when I had never even talked to you because you got upset about me saying tattoos and muscles are a stereotypical cool and tough thing, but go off!! 🤣[/QUOTE]

    So, is contradiction your hobby? Because uh, you're placing stereotypes on certain things yet getting hella pressed over people stereotyping the Avis. 🤣 Take your meds already, Karen. I am the manager. 🤣
  9. That’s homophobic
    StrongDreamer likes this.
  10. That’s homophobic
    StrongDreamer and Quantum like this.
  11. Sounds like you need to do some soul searching on what it means to be a man. Very limiting and stressful to have such a narrow view of masculinity
    StrongDreamer, Quantum, Lumi and 2 others like this.
  12. So, is contradiction your hobby? Because uh, you're placing stereotypes on certain things yet getting hella pressed over people stereotyping the Avis. 🤣 Take your meds already, Karen. I am the manager. 🤣[/QUOTE]

    Womp womp, cry to someone who cares. I’ll keep enjoying cool and tough tattoos and muscles 🥱
  13. then they can voice their opinion without being homophobic or transphobic or frankly a bit sexist
    StrongDreamer and Quantum like this.
  14. I love the body on the mid tier fem avatar!
    StrongDreamer and Quantum like this.
  15. I mean sure I can see where you’re coming from but again it’s not your demographic. You’re not entitled a say in it no matter how right you feel you are, and I feel like that kind of behavior puts you in the position to cross a line or go too far. People within their own group will have varying opinions anyway and you should leave it be. I wouldn’t want guys giving their two piece on whatever opinion I have on female avis. It’s not their place just like it’s not yours.
  16. Why are you talking about demographic stuff so much as if the people we’re invalidating aren’t literally being phobic..?? Many of us are LGBT+ and don’t fit norms, so yeah, when someone insultingly says a masc avatar must be trans and/or a lesbian.. we’re calling out their behaviors. Idgaf if I’m not a cis man and “not the demographic”, these ppl aren’t in our demographic either, so they can sit down.
    StrongDreamer likes this.
  17. Okay if you specifically are a man, trans man, or a lesbian.
  18. 🤡🤡🤡
  19. Womp womp, cry to someone who cares. I’ll keep enjoying cool and tough tattoos and muscles 🥱[/QUOTE]
    Seems you're the only one crying, Patrol Officer Karen Womp Womp. You're literally policing people's opinions in forums constantly. I don't think anyone is going to lose any sleep over whether or not you agree or disagree with them. Although, it seems you're on a 24/7 patrol shift here trying to convince everyone that you know what you're rambling on about. I guess if you're gonna try to change the world then this is the absolute best place to do it. 😂
  20. Womp, womp 😔😢😣😖😣😔🙁😩