EVENT Hit the Highway! šŸ

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. Yeah, thatā€™s my one issue with it. Itā€™s beyond annoying to get so many pop ups that take ages to go away, especially with the recent uptick in lag on the app.
    -BB, PureImagination, web and 6 others like this.
  2. The more I think about it, I like the party actions. It makes my life easier if club doesn't finish a party, because I can still get my boxes.
    Sure using DNs is optional but that pop up because I refuse to use DNs (because I used them all soloing) is annoying though. Plus that's 60 DNs a month if this is going to be something that stays in the game. Make it something like AND some PVP actions or something that doesn't technically take real money to get more of.

    People in EC clubs, for example, they can't use a DN on those parties (expect during invites). So they're going to be forced to hop clubs just to use DNs for 50 drops most likely.

    Someone mentioned it being a bonus for flashers. Cool, but not everyone flashes and the little pop up everytime I hit a party is annoying. And players shouldn't get less for a daily story thing just because they don't want to spend money on DNs or because they're saving DNs for the big promos.

    If anything would benefit flashers and people's main accounts and not people's alts (cuz I did see someone mention alts in collectathons), it'd be lite boxes randomly dropping from parties. šŸ˜‚ I know with my alts I hit parties for my lite boxes and I'm done. That's all I'm doing. I don't want to do more. This change would not motivate me to work more on alts. Whereas on my main I'm usually finishing my daily XC every day. Cuz more parties. So more chances of lite box drop if ATA did that. šŸ’€
    Carolina, Xara, ShortnSweet and 13 others like this.
  3. Did anyone actually use 2 dns for the 3 lite?
    (Ata should do a survey about it !! )
    Ya itā€™s 60dns monthly lol
    Tbh I wonā€™t spend that even I have that

    And the party action bar keep popping up when you dun use dns itā€™s killing me šŸ’€

    I think ata want us all quit in no time
    First was 2FA
    now is party actions for lites
    What next then ā€¦? !
  4. seriously.. idk who's the artist of this male ava šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®..getting worst day by day šŸ¤¢
  5. 100% agree with u
    -__-_SPOILme_-__- likes this.
  6. I only did the first day with another account because I was hitting Explosives Expert for last day of promo anyways. Past that - absolutely not.
    TrashRat and -__-_SPOILme_-__- like this.
  7. The avis are literally pinup inspired my guy
  8. That's what I'm saying. It drives me insane. It's just lazy in the first place to have it keep going after you've done an objective anyway.
    Arux and Gatubela like this.
  9. Love the avatars!
    Lumi likes this.
  10. Friends, I found a work around to get rid of the constant action pop-up. Once you are done with second tier, open it up but don't hit complete then close it out. It'll have a notice sitting on your phone icon, but you don't get the third tier pop-up all damn day.

    ATA, please also take note that players should not be trying to find work arounds to make the game playable with these obnoxious changes.
  11. I knew the dorm was familiarā€¦[​IMG]
    they, marly_marls and --Tifa like this.
  12. I love you
    Idontbluff and Gatubela like this.
  13. You're a literal hero.
    Idontbluff and Gatubela like this.
  14. I appreciate you offering this up as a potential solution/ way to get people more active! I think it has great potential IMHO.
  15. Thatā€™s a bit of a reach, ngl. The only thing thatā€™s similar is the 999, but everything else is different šŸ˜­
    Lumi likes this.
  16. Perhaps, just have a preset that go with features and you select which best applies to you? Not exactly as easy for players to choose what best represents them, but itā€™s WAY better than not having any choice at all. It can be done and they can afford it. They just donā€™t want to. ATA does the bare minimum more and more as time goes on. This game hasnā€™t been fun for 5 yearsā€¦
  17. Sadly most clubs finish parties and a lot of us have jobs, some of us even full time or multiple jobs, and plenty of players have children or education. Thereā€™s no way I will always have time to hop on that day and complete 200+ party actions just for three lite boxes, not to mention I will have to use two of my DNs for a quest and not of my own volition. Like somebody said earlier, this completely puts casual players at a loss. Sometimes I open the game to play and get busy so I can only hit a few times or unload a full bar and thatā€™s it. I shouldnā€™t have to be dancing around trying to make sure I get a ton of hits in. For a quest with actual rewards thatā€™s different, but weā€™re talking lite boxes that donā€™t even guarantee anything of value. Itā€™s a joke. And if youā€™re club isnā€™t finishing parties but youā€™re concerned about the hunt and drops, do yourself a favor and attend a club that completes parties or an EC club, either of which you can temporarily visit and go back to your home club if youā€™re helping them grow.
    Iā€™m not trying to tear any fellow players down here. Iā€™m just saying this game becomes more and more exclusive and pay to play and if you donā€™t live on this game youā€™ll never get anywhere kind of deal. Itā€™s sad and disappointing and so many older players long for old days or old features. ATA has gotten carried away with making millions and forgot that we are people with lives outside of this game.
  18. Itā€™s funny, much earlier in the thread before I mentioned anything somebody said the same thing, and plenty of people agreed. I had never seen their reply and posted my own before looking through the whole thread. Take a closer look. Even the shading is similar.
  19. Ah I think there may have been some confusion on what point I was agreeing with as I am wholeheartedly against the party actions change (if you want to see my full opinion please see my earlier forum comment lol)

    What I thought was a good idea was the solution to offer additional lite boxes via random potd drops (similar to how you can gain regular and timer boxes) since op insuated that this change was made to make people more active and I thought that option could actually achieve that goal without ruining daily player lives lol šŸ˜†
    Gir likes this.
  20. Thank you. Besides it lagging the game my adhd is like stooooop. Stoooooop doing the thing. Right now. Stop it. Lol
    Gir likes this.