How did you come up with your PIMD username?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Hurricaine, May 21, 2023.

  1. I wanted Ree but it was taken, and I figured I’d rather have an extra e than a number.🫤
    flameSy, Aei, Baddie_01 and 4 others like this.
  2. The Legend of Zelda was a core part of my childhood and my adulthood. I bonded with my older brother and my youngest sister over the game and it’s been my favorite game since.
    flameSy, Styx, Aei and 6 others like this.
  3. Ace of bass
    flameSy, InkdMedusa, Dolcezza and 3 others like this.
  4. All of my ign on every games are Erina, also inspired from shokugeki no soma 🤭
    flameSy, GoddessHailey, Lumi and 2 others like this.
  5. Well, it's from a very comical skit from the TV show Saturday Night Live called "Celebrity Jeopardy" that I highly recommend all watch. As a family we watched that and also Jeopardy on the regular, so it just seemed right. Five years later, it's still my name. Rest in peace mister Alex trebek, also... That's not what your mother said last night. 💖
    flameSy, Dolcezza, Lumi and 1 other person like this.
  6. A sudden inspiration told me this was the chosen one and I'm surprised it wasn't taken (now I know there's someone else with it but with underscores between the words).
    In case anyone doesn't know, it's a pretty obvious reference to an episode of Futurama. Watch if you can, highly recommended.
    flameSy, ImAtSoup, Dolcezza and 4 others like this.
  7. type o negative album. 🖤
    flameSy, Lumi and Gatubela like this.
  8. My name was taken so i used my intials then #2 Then over time had a free name change. I had a Summer Avi 2nd time. So i just added Summer Hottie to the end.🌞
    flameSy and Gatubela like this.
  9. Couldn’t come up with one and just so happen to be standing in front of Kroger’s 😂
  10. Well you all know Metro Boomin right, i love all his songs and felt cute having an ign called boomin
    flameSy and Baddie_01 like this.
  11. my nickname + Nyx (goddess of the night)
    flameSy, Styx and Baddie_01 like this.
  12. 😳
    flameSy and Baddie_01 like this.
  13. My old RS wanted matching names, and we picked Day and Night because of a song. I would’ve changed back to my original ign, but everyone I knew on here already knew me as Day so I kept it.
  14. Audge has been a nickname of mine since I was about 6 years old. In the recent years I started going by Lady Audge.
    flameSy likes this.
  15. I was a huge fan of Rogue from X-Men at the time. Originally wanted my name to be Rogue but it was taken, hence Little_Rogue was PIMD born ☺️
    flameSy, AgentMariaHill and Baddie_01 like this.
  16. 😳 I really like monkeys and think they are the best animal and after like 100 different variations of having monkey in my name this is what I settled with
    flameSy and Baddie_01 like this.
  17. Because Pterodactyl is my favorite dinosaur lol
    flameSy, Dolcezza, Aei and 2 others like this.
  18. "Need to know" by doja was constantly playing in my head back then and 'fantasizin' happens to be one of the words thats in the lyrics :)
    flameSy and Baddie_01 like this.
  19. I forget the exact reason, but my RS and I did decide to have matching IGNs as they are both vulgar anatomical terms in German.
  20. The username I wanted was taken. So, I decided to name myself after my favorite character in Danganronpa V3, which at the time was a game I was in the process of completing.
    flameSy and Baddie_01 like this.