PROMO 👼 2x Cash Promo and PvP Weekend!😈

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Caster, Jun 14, 2023.

  1. You dont have to. You can also just ask if you want
  2. As long as we don't lose cash during pvp events it is okey for me 😄
    Spoiled and --Tifa like this.
  3. Gonna make a whole new PvP mechanic and side event just to get recolored versions of avis we can get from just partying (which gives more cash than PvP and drops and therefore is more lucrative).
    HentaiWithSenpai likes this.
  4. You still have time to add a demonic avi 😉

    I don't mind them being a recolor for a weekend event, but I do think a pvp hunt would have been more fun over a weekend event. The stealing pvp items from previous pvp hunts was a great way to make people engage with active accounts opposed to just hitting dead ones.

    I love the idea of picking teams for pvp and having it be on theme with the hunt.
  5. I remember that event. That was pretty fun. 😊
    xDevilx and Teri-Marie like this.
  6. Is anyone else’s PvP glitching and not letting you hit?
    Irrelevant likes this.
  7. PvP events are always fun but it would have been nice for the avatars to be different from the hunt avas and perhaps a different stat item. Still enjoy ty for the efforts 💙
    Azari likes this.
  8. Why is it telling me “activatable items recharging, you can hit again in 1min” ?
    Amariya11 likes this.
  9. So which avas are the angels an which is devils? I'm confused
  10. Both avis are angels. There are no devil avis
  11. Testing new mechanics maybe
  12. Honestly the concept is decent but offer different avis to match the winning teams and stat items something that goes along the team lines and maybe even try do color wars also with a twist of pvp
    Fire_Wolf and SweetDarkAngel like this.
  13. Would b nice if 🍕kini party get 2x payout too😊
  14. I couldn’t even participate. I thought this was a whole weekend thing but the choices were closed before I had time to pick.
    AKzBeautz likes this.
  15. There was a timer on the pick teams thing
  16. Definitely not me coz i couldnt be fuckd for the sake of 1 lite box and 2 avis idc about
  17. I wanted a Devil avi, all this effort just for a dark angel avi, it's like the angels were expected to win, which was never gonna happen in the first place.
    At the point i'd even take the avis from the fourth side story 😔
  18. When do we get rewards?
  19. I enjoyed this pvp 😌 🥰😍ty ata for bringing a little fun :rolleyes::oops::D:p:cool:
    Jacinda_Rose likes this.