NEW FEATURE đź”’ 2-Factor Authentication! đź”’

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, May 24, 2023.

  1. Also wanted to add that people are going to be people while we’re on the topic of protecting the game or cracking down bots. Many of them already break the rules buy selling outside the game (I’m sure all of you know what I’m talking about). Who says they can’t do the same with 2FA?

    I think there needs to be some focus on cracking those sellers and buyers down. I’m not naming names nor do I personally know these people that go by fake names. I’m just saying it’s unfair for those who work so hard to buy and sell things in game just to get 10 bentos. Then realizing someone bought like 100 bentos for cheap real-life currency.

    Honestly, I used to drop for flashes back in the day. 34 dogs cost 1666 ECs. Assuming you buy the $100 daily deal (1500 ECs), you’d still have to buy like $20 more of ECs to be able to buy 34 dogs. And it’s 34 dogs for 68 bentos by the way. (Also another btw, you need to buy a $5 deal and a $30 deals in order to get access to the $100 deal). So essentially, more than $120 for 68 bentos when rule-breakers can get like 100 bentos for what, like $70-80?

    This was a long rant (sorryyyyyy), but you get the idea. I’m just saying the black market exist; it’s unfair for everyone, and I wish something could be done about it.
  2. Get a life you just mad with yourself mate
    -SCF-Aileen likes this.
  3. Its children like that thst so many rules are in place. This is ment to be a 17+ game but as shown children still come on here so things need put in place to protect them
    xPeachMamii- likes this.
  4. Your freedom of speech is up your ass where your head is also located.
    Since you got shit for brains idk 🤷🏻‍♂️
  5. 3rd day of trying to verify my account and the link still isn't working. What now ATA?
  6. Ooohh too late for me, already added all my emails to all my phones.
  7. I'm now only concerned that if minimize pimd to open and check my email, could it possibly force close pimd and make me restart all process indefinitely unless I use a different device to check the email??
    Tizzy and MissingInAction like this.
  8. I am all for extra security especially with all these people who get pliots to run their accounts like please do your own work not depend on others to do it for you
  9. so basically it’s fing all the iOS users but people who uses clone apps won’t be affected?
    Libra, xPeachMamii- and Noen like this.
  11. I agree with a lot that has been said here. The people buying off app won’t be that affected by this new security feature. The bot accounts are most likely set up on a cloning app or something similar where the owner doesn’t need to log in and out because it’s already time consuming to do. This is mainly going to affect the people trying to save spending so much money for items they really want. I have 5 accounts and they are not linked to fake emails but I spend hours a day checking them all just to try to get furniture I like, help my POTD club because those are always struggling and to try to get the avis I like. If you do this please change your drop percentages from boxes and increase the drops from POTD parties so we can attempt to get further in the story and more misc with one account. Without flashing, which I see myself doing less because I don’t buy bentos off game and I get them from selling items I get from my alts, I can maybe get 30k drops in my POTD club and that’s 5 stars into the story. The side story I’ll be lucky to get 1 and a half done. My main account gets 3 posters out of hunt boxes and I even buy ECs and do the free EC offers to open pim key boxes and still get nothing which is the reason I needed to open other accounts in the first place to increase my chances.
  12. I dont even get shards from boxes anymore like 98% of the time. Almost every time i get 50-150 hunt drops and thats it nothing else. Was sad when i noticed they removed dn from them as well. I actul didnt mind so much if i opened a ec box and just got drops and a dn coz dn still helps. Im actively only on this acc and even when i was on more the most drops ive ever got was 35k once coz mates treated me to a bunch of ec parties. But without that i averaged 25-27k drops.

    End tier stuff is always going to be reserved for those who spend money. They do deserve more stuff when they are spending real money on the game. But yehh. They are making it harder and harder to get anything and its killing my interest in this game even more.

    Ive been here coming up 6yrs. Ive never stuck at ANY game this long before. So there is something here i like. But its starting to become the things i dont like are out weighing what i do like. To the point ive been preparing things to quit the game.

    Which in the bigger picture ata isnt going to care about anyway coz their big spenders will always be around. Or enough of them and new ones coming thru. And its kinda sad tbh
  13. This morning was the 1st time ive seen furni out of a box for 4 months if not longer (im not good with time stuff). Been ages
  14. I agree ofc people who spend so much should deserve end tier or more rare items. But yea I play this game for the avis, misc and furni and it’s impossible to get anything out of the boxes without having multiple accounts. A lot of the people who have so much either do clone bot accounts or they buy misc and bentos offline so if they are on a clone app this doesn’t effect them and if they are buying items off game still won’t effect those people. Even the piloting won’t be too hard to send someone else your code. This is really gonna hurt the people who don’t have a lot of funds in my opinion. People who are grinding hard on their own to build up their misc and items through actual game play. I don’t know how much time this extra step will take me but I’m honestly about to give up on the game too. I spend so much time on it for little pay out already when others get everything they want easily and cheaper on the black market.
    Tizzy, Everliora and PamWinchester like this.
  15. It would be cool if they really only wanted to help us secure our accounts to do it like someone else mentioned about banks prompting 2FA when signing into a new device or new IP or however it works but every-time is excessive. And sounds like they rolled out a product that isn’t even functioning correctly.
    xPeachMamii- likes this.
  16. What about people who log in through Facebook and not an email?
  17. They said in the replies Facebook is it’s own kind of authentication
  18. Hey Sweet Hearts!
    As mentioned in those cases please change over the ATA ID Email now to one you do have access to! <3
    And if you are already on the new update, and don't have access to the Email please write in a help ticket and we'll get you verified!