NEW FEATURE ๐Ÿ”’ 2-Factor Authentication! ๐Ÿ”’

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, May 24, 2023.

  1. I would understand more if it was once every time you tried to change email/password or login new device but every time you open the app I have to 2F? Tripping ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
  2. What about ones who use facebook and didn't link to an email like this is something you should address also
  3. Thats just how it is. Its the reason most rules and laws exist. Coz of the bad few that need things put in place for the protection of everyone
  4. Nah effective that. They giving me shxt about it because I recently unlinked/logged out of my alt?? Nie I have to wait 30 days???
    Noen likes this.
  5. Can make it +10 accounts per email? ๐Ÿซข
  6. Have to ask google that 1
  7. You gotta be jokingโ€ฆ there should be an option of opting out of it if making any new account from now requires 2FV. If the issue is bots that should be handled internally. There should be a system to track this instead of placing 2FV on all players
    Bye, UnholyAlphaWolf, Libra and 11 others like this.
  8. This sucks I use multiple accounts and spend lots on all and I can only keep 5
    Tizzy and Noen like this.
  9. Lots of things to address here in the comments so I'll do my best :)

    Right now, you have to do the verification everytime you LOGIN to the account, that doesn't mean opening the app, but if you are logging out of one account to login to another, you have to verify on the one you login to.
  10. Folks using Facebook aren't impacted, we still are keeping Facebook and Apple ID links as is. As they both have their own 2 Factor system to login to Facebook or Apple id! So the security is already there :)
  11. Please write back in, we realize this is causing some undue impact for folks unnecessarily that are already on the new version of the app, so we have slowed down the rollout so more folks can try to setup their accounts before we roll out to everyone.

    Even if you've unlinked within 30 days we can still help if you are locked out so long as you can verify the details on the account :)

    Definitely don't want to screw folks over, the intention here is to make your accounts more secure!
  12. So the 5 accounts per email is implemented on our end, not on the google side, and its partially to prevent abuse. We are monitoring this and looking for feedback from players though too!

    So if you have more than 5 PIMD accounts, you can use a new gmail account for each group of 5.

    Sorry I know this isn't super convenient, but its better than having fake emails, because if you forget the password on an account with a fake email you are pretty much screwed.
    Bimb0 likes this.
  13. Sorry again, not meant to limit you to 5 accounts.
    The above post explains how you can do this.
    You just need a second email for your other accounts.

    If folks have already setup the + system for their email for more than 5 accounts, they should be grandfathered in and won't have to worry.
  14. The main intention is make sure folks accounts are safe. Bots are always going to be issue as folks will always look for ways to break the rules, and it making it more difficult for them is just a by product of trying to make folks accounts safe.

    The current system where you can create an ATA ID with a fake email, is a bad one in that if you forget your password, you can't reset it without verifying through support. So making sure you have a real email on file should make everyones lives easier!

    If you don't like 2FA alternatively using a Facebook Link still works!

    Sorry not meant to frustrate you, but I appreciate your feedback!
  15. Sorry some miscommunication initially that it was only for new accounts and accounts setting up ATA ID.
    Yes, at this time it does mean verifying everytime you LOGIN to an account. I realize this adds an extra step of checking your email when logging in, but the additional security it affords you and ability to manage your account better on your end is definitely a win!

    I'll take away your feedback though as there is definitely something solid there about not asking for it everytime.
    xPeachMamii- likes this.
  16. Hey SweetDevilish,
    So we started to roll this out to folks, but realized people needed more of a heads up, so we've stopped the rollout for now to give folks time to prepare. That being said best to make sure you have real emails on each account as soon as you can.

    If folks are already on the new version of the app with this feature and are logged out, we are here to help still and won't leave you in the lurch! (although 100 alts is a lot).
  17. So the way it works is you use a real email you own. for me for example.
    And if an email is sent to community+"any combination of characters" it will still come through to my email!

    This article explains a bit about how it works:

    If you are having trouble feel free to write in a help ticket!
    Providence likes this.
  18. They are allowed to do stuff to try reduce workload. They are banning hundreds - thousands of bot accs a week. Theres only so much someone can do before it becomes to much
    coreen30 likes this.
  19. I hope there is a way to opt out. I hate 2FAs :(
    Libra, SinisterCrystal, Tizzy and 2 others like this.
  20. Your game is bugged, which is ALL the time and you release this kind of authentication log in that will be a disaster to iOS users and just to remind that Each player here has an alt which goes to a hundred or just two and it will terribly affect The time to log in and out every time with a 2 factor system it doesn't make sense because this is a game, a fun game to play which is you are trying to take away the fun of gaming.