Eggcitingly Prideful Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by renamed52415, Jun 3, 2023.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Greetings once again everybody! Happy National Egg Day and Pride Month<3

    For this contest we wanted to switch things up a bit and celebrate another huge part of our lives, that being said- we still had to include eggs. Duh.

    In this contest you all will be recreating a pride flag using eggs! You can paint it onto a boiled egg, make egg toast, use egg shells… use digital art to create one on an egg! Anything your heart desires. Once your eggcelent item is created, simply post your creation to forums using Imgur. Please read below on how to do that and for the rules!

    1) Your submission must include a picture of your egg pride flag. Along with your handwritten IGN. (Digital art users please read below)
    2) If using digital art you have to include proof. Layers, Timelapse, etc.
    3) All submissions must be posted on this thread using imgur on or before the due date.
    4) Late submissions will not be accepted. Do not harass any of our judges, or fellow contestants. All submissions not following the rules will be disqualified. Contact IGN egg for questions and concerns.

    Download imgur from any AppStore. Upload your creation to imgur, once posted hold down on the post until a pop up appears. Click, “Copy post link.” In your forum reply section, click the landscape/image button. Paste your link, make sure it ends in “.JPG” then press insert. If anyone needs help using imgur, please contact IGN egg.

    1st place: One mod crate from IGN delight
    2nd place: Half eaten chicken nugget item from IGN egg
    3rd place: 2mcs in Egg Items
    Egg will most definitely be sending out more prizes to honorable mentions, etc.

    June 30th, 3PM EST


    As always our team will judge each submission without prejudice, anyone and everyone is welcome to enter this contest as long as they follow the rules and do not harass the team or contestants. Thank you for entering our contest! We look forward to seeing each submission!
    A special thank you to my lovely team, they are amazing people who help out so much with these contests. Thank you all so much!
    MtnDewMe, Jaws, SpookyRoze and 5 others like this.
  2. Omg it’s frEGGin cute 🫶
    tt and renamed52415 like this.
  3. Another eggcellent idea as always 🩷🩷
    renamed52415 likes this.
  4. Always love these contests. Can't wait to see what people create
    IoveIy and renamed52415 like this.
  5. Ooo girl I’m here for it ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
    renamed52415 likes this.
  6. [​IMG]
    I am no artist & its hard drawing on my phone but heres a pride egg carton 👹🤘
    The world is a carton and we the gay lil eggies
  7. Hey! Looks amazing but you missed a few steps with the rules, I’ll contact you!
  8. [​IMG]

    Just tried using ibisPaint X app on my phone 🥲 Yeah I know it's crooked so please bear with me 🙈 also my finger is shaking I don't know why 😩 but Happy Pride to everyone 🏳️‍🌈🌈
    PS the "EGGryone is a little Gay !" is just added using PicsArt✌️
    Psychotic, Lightness, Hales and 10 others like this.
  9. [​IMG]

    Just know if I was to steal art it would be better than what I did😭
    Psychotic, Hales, MtnDewMe and 6 others like this.
  10. Absolutely adoring these submissions, an issue was pointed out so we will be changing the rules a bit- until the post is altered I’ll update the rules in reply section.
    1) Your submission must include a picture of your egg pride flag. Along with your handwritten IGN. (Digital art users please read below)
    2) If using digital art you have to include proof. Layers, Timelapse, etc.
    3) All submissions must be posted on this thread using imgur on or before the due date.
    4) Late submissions will not be accepted. Do not harass any of our judges, or fellow contestants. All submissions not following the rules will be disqualified. Contact IGN egg for questions and concerns.
  11. Happy Pride month🥰
    Nyctophile_J likes this.
  12. [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Free-styled my Non-binary Eggy + Shooting star using Infinite Painter app.
    I'm not very good with digital art yet 😩 but I'm happy with how this turned out.

    Have an EGGcellent Pride celebration this year y'all and most importantly stay safe ! 🌈🌈🌈
    GhostlyHoe, Lightness, Hales and 7 others like this.

  13. [​IMG]

    almost forgot to add the requirements for my digital signature 🙈🖤🌈 i added mine pretty early on in editing thats why the 🌠 isn't there yet 😗
    Seriously likes this.
  14. [​IMG]

    Happy pride month ❤️

    You are all loved no matter who you love or who you are! You are more then enough and you are not alone.

    Love, 🫶🏼

    #17 IoveIy, Jun 4, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2023
  15. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    💜Happy pride month babies 🥺🧡
  16. These are amazing! Everyone is so talented. Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🌈
    Nyctophile_J and renamed52415 like this.
  17. 😍I am loving all the pictures! Keep the wonderful pride are coming cuties. Can't wait to see more!🫶🏼
    Cranberries and Nyctophile_J like this.
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