Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Beans, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. You need clear the tree and cache first. After that you can claim the gh 16 rewards
    xCarmilla and _Nakina_ like this.
  2. You dont 'claim' anything. Ata manually gives the rewards to each account that reaches them
  3. When a +250M might player can steal 3M wood from me, a 14M might player, it can be pretty discouraging to continue playing. Im already thinking of quitting and the period for getting rewards isnt even over.

    The amount of wood to upgrade anything is insane. Please either fix the ranges in which players can attack, my realm is filled with bullies w/vendettas from other games, or fix the treasury scaling for the love of God. Im sick and tired to waking up zeroed every day when i need to save so much damn wood, shields are sparse as hell, and no amount of treasury upgrading can save me.
  4. Hiii bb!! She’s trying to inform others on how to update the crossover quest on WA. Because without clearing the tech tree it doesn’t update the GH requirements 💜
    SweetDarkAngel likes this.
  5. Had to delete the app it wasn’t fun or fair I was getting hit constantly by folks who had A LOT more might than me and had no way of leveling up. Surprised I made it to lvl 13, hope everyone else fares better.
  6. Like most others in the post recently, I’m deciding to quit early. After getting constantly hit but top players who have 30-45 times more might than me (how is that fair??), dropping over 3m might regularly and losing almost all saved resources overnight if I don’t manage to be shielded 24/7 this game just doesn’t seem fair. How are players expected to upgrade if top players who I’m sure need millions more wood to upgrade themselves steal small players tiny amount of wood we manage to save up before being able to upgrade ourselves? This game would be so much better balanced if there were ranges on who you were able to hit, as it is unless you are a top player it’s nearly impossible to play. I’m sad I won’t be able to continue to try for rewards and enjoy the game, but at this point it’s completely impossible to advance.
  7. I hope this crossover will extend, Im so sad because I just got to lvl13 and it is still a long way to go through before reaching gh17, the wood prices is insane because it is too high, to reach lvl 14 million of woods is needed omg😭😭
    YunaBear, LoveBunny and marly_marls like this.
  8. And still no raids. The one thing that might have helped, with team building and resource building. Worst of all, they announced that raids were starting so I encouraged my club to put all of their gold into researching the raid tree. So we would be ready.

    jokes on me
  9. No way I’m gonna get to level 18. Same reasons as all the previous comments. Not gonna spend hundreds of dollars for wood just to then have to wait days for upgrading. Would love to get an extension but it’s not that fun with how hard they make it.
    Manx, Kennadi, YunaBear and 6 others like this.
  10. More timeee please 😭
  11. Agree with majority of the posts before. Would be great if the even could be extended for at least 1 more week 😄
  12. Actually it kinda does, regarding the answer I got from a ticket I've sent to ATA and they, specifically, answered that. So independent if the rewards are sent manually, if you don't have your game updated/"cleaned", you won't get them 🙃
  13. To echo several others here…

    Pls extend 🥺😭🙏
  14. This crossover was even worse than heckfire. The upgrade requirements are absolutely insane. ESPECIALLY when you consider how hard it is to gather resources naturally AND researching is difficult as heck to accomplish so there's little to no point in even trying. ATA needs to reassess their ability to meet consumer needs and wants.
    Manx, web, CorneliaSt and 10 others like this.
  15. Could we please get it extended to 1 more week. It’s not easy to collect so much wood within just a few days.
  16. Please consider 1 week extension, with constantly being scouted, hit and difficulty gathering wood it is impossible to upgrade. To upgrade GH18 you need almost 12 million wood and 10 days, which is impossible to do in just over a month.
  17. Please extend this event 😔😭💕
  18. Please Please Please extend this event!
    The moment I'm barely OC I get scouted and attacked. I can't even reach lvl 15 because my wood is instantly taken from me. Why don't I use the shields? Oh because I don't have any nor do I have the money to buy any!
    I understand PvP being part of the game but some players are over doing it!
  19. I reached level 15. Won’t make it to 16 by end of event. I have spent more than I wanted to (probably around $150-$200) and been very active. The goals and timeline were only possible for serious spenders in my opinion. The fact that raids were never launched was a huge setback, in my opinion.

    I have participated in every crossover event ata has ever done. I will be significantly less likely to participate in the next one, at least as far as my credit card goes.