LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 👸Regal Royalty Avatars🤴

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. I'd actually be cool with that
  2. That would be amazing
  3. It’s gonna be something about a transformation into frogs
    weeping likes this.
  4. JS if you wanted to make alts now would be the perfect time 🙃
    CASEEE likes this.
  5. If they take these away tomorrow I'll be so sad 😞. That's probably the April fools joke make you like it then take it away 😢.
  6. You're telling me I won't keep her? I was already excited
    BloodyKisses and xPeachMamii- like this.
  7. Without question
  8. It’ll be a real shame if this was some huge prank to get us all the wear these avatars and get no reward
  9. ngl these avis look too good to be given for free theyre making me vvv skeptical knowing its april fools🌚
  10. Am I the only one to notice that they look a bit similar to this Disney Princess, Belle?
    Carolin, renamed44122 and Lumi like this.
  11. I dig the April Fools mystery... But I swear to goodness gracious if ATA takes these away from us imma be SOOO upset. 🥺
    Tangerines, Gatubela, Lumi and 7 others like this.
  12. Seems suspicious 🤨
    Yeti and Atlas like this.
  13. 🤭
    Rainie likes this.
  14. if you notice behind the green graphic with the name there's onions.... ogres have layers like onions.... oh no-
  15. [​IMG]
    You've seen too much.
    for legal purposes, these are tranquilizer darts
    Kukki, CASEEE, SpicyVanilla and 15 others like this.
  16. Whatever it is I dont mind. I just love the avi 😗
    BloodyKisses likes this.
  17. Is the avi staying?or the avi was temporary 😭
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.

  18. What if ata isn't wearing sleeves? 🥺
  19. Mannn watch them turn into ogars 😐😢😢😢
    BloodyKisses and TattedMamii like this.