Egg’s Easter Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by renamed52415, Mar 28, 2023.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Happy Easter Everyone 😊
    Grrchu, Hales, BloodyKisses and 19 others like this.
  2. You can do multiple items- not multiple entries
  3. Please repost this and attach your layers for the digital art! Super cute though-
  4. I can't pass on an opportunity to submit art stuff 😫

    Final outcome with my reference items:
  5. :pThank you all so much for entering the contest and being so supportive! Just a reminder to only contact me with questions concerning the contest. My rs is not participating in the team this time- so please do not contact her
  6. Here we go! 🥰

  7. Low-key like yours better than the original 🥹🤭
  8. I require a taste… for research purposes 😭
  9. My attempt on the egg chickens xd
    Here's the actual item:
    Happy Easter ^~^💙
    Lite, KazKarou, Diabla- and 23 others like this.
  10. Gave it a try, this contest is fun 😆

    Lite, Yu, KazKarou and 20 others like this.
  11. Was a good breakfast not gonna lie 🤭 I will send you one!
    renamed52415 likes this.
  12. Perfect it works!
    Nyctophile_J likes this.
  13. Aww thank you!! 🥺♥️♥️
    Haeven and kasey948 like this.

    I tried my best without thinking it through very well, cuz who draws with a sharpie on a slimey egg 🤣 either way it was fun too make at 1 in the morning lol
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