Egg’s Easter Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by renamed52415, Mar 28, 2023.

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  1. Egg’s Easter Contest

    Greetings! Easter is once again right around the corner, so we wanted to help the bunny out a bit and get the eggy vibes flowing…


    In this contest you all will be recreating egg related items from PIMD in real life! Egg related items must have an egg in the item, so it could be items like Avocado Breakfast Toast, Floral Easter Eggs, Felt Chick Ornament, etc. Once the item(s) are created, just post them to the reply section below. Make sure to read the rules below!

    Your submission must include a picture of one or more recreated egg related items, along with the picture of the PIMD item in game.
    All physical entries must include a handwritten IGN.

    Everything must be clear and readable.

    If using digital art, please include all layers of your art along with your IGN.

    All submissions must be posted to this thread using Imgur before or on the due date.

    If anyone has trouble using imgur, contact IGN Egg for help with imgur or IGN Delight for alternative methods.

    Please inform egg about any IGN changes
    Download imgur from any AppStore. Upload your recreation to imgur, once posted- hold down on the post until a pop up appears. Click, “Copy post link.” In your forum reply section, click the landscape/image button. Paste your link and click insert. Make sure it ends in, “.JPG”

    Your recreated item can be made out of anything! Real eggs, clay, painting… ANYTHING! Just have fun.

    April 10th 3PM EST

    Anyone entering this contest will receive a small egg item from IGN egg. 1st place will receive 20mcs from Egg and a mod crate from Delight. 2nd place will receive 10mcs from Egg and Rosy Romance Swan Mates 499 from Egg. 3rd place will receive 5mcs from Egg and Devoted Doves from Egg.

    Egg, The-Guy, Momo-, Loch_Ness_Monster, Hoella, Delight, Pearl—Genuine.

    As always our team will judge each recreation with no prejudice, anyone and everyone is welcome to enter this contest so long as they follow the rules and do not harass the team. Thank you all for entering this contest, we look forward to seeing each submission! Have an amazing Easter.
    A special thank you to my lovely team, thank you to much for helping with each and every contest.

    Rainie, BloodyKisses, Atlas and 24 others like this.
  2. I was gonna be disappointed if i didnt see a post from you this hunt
  3. Interesting.
    renamed52415 likes this.
  4. Pft like I would miss the opportunity to do an egg contest?!
  5. Oh okay, this one im actually interested, the prev egg contest always feel kinda complicated to me 😶‍🌫
    Leme check someone with complete showcase to choose a cool egg item
  6. Just contact me if you have any questions!
    lustylegend likes this.
  7. Same tbh. Idk how to copy other people art style.
  8. I wanna do this comp but literally do not have enough time in my days to do anything really
    renamed52415 likes this.
  9. Just try your best! No need to rush into it
  10. All layers of your art? Just need some clarification ✨
    renamed52415 likes this.
  11. So you just snoop showcases and recreate the item?
  12. Yes!
  13. Yea from any showcase! Just make sure to include the SS of the item in your reply
  14. Eggciting! Good luck to everyone who participates can’t wait to see what y’all come up with ☺️
    renamed52415 likes this.
  15. Count me in!🙋🏻‍♀️🍳
    renamed52415 likes this.
  16. Can I do multiple entries? 👀
    Cranberries likes this.
  17. I was wondering the same thing
  18. Had fun with this☺️
  19. [​IMG]

    Trying again
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