Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Beans, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. people who already have gh20 💯
    FeFe likes this.
  2. Unfortunately there’s a lot of people who have been playing since October. plus, I started 2-3 days ago and I’m at 9 already. Haven’t spent a dime on it, so it probably isn’t difficult.
    Adina, Fletcher_ and HisLittleMami like this.
  3. It’s annoying me that people are saying it’s possible if you “jUsT sTaRtEd A mOnTh AgO” cause I’m STILL playing single city and I’m only doing level 21 now, after literal months of playing (playing since the last crossover). Each room took over a week to upgrade to get to level 20. There’s like 6 main buildings in witch arcana and you have to upgrade them the same way, time based. It’s LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE without spending, and a pretty penny at that. And that’s just thinking about the time aspect of it, not the fact that level 15 takes 3mil wood so I’m sure level 20 will take 100mil+ wood, but your resource cap is like 200k so if you’re overcap it gets stolen. Like I’m telling y’all, it’s not as simple as jUsT pLaYiNg lmao
  4. Gh 20 takes 18.8mil wood
  5. The time and wood requirements build up FAST. Level
    how much time for each building from 18>19? How much time for GH 19>20?
  6. Gh 18>19 is 13.2mil wood and 19 days
  7. It is difficult honestly, it's like 3hrs for a gather and you get 1200 (+6 500 tokens) for each wood lvl 3 node. With the time, it's going to be hard to unlock higher resource nodes (lvl 4+) and get enough resources to level up all other 5 buildings need to lvl up the great hall
  8. Yeah, so 19 days for one level. But then another 10-15 day per other building, there goes your month and a half just trying to get from level 18 to 19, let alone all the other time required for the levels before that. It’s not possible. They should lower it to GH15 like they did with single city.

    this also isn’t to mention the other requirements like the fact that you need a level 35 core hero to upgrade your resident building to lv 15, which requires concentration research which takes over a week to do and a ton of gold. There’s other hurdles in the way that will absolutely stop you from getting to GH20, but that’s if the time factor wasnt already an issue lol
  9. You know what what make the rewards better and might encourage people to work harder to get them? A Professor Darran Balam avi
    Julcyfruit, MizzRedd, Adore and 9 others like this.
  10. The whole crossover is bull 💩
    FeFe and WildflowerWay like this.
  11. When the in game rewards are food and not wood/gold 💀
  12. That we’re not getting a chance at a Balam avi is rude as heckie tbqh
    FeFe, Romero, Adore and 13 others like this.
  13. This is so true 😂
    Ro, Sionin, PercyVale and 1 other person like this.
  14. Yes, I 100% agree, however Professor Darran Balam should be an avatar we can get
    Adore, Ro, WildflowerWay and 6 others like this.
  15. THIS

  16. fr coz he’s fitting as a last tier avi considering he’s an epic hero and the only one in the game rn. vivienne is acceptable because of the design. agon is a weird choice lol
    MizzRedd, Adore, Ro and 6 others like this.
  17. Y
    Ou can actually reach gh15 within 15days
    HisLittleMami likes this.
  18. Rewards still haven’t been sent out?! 🫠
    Kennadi and Quixotic like this.

  19. 🥲
  20. Yea they really should lower the requirements cause it is literally impossible without spending money.
    Adore, PercyVale and Astrid like this.