Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Beans, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Quinn's just opened a portal to another dimension! Totally on purpose!

    Experience student life at the Wakehollow Academy of Arcana! Join a club and party with other freshman magicians until the catsiths come home. But don't be late with your elementalism class assignments…the professor's a real demon!

    Step through Quinn's portal and get ready for a truly bewitching student exchange program!

    PLEASE NOTE: The Witch Arcana Crossover will be ending on May 11th at 1pm PST! Get that final Great Hall progress in now, as this is your last chance to earn these Exclusive Rewards!

    UPDATE 4

    We come bearing good news!
    For players that are participating in the Witch Arcana - PIMD Crossover, the Great Hall (GH) requirements have now been lowered:

    Old GH Requirement --> New GH Requirement

    GH 20 --> GH 18
    GH 19 --> GH 17
    GH 17 --> GH 16

    If you don't see the updated version of the Crossover Event Story Quest, please clear tech tree in Witch Arcana by going to Extra's Menu and scroll to the bottom and tap "Clear Tech Tree".

    Please also make sure the quest is progressed in Witch Arcana by tapping continue on your quests, and the next time rewards go out you'll get the correct ones 😉

    For folks that have already reached GH20, please shoot a DM over to ATA-Jordan on the Witch Arcana Discord server and he'll help you out! Don't worry your earlier efforts were not in vain and we'll help yah out!
    Here's an invite if you aren't already in their discord

    Thanks all and keep it Witchy!
    ATA - Will



    Do you want to earn some amazing, never-seen-before super exclusive rewards? Well then download our latest game, Witch Arcana!


    1. Signing into and making sure you have the same ATA ID registered to both your PIMD and Witch Arcana.

    You MUST have a ATA ID connected to both PIMD and Witch Arcana to earn rewards. Make sure it's the exact same ATA ID!
    See image below!

    2. Make sure you upgrade your Great Hall in WA to at least level 2.

    3. After fulfilling the first two steps, you should see a Story Quest appear mentioning a Crossover Event. Accept it and continue progressing your Great Hall level to earn more rewards in PIMD!

    Make sure that each time you progress your Great Hall you tap Continue on the Story Quest in Witch Arcana, so that the progress tracks! Rewards will be sent starting at 1:30pm PST March 17, 2023, and then every 2 hours based on the last Story Quest Level you completed.

    See images below




    Where can I download Witch Arcana?
    Here are some quick links to get you started!


    I already have a Witch Arcana account – can I use that for this event?
    Yes! You will not need to make a new account to be eligible for rewards. You will be granted rewards (once the appropriate requirements are met) retroactively. Nobody is getting left out!

    How do I start a new account if I already have one?
    To disconnect your old account and start a new account, please send in a report ticket to the Witch Arcana support team and they’ll start you off with a new account!

    Tap on the bottom left corner (upward pointing arrow icon), then tap on "Extras", then "Submit Report". Choose a category and type out your message and tap on "Submit". They will reach out to you via in-game mail!

    Do I need an ATA ID to participate?
    Absolutely! Yes! A thousand times, yes! Be sure both your Witch Arcana and PIMD accounts are connected with the same ATA ID.

    How long do we have to earn these singularly cool rewards?
    This event officially begins on March 16th, 2023 at 2PM PST and will end on May 11th, 2023 at 1PM PST.

    I reached [insert Great Hall level here] – why aren’t my rewards in my PIMD account yet?!
    First, make sure your Witch Arcana and PIMD accounts are connected with the same ATA ID. That’s how we’ll know which PIMD account to give rewards to!

    Next, make sure your Great Hall is at least Level 2 so you would have been able to start the Witch Arcana Crossover quest.

    If all that is good and still no rewards, make sure you have completed the Story quest and have seen the dialogue in the latest stage of your Crossover story quest.

    Finally, it is important to remember that these rewards will be going out at set intervals. We will be distributing rewards every TWO HOURS starting gradually at 1:30pm PST March 17th! If you haven't logged into PIMD in two hours, you will receive your rewards the next time rewards are being given out (every two hours) 🙌!

    #1 [ATA]Beans, Mar 1, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2023
    Nakia, bubbly, StonedWaifu and 30 others like this.
  2. No professor darran balam? I was so hoping for an avi of him
  3. Love this🥹 said that it looks like it'll be just as hard as single city
  4. This may be my favourite of the cross over events 😍
  5. Oh nice
  6. Thats barely enough time to reach lv 15
    Enyo, Arita91, KillerGhost and 29 others like this.
  7. This is cute
  8. So pumped! This looks so great 💚
    PercyVale likes this.
  9. So we have to wait 2 hours for the rewards?
  10. AHHHH!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💕💞
    SarahTee and PercyVale like this.
  11. Lvl 15+ is hard as hell. Since woods ans coins is hard to get
  12. Love this, especially Vivienne avi 🥹
    Gh lvl17, here I go~ (or at least I’ll try lol)
    xXreiaXx, iDobby and Kukki like this.
  13. Lvl 15 be impossible, let alone lvl 20. And 4 crates for lvl 19/20, I mean…
  14. Great rewards ❤️
    Lumi likes this.
  15. 15+ be crazy ngl
  16. What do you need for 15?
    xXreiaXx and AkiraNes like this.
  18. Time to rob ppl's wood supply 👩🏻‍🦼 /j
    FeFe, Mooni, AkiraNes and 6 others like this.
  19. This will cost literally $1k+ to get to level 20 by may 11. Y’all made it impossible yet again. Better lower the tiers like you did with single city :/
    DP, jack13890, KillerGhost and 42 others like this.