[CONTEST] As Sweet As Chocolate

Discussion in 'Contests' started by strawberry, Mar 8, 2023.

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  1. [​IMG]
    A popular sweet treat and a yummy gift for any occasion, chocolate has been a symbol of love and happiness for centuries. It also has many healthy qualities, being a source of antioxidants, and improving heart health and brain function.
    The theme is simply
    We invite you to share your love for chocolate by using it as a theme and/or ingredient and getting creative.


    The piece you submit can be:
    • Art: drawn by hand or digital, using chocolate as a theme. You can also use chocolate to draw something.
    • Food: bake or cook using chocolate (milk, dark, white, vegan, any is allowed) as a main ingredient.
    • DIY: you can use any materials to craft something, as long as the final piece either resembles chocolate or fits the theme otherwise.
    For all pieces include a “during the process” photo as well as a “complete” photo, to prove you’re the creator.

    For all pieces include your ign in the photos either on a piece of paper or on the actual artwork

    All entries must be appropriate and follow ToU rules.


    Winners will be chosen based on the creativity, aesthetic, and authenticity of their submissions.

    Crates will be sent by @QUINN

    Crates will be sent by @Jaws

    Crate will be sent by @Jaws

    The rest of the judges (@Doofus, @Mark, @Leigh, @Floofie, @Azari, @Atlas) will also pick a favourite entry which will receive 1 MOD crate from them.


    If you have any questions regarding the contest's rules, reach out to @strawberry


    The final date for submissions is
    22/03 12:00 PM PST.
    Winners are going to be announced on
    29/03 12:00 PM PST.


    Detailed instructions can be found in this thread by GodTierOni.

    Download Imgur.
    Pick your image to post.
    Hold down onto the image until a bar pops up.
    Press the Copy Post Link button.
    Press the landscape button.
    Paste your link and press “Insert”.

    Me after I find the chocolate I hid from myself.
    #1 strawberry, Mar 8, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2023
    GoddessHailey, Blair, Haeven and 27 others like this.
  2. 🤩🤩🤩
    strawberry likes this.
  3. Definitely gonna participate 😆
    strawberry likes this.
  4. All the best b🧡🫶🏼
    strawberry likes this.
  5. I have a question 🙋🏻‍♀️ could I post a cake I made like using chocolate things as deco and frosting? Or does the whole thing need to be just chocolate?
  6. As long as chocolate is part of the ingredients, it should be good ☺️ Please note that you'd have to post "during the process" photo as well, to prove that you're the masterpiece creator.🤩
    Can't wait to see!!
    Elizamoon likes this.
    strawberry likes this.
  8. Good luck all, can’t wait to see the entries 😍
    cringebaby, Diabla- and strawberry like this.
  9. Good luck everyone, can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!🤩
    cringebaby, Diabla- and strawberry like this.
  10. Ooooh good luck everyone! Looking forward to seeing the entries! 🍫🍫
    cringebaby, Diabla- and strawberry like this.
  11. Good luck to all! 🙆🏻 Excited to see those yummy entries.
    cringebaby, Diabla- and strawberry like this.
  12. Chocolate 🍫 lovers!!!❤️ excited to get creative 💖
    cringebaby likes this.
  13. [​IMG]

    [Hope I linked it right]

    How about some double chocolate chip brownies?!! 🤤😋 All the steps are on the post, but will post here as well!

    1 gather ingredients

    2 mix eggs, sugar, vanilla, butter

    3 add cocoa powder, flour, baking powder, salt & combine

    4 add prefered choco chips (I chose milk chocolate and sea salt caramel)

    5 spoon into preferred nonstick pan

    6 bake to perfection, cool completely, then sprinkle some powdered sugar & enjoy!
  14. make sure the link has a .jpg/png etc at the end and it should show if unsure feel free to post the link and we can try to fix it for you ☺️
  15. [​IMG]

    Okay finally got it lol..

    Step 1: collect ingredients

    Step 2: combine butter, sugar, vanilla, and eggs until smooth

    Step 3: add flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt and combine

    Step 4: add choco chips of choice (I chose milk chocolate and sea salt caramel)

    Step 5: scoop by the spoonful into preferred nonstick pan

    Step 6: bake to perfection, cool completely, then sprinkle some powdered sugar and enjoy!
  16. [​IMG]

    Okay finally got it lol..

    Step 1: collect ingredients

    Step 2: combine butter, sugar, vanilla, and eggs until smooth

    Step 3: add flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt and combine

    Step 4: add choco chips of choice (I chose milk chocolate and sea salt caramel)

    Step 5: scoop by the spoonful into preferred nonstick pan

    Step 6: bake to perfection, cool completely, then sprinkle some powdered sugar and enjoy!
  17. This is gunna make me so hungry! Good luck everyone!
    Heaven, strawberry and Leigh like this.
  18. Chocolate Chibis

    MIHO, AshsKoneko, Arya and 29 others like this.
  19. "Love as sweet as chocolate" ~ Some cute yummy choco art with milk chocolate and white chocolate ❤️🤎🍫

    Heather--A, Baher, Mesha and 38 others like this.
  20. Chocolate lava cakes 💕
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