EVENT Make a Killing! 🔪

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Mar 2, 2023.

  1. Idk how I feel about this but the current mollys item do be cute af
    KraftDinner likes this.
  2. oh hell no❤️
    Nezy, FaeRae, Dune and 1 other person like this.
  3. Okay kill bill by sza
  4. Love it! Its rare, but i think it all looks great. But sadly the wrong starts for me
    Hades likes this.
  5. Another spy hunt?! What’s the obsession?!
  6. It was Voodoo Mama Juju!
  7. Is the lady in the bottom right the side story avi?
  8. Okay that’s a pretty wall. I can mix and match that with other dorms
  9. Hell nah 🔥🔥🔥🔥
    Puma, ForeveR-DanK, weeping and 2 others like this.
  10. Why is it 3 weeks long?? 😭
  11. Y’all need to do a hunt based off a court of thrones and roses 👀 I’d be ALL over that
  12. Narcos who?😏
  13. Not bad ata
    StrongDreamer likes this.
  14. 🤦‍♀️ don't like this hunt .we need a st Patrick's one smh
  15. The garbage men are calling.🔥🔥🔥🔥🚮
  16. Y’all had such a bad St Patrick’s Day hunt last year you just decided screw it let’s not have one this year? In favor of ANOTHER bloody/murder style hunt?

    In my opinion, absolutely yikes. What a wrong, misguided decision. This hunt could’ve and should’ve been 1 week long

    Sorry to anyone Irish or Irish heritage out there. Sorry to any of the redheads who wanted a group of Avis they could choose from that might look like them.

    This baffles me
  17. ATA said fuck Saint Patrick Day