Parties of the Day

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Cosplay Please (pro)
    Otaku R Us
    QL: @Estrella
    GoddessHailey, KitCat04 and Ch like this.
  2. Katelyness92 and Ch like this.
  3. DDes testing anime expo (delayed bc of kini oops)
    Katelyness92 likes this.
  4. Salvaguardia will test Factory Art
  5. RKS Pro @ Royal Fam
    QL: @-Eve-
    GoddessHailey, Ch and KitCat04 like this.
  6. Fwp test at penthouse
  7. Nevermind it's being checked
  8. Club: Moonscape
    Testing: Hype Machine
    QL: @SnuggleBun
  9. FA101 Pro at The Fireside
    Ql: @SideHoe
    GoddessHailey and Ch like this.
  10. Checking NHB at -Black Orchid-
  11. No drops Counter Culture @Fairytales
  12. No drops for Skyhigh @PinkSpace
    PeAcE-KeEpEr likes this.
  13. i just realized im testing an old potd 😵‍💫 sorry! ):
  14. Occult will test Afternoon Delight PRO
    GoddessHailey, Katelyness92 and Ch like this.
  15. Drops confirmed - thank you!
  16. No drops from Prank Pro at AN

    Jpop Pro at AN
    Katelyness92 and GoddessHailey like this.