Hailey's Returned!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Muschi, Feb 1, 2023.

  1. Hi, I'm back and hopefully for good now. It's been basically 7 months since I've actively played PIMD. For better or for worse. Life is good on my end, just got busy and this got moved to the bottom of my priority list.

    Working on getting caught up. What'd I miss? Game-wise, community-wise, etc... glad to be back and hope to see familiar faces. ❤️ Catch me up!

    (Also am buying missing spinner sets, hunt stat items, and hunt boxes to help me get caught up lol. I missed so much...)
    Nerd, Seriously, Day and 1 other person like this.
  2. Fuck all happened tbh. Ata puts out new bb sets way more often now tho
    Muschi likes this.
  3. Muschi! Good to see you 💖

    I'm pretty out of the loop, just came back briefly during the last hunt
    Muschi likes this.
  4. Welcome back, Hailey!

    As someone who was pretty much inactive most of last year as well, feel free to take my post with a grain of salt, but I don’t think I noticed too many changes. One thing that did surprise me was shard boxes coming out more often(and in back-to back hunts apparently). I’m sure you noticed trends such as 4f/2m monthly avis being maintained and that invite parties every other hunt was occurring for a few months(though that’s somewhat typical in the later months of the year due to holidays anyways). Agreed with Dino on bb sets: People complain that bb sets come out too quickly for people to keep up.
    Lite and Muschi like this.
  5. I did notice we also have new noob avis and a new basic dorm look
  6. New batch of mods, 2 new starter furniture sets, new mod and dev items in crates. Lotsa new shards came and went. Shiny new web store with a rewards system. Pimd's 12th bday. New help ticket system that's largely automated. Things move quick around here jeez

    And yes, bb sets galore. Impossible to finish any items before new ones come out unless you like going to bbbs every week
    Lite and Muschi like this.
  7. Glad to see you’re doing well. We’ve welcomed some new mods recently, and there’s of course a ton of content you’ve missed. That’s all I can think of tbh.
    Croatia and Muschi like this.
  8. Gotta keep those big spenders entertained I guess 😩
    Lite and Atlas like this.
  9. Wyatt ^_^
    TheSagittarian likes this.
  10. You misssed me.
  11. Welcome back baby. As said above, there’s been a few things you’ve missed. Ar least you’ll be here for V-Day and Easter!!
    Muschi likes this.
  12. Yes!!! I made sure to pop in for a bit during Black Friday too, but I got busy and couldn't stick around for that whole hunt!
    Seriously likes this.
  13. Well, well, well, you're back, my friend,
    After seven months, your absence did extend.
    Life got busy, and your priorities had to shift,
    But now you're here, and that's a gift.

    You ask what you've missed, well, let me see,
    There have been changes, but I'll keep it brief.
    Familiar faces are still around,
    And new ones too, that can be found.

    But what's important is that you're here,
    To play and socialize with those you hold dear.
    So welcome back, and let's catch you up!

    MayaTheHopeful and Seriously like this.
  14. You to late shes gone agsin
    Atlas likes this.
  15. I was thinking about you the other day 😂
  16. Waiting for the day MysteryJackson returns
  17. The best never return.
  18. She went offline again?