[Contest] Write in the Name of Love

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Azari, Dec 20, 2022.

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  1. [​IMG]

    ♡Write in the Name of Love♡

    Valentine's day is quickly approaching and what better way to celebrate than with a contest! This won't just be any kind of contest, however, this time around we are calling all writers up to the stand. I want to see your creativity come to life with your short stories and one-shots. Check down below to get a feel for the rules and themes! Happy Writing!!


    ❥No plagiarism! You will be disqualified. I will be checking every single story so don’t even try it, buddy.
    ❥Nothing too graphic!! Sometimes alluding to an act is even better than describing it. Keep this Pg-13! If it would get you silenced don’t post it.
    ❥I want at least 3 solid paragraphs! More is better, less, not so much.
    ❥Grammar is important but I’m far more excited about the plots. Fanfics are allowed but make sure to credit source material!

    ♡Theme and Scoring♡

    The themes are simple:
    ღGive me romance, the cheesier the better!
    ღGive me horror, if a bloody valentine is what you want to write about, then do it!
    ღGive me a horrific romance, for anyone wanting to go in the direction of Joe Goldberg from You!
    ღThe choice is yours!!! I just want to read and enjoy it!

    Now for how we will be scoring!

    ღCreativity will be the most important aspect of this story! We want to see your imagination go wild! (In an appropriate way of course)

    ღThe structure of your story will be important too. This means a good beginning, and if you have an end, a strong end. I say "if" because even Stephen King likes to leave open endings sometimes.

    ღSticking to the topic!! This is a must, it can be cheesy or it can be scary, but it must be about some kind of love! This is a valentines contest after all.

    ღFeels! This is probably one of the tougher things to judge but the best thing about works of fiction is how they move you. Make us feel something!

    ღGrammar and Length. These are last simply because they are not as important, though they are important in their own right. I mentioned previously that there must be at least 3 paragraphs, beyond that, however, the length is what you want it to be. I do highly suggest that if your work is going to be quite long, put it in a spoiler. If you are not sure how, ask me! Grammar is last simply because I am a fanfiction reader and that means I am very used to poor grammar in stories. This means it is entirely possible that a story could do very well that doesn't have the best grammar but has a fantastic plot and is amazing in every other way.

    ღBelow is the rubric my judges will use for scoring your lovely stories!


    ❥1st place will receive 3 mod crates
    ❥2nd place will receive 2 mod crates
    ❥Last but never least, each mod will choose one favorite and they will receive 1 mod crate

    ♡Judges & Deadline♡

    ღFebruary 14th @11:59pm est. ღ


    A reminder that this is a story contest, not a poetry contest. That means if your submission is structured and flows like a poem, it will be disqualified.
    Tiva, Julia1762, Bonjing and 27 others like this.
  2. Good luck everyone ✍️🎉
  3. Good luck, Can't wait to read 🤓📖📚
  4. Wishing everyone the best of luck and love over valentines and in the contest💚
  5. Babe wake up, a new contest just dropped
  6. Love this! Good luck everyone🖤
    Viora, Fumika and Azari like this.
  7. Think I'm gonna try this time. English is my second language, so grammar being not so important encourages me to try.
  8. Where do we post the stories to? Here or elsewhere?
    BloodyKisses and Azari like this.
  9. how do we post stories?
  10. You’ll post them here in the comments 💚
    Muschi, BloodyKisses, Haeven and 2 others like this.
  11. Excited to see what y’all can come up with!
    Croatia, Fumika and Azari like this.
  12. Ty for including more kinds of art! Excited to get my pens out 🙇‍♂️💙
    InkdMedusa and Azari like this.
  13. This story is aimed toward a simpler/younger audience and it is about finding a reason to love and connecting with one another ♥️

    The Girl and The Creature

    There was once a little girl who loved other people.
    She heard her heart beat louder when she spoke with others.
    She heard her heart jump in excitement as she laughed with others.
    She felt her heart thump with sadness as she grieved with others.
    With these feelings, she thought she could conquer the world.

    Then that little girl turned into a little teen.

    She liked being with people, most of the times.
    She liked hearing her heart beat when she got a call from a friend.
    She liked hearing her heart jump in excitement when she watched her favourite show on TV.
    She liked feeling her heart thump when...
    That was weird.

    Her heart didn’t thump anymore.

    Soon, the little teen turned older.
    She felt she had to be with people, sometimes.
    She heard her heart beat when she texted her friends.
    She heard her heart jump when...
    That was weird.

    She couldn’t hear her heart jump anymore.

    Soon, she turned into a beautiful, young woman.
    She couldn’t tell whether she wanted to be with other people.
    She couldn’t even hear her heart beat loud anymore.
    She had nowhere to go.

    Could she now conquer the world, all on her own?

    Where would she go when she would become tired of herself?
    She couldn’t hear her heart feel anything anymore.
    She cried out, “I think my heart is broken, I feel nothing but emptiness”
    And her voice just echoed back at her in the emptiness she felt within.

    Soon, she became an elder.
    She had not a smile on her face to end her day, but a scowl.
    She wondered why there was no one by her side.
    No one to take care of her, to love her, to be with her, and most of all, to make her heart feel.

    But one day, while she was strolling in a nearby park, she met a small creature.
    She carefully held it in her arms, she took a close look at it.

    And she smiled.

    She brought the creature home, she took care of it.
    She taught the creature to love.
    She taught the creature to cry, laugh, and enjoy.
    She taught the creature to feel.

    And she was happy.

    She too could once again feel her heart beat, jump, and thump louder than ever before.

    Was this because she had found a purpose?
    Or simply because she no longer wanted to be detached from the world?
    Perhaps, all she needed was a reminder to belong all along.
    And the courage to reach out to another.

    Whichever it was, she had a feeling in her heart that she could once again conquer the world in its entirety.

    And she would never let this feeling go.

  14. Question: Can this be a poem as well?
  15. Also, does it have to be a story, per se, or does it just have to be about love?
  16. It has to be a story this time and yes it does have to be on the topic of love.
    Rainie likes this.
  17. is there a word limit?
    Muschi and Azari like this.
  18. If you mean does it have to be a certain length that’s 3 paragraphs. If you mean what’s the max about of words then whatever the word limit is on forums. Just keep in mind if it’ll be long it’ll be best to make it as a spoiler!
    Muschi and Viora like this.
  19. (It’s a little long but not too long. Will take a few minutes to read 💖)
    My Monster


    3 months ago…

    I woke up with my heart pounding. The air in my room was off and I could feel his burning gaze. I’m not sure what drew my eyes to the shadowed corner of my room but deep in the shadows I saw him.

    My parents never made fun of me for seeing monsters in the dark when I was younger. I felt a bit ridiculous I was still seeing them at 20 years old but now I know he’s real. I have no idea what he looks like or who he is but my mind races every time we meet like this. I stopped trying to get up and see him years ago yet my curiously burned, as it always did.

    “Go back to sleep little doe.”

    A voice of smoke and sin in the dark. My monster. God, I’m losing my mind again.

    He’s been with me for years. Watching. The first time I heard his voice I was 15. That was the night after my parents vanished and I was told to move in with Uncle Alexander. I had no answers for what happened to my parents, other than they were believed to be dead. I had to move my entire life from New Jersey to New York and settle into his mansion and life. The past 5 years have been hard but they’re easier with him.

    I closed my eyes again, comforted in the presence of my monster, and drifted back to sleep. I should be scared but I wasn’t. Not of him.

    Part one

    Present day…

    Uncle Alex had prepared a small debutante ball. In this world it was common for girls to have their deb balls at 16 but for me, a ginormous ‘HAPPY 21ST’ spelled out in balloons. I’d finally caved and let him throw me the ball he’d asked to set up on my sixteenth and eighteenth birthdays. Supposedly significant years in every woman’s life, yet my life had remained stagnant since that day 6 years ago. My birthday was always marked by their death.

    I promised myself today would be better. I would wake up and do something for myself. I would no longer be an introverted child and would become the woman my mom would want me to be. Strong, confident and unyielding to anyone.

    I stepped up to the mirror and pulled the blood red sweetheart lined dress I’d picked to come out of my shell. It was a new color for me. Far too bold. Perfect for the woman I was aiming to become. A small tear welled in my eye wishing my mother could see me. I imagined her helping pin my hazelnut curls and put my accessories on, with pride in her eyes, as I did so myself. I don’t need anyone. I am alone but I am strong.

    I stepped to the top of the spiral staircase and looked down at the huge crowd of party goers. I know no one here. Did my uncle invite the entire city? I hope not. I may be ready to take the plunge but the unknown scared me. It invited threats into my quiet life.

    “I can do this. I can.” I quietly remind myself before descending the stairs.

    My uncle pulled me into a hug, “I’m so proud of you.”

    “Thanks Alex. Thank you for everything.”

    “I have a quick meeting to attend but I’ll be right back. They will announce your arrival as soon as you tap the door.”

    I took a deep breath and rapped my knuckle on the door softly. The dark stained oak doors opened to a sea of opulent guests. Everyone was dressed to impress in their finest gowns and snazziest suits. The shine from the chandeliers shown just a bright as the glittering jewels on the bodies of the richest in New York.

    As I stood at the top of the stairs, the room quieted and everyone set their eyes on me. I hate being the center of attention yet I held my head as high as I could while the announcer let out in a booming voice, “Ali Marie Mancini.”

    As soon as he said it, I felt that burning gaze. The one I’d always felt in my room at night. I tried to search him out with my eyes but I couldn’t pin point him in the crowd. My eyes drifted to one of the pillars. The side facing the wall was dark near a sconce I knew had gone out sometime last summer. Seems Uncle Alex never got around to replacing it.

    I would bet my entire inheritance he was hiding in that dark space. My monster thrived in the dark.

    I hurried down the steps and was immediately caught up in pleasantries with people I’d only seen in passing for the last 6 years.

    “How are you Ali?”

    “Nice to see you out.”

    “How wonderful of your Uncle to throw such a beautiful party.”

    On and on as I tried to chat or thank them quickly to get to the shadows before he escaped me again.

    I finally made it! I can still feel his burning stare but he isn’t here. I wander closer to the wall and look out the window to see a cherry red butt of a cigarette. He’s watching. Waiting.

    My breathes quicken as I run out the door about 10 feet away to try and catch him. As I get outside I see him rounding the side of the house. I quicken my pace to catch up.


    He pushed me against the wall. One hand on the backside of my head as if he wanted to protect it from hitting the wall, the other around my throat. One tree trunk of a leg was in between both of mine.

    My eyes traveled from the muscular chest in front of me. Up, up, up. Sage. Those eyes were the color of the forest. I fell into them hard. As soon as I unglued my eyes from his, I processed the rest of his handsome face. Chin length black hair, rough stubble along a sharp jaw, a luscious mouth set in a small smirk that popped his lower lip out slightly. I couldn’t breathe, I can’t.

    “Breathe little doe,” smoke and sin.

    God he was beautiful. His pearly white teeth and mocha colored skin begged me to touch it. I hesitated if only for a moment to control myself, unable to respond.

    When I found my voice I asked him the only question burning through my mind, “You’re my monster aren’t you?”

    A deep rumble of a laugh as he replied, “You don’t even know what kind of monster I am little doe, but you’ll see soon enough.”

    I was confused. Unsure of how to respond to that. Before I could decide his mouth slammed into mine and I melted. He tasted of whiskey, honey and smoke. The scent of some spicy aftershave ticked my nose. As his tongue twined with mine I wished I could make this moment last forever.

    He kissed me with the kind of passion I believed only existed in books I loved to read while secluded from the world. I now knew it was the only thing I craved in life more than those adventures written between pages.

    He released me all too soon. I blinked at him as he said, “We will be meeting again very very soon little doe.” He left with the kind of smirk on his face I had only seen on men while they played poker with my uncle. The kind that implied they were smug and self assured in the hand they were playing.

    I returned to the party with a small smile on my own lips.

    Part 2

    Later that night, as everyone was leaving, Uncle Alex asked me to step into his office.

    “Ali I have something important to discuss with you,” he said in a solemn voice.

    That’s weird. He only uses that tone with me when I get lost in my books, resulting in us being late when we have somewhere to be.

    I step in behind him and ask, “Is everything alright?”

    “No but you are the key to making it better Ali.”

    “I don’t understand,” I replied, still confused.

    “As you know you had your debutante ball tonight,” I wrinkled my forehead at him, “I have been made an offer for your hand that I would be a fool to refuse.”

    Wait. What? An offer for my hand? Is this the 1800’s? My mind is racing with all the possibilities. I knew this was going to be a huge step for me but I’m not ready to get married! I’d just had my first kiss tonight for fricks sake!

    Thinking about it made butterflies swarm my belly and I replied, “I can’t. I’m in love.”

    Uncle Alex stared at me, the expression of boredom over my claim made my heart clench. He’s never looked at me like he didn’t care how I felt.

    “Well I’m sorry to your little book boyfriends, but you can’t run to them when real life matters are at stake. I’m sorry Ali. I’ve already signed the contract.”

    “A CONTRACT?!?” I heaved. This has got to be a joke. There’s no way my uncle who took me in and cared for me, made me breakfast every day, and showered me in the love he said I deserved to be shown, would've signed my life away to a stranger. Alex was the closest thing I had to a father in my current life.

    “It’s a matter of business. You will go with him and you will behave. You may pack a suitcase for now and I’ll have the rest of your things delivered this week.”

    I stood there gaping. My mouth open like a fish, trying to find something to say. I was falling into a pit inside my mind. How could he do this to me? I have tried to be my best. To be a good child for him. I didn’t meddle in his business. I kept to myself and didn’t bother anyone. I even offered to get a job, many times over the last 3 years, to pay him back for having to raise me since I couldn’t access my inheritance until I’m 25. He had declined. He’d told me to do what makes my heart happy and he would pay for it. I hid in my books. Writing and reading at all hours of the day. I didn’t deserve this!

    His best friend and body guard, Ross, joined us as I was still trying to wrap my head around what he’d just told me.

    “See her to her room and make sure she gets some things packed for the next few days. He’ll be expecting her in the next few hours. I’ll text you the address. You will take her.”

    He came and grabbed my face, kissing my forehead gently.

    “You’ll be okay. I need this for the business and you are my golden ticket Ali. This will work out for both of us. Okay?”

    I simply nodded and turned to walk away. I had nothing to say. I seethed at the thought of being thrown into another strangers home. My life imploding on itself again.

    Part 3

    Ross dropped me off at a huge building downtown. I looked up at the skyscraper trying to go through my memories. The stunning ‘B’ character on the front of building scratching a part of my mind I couldn’t seem to reach.

    We walked in. I was wary but straightened my back to walk to the elevator. Never show them your weaknesses was ingrained in my mind. My father always reminding me when I was young.

    Ross met with a man I’d never seen. They exchanged a few hushed words and the man handed over a set of keys. I had been looking around at the men stationed around different parts of the lobby, committing their faces to memory, when Ross motioned for me to come to him and then turned to a separate elevator on the opposite side of the lobby. He entered the key into the slot and turned it to call the elevator. That’s weird. This guy must have a lot of money to require a separate elevator that is key activated.

    As we stepped in I noticed there was only one button. ‘Pent’ written in fancy scrawl underneath. Well, I guess that answers that question.

    Ross turned to me and handed me the key saying in his gruff way, “I was instructed to leave you once the elevator has arrived.”

    I hugged him briefly, “Thank you for dropping me off.”

    He huffed in response. A man of few words but he’d always been kind to me. I would miss him.

    The elevator dinged.

    I stepped out of the carriage and took a deep breath. I have no idea what to expect but I’m nervous. Steeling my spine, I walked to the only door on the floor and held my hand up to knock. I froze.

    Part 4

    The door swung open.

    Sage. That’s all I thought before his smoky voice washed over me.

    “Welcome home.”


    “I told you I would be seeing you again very soon little doe. I warned you,” he chuckled lightly as if he couldn’t believe I was here. I couldn’t either.

    “You? You’re the one who bought me like I was a piece of property?” Liquid fury burned through my entire being.

    “Of course I did little doe. You’ve been mine for a long time.”

    I’m not a horse or a piece of clothing he could just make an offer for! What the fuck is this? He may be hotter than sin but no man has the right to buy a woman. Absolutely not.

    I smiled sweetly at him, “I belong to myself alone until I decide to give myself to another. That person won’t be you.”

    He smiled.

    It was hard to control my pounding heart. He had dimples. Two small indents that I most certainly did NOT want to lick. I needed him to stop that or I would lose the battle I was waging for my independence inside my head. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to run to him or as far from him as I possibly could. I did not need any more complications. I’m a woman. Not a piece of meat to be sent to slaughter and bought by whoever decided I was a fine enough piece for dinner.

    “You haven’t even told me your name.” He stared at me so long I started to think he wouldn’t reply.

    “Nicolas. Nicolas Bilotti.”

    Part 5

    I set my suitcase in his room. His room. I didn’t get my own even though I knew there had to be more than one bedroom in the penthouse.

    He’d declared I’d be sleeping in his bed as soon as he shut the door behind me. We needed to talk about him being a controlling prick. Soon. I refused to stir the pot for the time being. As long as my mouth cooperated it would be easy to keep up appearances until I could find a way out.

    I went to the kitchen and stopped, almost salivating, at the sight of him cooking dinner. He’d taken off his shirt and his back muscles rippled with movement every time he chopped or stirred.

    “Are you just going to stare at me or would you like to sit while this finishes?” Asshole.

    “What’s with the whole medieval buying women with contracts thing?” Real smooth Ali. Way to not stir the pot.

    “Your uncle was looking for a business deal. He was offered one and agreed but when I found out his price was you,” he sent a pointed look, “I decided to step in an offer him a better deal with the same terms.”

    “What is the deal?” The curiosity continued to eat at me. In the six years I’d lived with my uncle, he’d refused to speak about what he did for work. I had my own theories but I’ve never gotten an answer. He kept everything under lock and key and I had been trying to make life easier on him by never prying.

    “I can’t tell you.” Typical. Men are so annoying. Lucky for me I brought men with me. The perfect, heroic and handsome paperback kind.

    “Because I’m a woman?” I bristled.

    “It’s for your safety Ali.” He countered.

    In those five small words he seemed to convey that he cared about me. He wanted to protect me. It was strange seeing as we’d just met and he BOUGHT me. I felt myself thaw towards him a little and I hated it.

    I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I need to keep a cold heart.

    “Why do you care what happens to me? You’re either crazy or obsessed with me. Why?” I demand.

    “I’ve been looking out for you since I was eighteen years old. I have dedicated years to looking after you. You don’t know the things I’ve saved you from and I will never tell you many of them. You may call me obsessed or crazy. Hell, you’d probably be right, but I have protected you and claimed you for years. I will not have that challenged. It is in writing and there is no escape now, little doe. You are mine. Forever.” He replied in a low growl.

    A strange way to profess one’s love. Im entirely taken aback but my hopeless romantic heart gives a painful squeeze in my chest.

    There he is.

    The monster that eats the other monsters.

    My monster.
  20. Mara

    "Good morning, my lady. Happy 6th month." I greeted my lovely girl, Mara.

    She's the only one I have. That's why I love her the most. Everything heavy is now at ease with her. "Greetings, my man. Happy 6th month." Her voice is the sweetest, her smile, everything about her. "Are you excited to meet my family, my love?" I asked her, looking at her face, she's nervous. She nodded and smiled a bit. "I'll be honest, love. I'm kinda nervous, but I'll do anything for you." She hugged me.

    As we go closer to the cemetery, she's getting more nervous, as it is written in her face. Cemetery? Yes, my family wasn't alive anymore. They died 6 months ago. I introduced Mara to my mom and dad, "Mom, Dad, this is my girl, Mara..." I talked about her, and tell our stories to my mom and dad.

    In the middle of our conversation, someone patted my shoulder. "Hi, are you okay? Are you talking to your late parents?" Then, I nodded. "Yes, I'm introducing my girlfriend to them." The girl looked confused. "Who's 'girl'?" I pointed to Mara, but she's still confused. "I see no one. But I recognise you, you're the schizophrenic patient I saw."
    "By the way, I'm Mara, assistant psychology of your doctor. You're Xin, right?"

    By @Xiena

    [It's about a guy who's having very active imagination because of the stress he received after his parents passing. ]
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